I'm worried about the legth of my insurance coverage. I currently have Tricare Prime due to my husband being in the Army. I'm in the process of researching a bariatric surgeon in Birmingham, Al. My worries are that my husband will be etsing in April of "13 and i'm worried about being able to find an insurance company that I can do my fills through after having the surgery for LB done through my current insurance. My goal (Fingers crossed) is to have everything done (Meet with doc, sem., surgery) wihtin the next 2-3 months. My friend has the same insurance and has gone to the same doctor i'm thinking about going to and was able to have everything completed in a matter of a month. I guess with all that being said, what im worried about is it worth getting banded with only 6 months left of insurance? The plan after he gets out is to inroll in Tricare South. Are fills necessary after the first year?