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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisajxoxo

  1. Hello! Did any of you have your surgery at Good Samaritan Hospital in San Jose with Dr. Zare? Just curious. Hope you're all doing well!
  2. Hello!!! The month is over so we're all sleeved and happy (hopefully)! How is everyone doing? I'm just over 3 weeks out from surgery and feeling GREAT! My energy levels are up, I'm not struggling as much with getting my Water in and I've found a few options for Protein that I like. I've been back at work for a week and a half now and it's getting easier each day. I have ZERO and I really mean ZERO hunger which is such a strange feeling but I love it! Hope you're all doing well!
  3. These mood swings are really driving me crazy ... literally! LOL!

  4. I've been sleeved for over a month now and am growing more and more frustrated with my Primary Care Physician. It's obvious to me that he has NO IDEA what VSG is, in fact he always assumes either that I had Gastric Bypass or that all symptoms and problems are the same. For example, I've been having spikes in my blood glucose levels (not a diabetic but I have a meter and have been testing regularly because I knew something wasn't right). My doc tried to tell me it was "dumping syndrome" and I had to argue with him just to get some simple tests done. Frustrating. Does anyone else feel like they need to educate their doc or did you all just find a new primary care doc that knows about VSG? p.s. he also would not give me a prescription for a PPI.
  5. I'll ask my surgeon for a referral, that's a great idea! Thanks!
  6. I took one sip of the Orange flavor and refuse to ever try them again. Ohhhh not good (to me anyway). Everyone's tastes are different though, I'd suggest only buying one so you can try it and see for yourself!
  7. I love my sleeve! :)

  8. lisajxoxo

    The smell and the aftertaste!

    In my opinion, there are a couple tricks ... 1) keep trying different things until you find the least offensive one 2) once you find one that is tolerable keep drinking it, because it WILL get easier or maybe we do just get used to it. 3) in the beginning I mixed my shakes in a Water bottle with a small opening because it masks the smell a bit. 4) my favorite powder right now is actually a mixture of 2 different ones put together. It gives me a lot of Protein with a decent taste. Just don't give up, keep trying things until you find the one for you! Good Luck and you can do it!
  9. My weight loss is up to 29.8lbs. I'm super happy, don't get me wrong ...but I'm dying to say I've lost 30lbs!!! Scale hasn't moved in 2 days and I'm ok with that because I'm FINALLY noticing my clothes start to hang off of me but seriously? COME ON .2lbs BE GONE ALREADY!

  10. PdxMan, thank you for that! I love the whole "just keep trying" thing, it sort of puts a positive spin on this whole thing. It is about the journey and like you I'm going to JUST KEEP TRYING! Thanks for my motivation today! :smile1:
  11. lisajxoxo

    Almost 4 months post-op

    I love reading posts like this! You have such a wonderful list of positive changes in your life. I've never doubted that I did the right thing, but when I read posts like this it just re-confirms that I probably made the best decision of my life. Thanks for sharing and I wish you continued success!!!
  12. lisajxoxo

    My date was changed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The time will go by sooooooooo fast! So excited for you!
  13. lisajxoxo


    I went to my skin care doc (ok, let's be real I was getting botox) and the doc actually asked me if I was in ketosis because he said he could smell it! I freaked out and thought I had bad breath or something but he swore it wasn't bad just a smell he recognized as ketosis. Kind of cool!
  14. The best advice I can give you: #1 don't watch TV, the food commercials are pure torture!! #2 for me it got easier after day 3 or 4 ... hang in there!!!!
  15. lisajxoxo

    Surgery is tomorrow... YIKESSSSSSSSSSS

    I wish you the very best of luck!!! Just added you as a friend. Feel free to ask me any questions you want. I'm no expert but I had surgery a month ago so I've just recently been through it. You're going to be soooooo happy you did this!
  16. lisajxoxo

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Hello, I'm bumping this up again because it's such a great list. I'm slowly adding everyone! I'm: lisajxoxo
  17. Feeling extra sad today ... my hormones must be going wild. I just want to go home, hide under my blankets and cry. :(

  18. I'm so sorry! i'm sure you will be successful no matter which route you go. Best of luck to you!
  19. OMGosh, what a story. Hoping you feel even better very soon.
  20. I don't understand much about how insurance companies work but I have UHC and it was covered under my plan. I just had to be over a certain BMI (which i was). Maybe the insurance is different for different employers? Did you call and talk to them just to be sure? I'd hate for you to miss out on something you really want.
  21. lisajxoxo

    October Sleevies - Check in!

    @5McK, That's so great that people are noticing your loss! @Pixie Jen what a great NSV! I feel like the only place I've lost weigh is in my ... ummm ... chest. Hopefully I'll start noticing it in other places soon!
  22. Awwwwwww!!! I love that. Congratulations! The vest looks great!
  23. lisajxoxo

    So a few pics finally . . .

    Yes the sleeve sure does work and so have you! You look awesome! Congrats on your success!
  24. lisajxoxo

    Weight Gain

    I'm a daily weigh-er (I know, bad, slap my hand) but I recently had a day where I gained a pound and then the next day I lost 2. I think it all evens out. With the number of calories we're taking in we're bound to loose weight. Don't let it stress you out! Keep doing the right things and you will be fine!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
