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Posts posted by RGW

  1. Hi Phatgurl80,

    Congratulations, I'm glad your procedure went well. Dr. Garcia and company are awesome. Wendy was also one of my nurses. I loved them all. Sorry about all the IV sticks. That intestinal gas will go away when your diet changes on week 2. The clear liquid thing sucks by about day 5. Make sure your blood sugar doesn't get too low. The Gatorade should fix that. The gas pain you experienced in the hospital is from the carbon dioxide that they use to inflate your abdomen during the procedure. The only cure for that is walking.

    Go easy on the "Real" food. I've found that many of the foods I loved before are now hard to tolerate. On week 3, I did well with thin deli meat and cottage cheese. I haven't pureed anything. I am 6 weeks out now, and I can eat most anything in small amounts, as long as I take my time and chew it well. Your stomach will let you know when it's full. It's pretty uncomfortable if you over eat, so eat slowly and listen to your stomach. When you start feeling discomfort in your stomach, stop eating. Trust me, it's not pleasant if you over do it. You'll be surprised at how little you need to feel full. I find that my brain tells me I need to eat more than my stomach can hold. When I feel full, I stop eating, and within a few minutes, I feel satisfied. A little brain override...He he.

    The cravings have started going away for me now. There is still a mental factor that kind of sucks. Last night I wanted a huge slab of lasagne and a double "Quarter Pounder with cheese" and fries. I still haven't totally figured out how to curb these cravings. Hopefully it will be easier for you.

    I am 5 1/2 weeks out, and I have lost 51 pounds. I feel great. There is a little bit of lingering nausea, which has been annoying, but overall, I have NO complaints. I'm just glad the weight is finally coming off. I sincerely hope your experience is as good or better than mine. I wish you much success.

    Hello everyone!

    So, today is 7 days since my surgery and I'm back at work as of today. I'm feeling pretty good, other than some lingering gas and some sorness from the wounds. I went to my PCP on Monday for a non-related issue and she looked at the incisions and gave a thumbs up and a smile. They are healing great. And overall I feel, well, pretty normal. I am having a bit of trouble getting all my fluids in. And decided that Gatorade or Powerade is the best for me for the time being. Drinking only Water left me feeling pretty weak but the Gatorade/Powerade has the necessary electrolites.

    The Doc has me on Clear liquids for one week, full liquids for week 2, and then week 3 I can try to start testing out normal foods. He said there is no real need for me to puree everything in week 3. He actually advised that I try out all sorts of foods so see what I can tolerate.

    My overall experience w/ Dr. Garcia and his staff was an A+. Right down to the nurse (who didn't speak english). Wendy and I got very good at playing charades lol. My only gripe was that apparently my veins are hard to find so I got STUCK like 8 times in attempts to put in an I.V. After the surgery, i was allowed to walk within about 2 hours because the gas was TERRIBLE. Honestly, that was the hardes part of this whole thing. And there's really nothign you can do about it. I brought Gas-X strips per the information I gathered on this forum, but was quickly slapped on the wrist when the nurse saw that i was taking them. The Dr. said that teh gas I was feeling was coming from outside the stomach and the strips only affected gas inside the stomach. By Sunday, the day i flew home, the gas was so much better.

    The hotel we were at was marvelous and even had a night club downstairs that I peaked into.

    Another Dr. came to the hotel to visit me and to answer all the questions I have and they emailed me Post Op diet along w/ a website in which we can communicate comments on their service or general questions.

    Again, I feel pretty good overall and I dont' know if I would have needed an entire 3 weeks off work lol. I think I would have gotten antsy sitting at home for that long.

    Oh, and my wonderful fiance somehow got them to allow him to take a picture of the part of the stomach that was taken out, plus he took a crap load of pics at my worst hour lol. He even talked the Dr. into getting a copy of the surgery video. I'll email them to anyone who's curious! lol

  2. Hey RGW, I'm sooooo glad I found this forum because I've been looking for someone that knows about Dr. Garcia. I'm having surgery with him on Sept. 27th at Hospital MI Doctor. I've been looking into the Dr Garcia and the hospital but I could not find very much. So how is everything going? If you don't mind could you tell me your weight pre op? I'm trying to get an idea of how things will be with me. Thanks

    Hi Brandnew2011,

    I had surgery on the 15th of Aug. I was 345# going in. I was 308# yesterday morning. Dr. Garcia was great. All of the docs, nurses and hospital staff were awesome. I have had very little pain since my first post-op day. The pain was never intolerable. The physical hunger is gone, but there is still a mental factor that is very annoying. It's getting better. I don't crave foods as much as I did a couple of weeks ago. food commercials don't bother me now. It's definitely worth it. There is not a lot of info on Dr. Garcia, but he did a fine job for me. I'm very satisfied. From the time I landed in San Diego, I didn't have to worry about anything. It's all taken care of. All you have to do is focus on your surgery. Ricardo is the courier. He will take you wherever you need to be. No worries.

    I hope your procedure goes as well as mine did, and I hope you have much success. Feel free to contact me with any questions.

  3. Thanks so much for the comments! Thank you RGW! After much thought and prayer I decided to go with Dr. Garcia. Having six kids in various grades in school I just couldn't reschedule without some major problems. I feel good about my decision & so I am going with it. My Mom & I are doing the surgery together & my father is coming with us. My Mom feels good about what we decided as well. KellyL-- my coordinator is Christi & she has been very apologetic & more than willing to help re-schedule with Dr. Kelly if I had decided to go that way, also offering me a medical reason for the change in plane ticket. Apparently the hospital has a calandar when Dr.'s are on & when they are gone. There was some sort of mix up with that. Once again thanks for the comments!

    I'm glad you've come to terms with your decision. I certainly don't want you to base your decision on my experience; although I am very satisfied to this point. Good luck. I sincerely hope things go well for you and your mother. I hope your experience is as positive as mine has been.

  4. I have read several posts concerning surgery with Dr. Fernando Garcia in Tijuana. I had a "lap sleeve gastrectomy" on the 15th of Aug. with Dr. Garcia, and he did an outstanding job for me. The whole experience for me was well above my greatest expectations. Based on my personal experience, I would encourage anyone to see Dr. Garcia. I spoke with other patients while I was in the hospital, and they all related similar experiences. Dr. Garcia was not the only one that impressed me. All of the Drs including Dr. Velazco (Gastro) Dr. Cabreira (Anesth), Dr. Romero (Gastro), all of the nurses, and all of the ancillary staff were incredible. I'm 14 days out and I've lost 26 pounds. I feel better than I have in a long time. My only regret is that I didn't do this last year.

  5. I was scheduled to have my VSG with Dr. Kelly on October 24 but my coordinator just called and said he has meetings that week & will be unable to do it. I have already purchased my plane tickets & made arrangements for my kids--so the coordinator gave me the option of using Dr. Garcia. Does anyone know anything about this Dr? I did a lot of research before I choose Dr. Kelly but so far I cannot find many with experience with Dr. Garcia. I am just trying to decided if I stick with Dr. Kelly (what I am leaning toward right now) and change my ticket no matter the cost or go with Dr. Garcia? Any comments would help. Thanks!!

    Hello mommy2six, I had a vertical sleeve gastrectomy on the 15th of August with Dr. Garcia. Up to now, I don't have anything negative to say about my experience in Tijuana. Dr. Garcia did a wonderful job, as did Dr. Cabreira (Anesth), Dr. Velazco (Gastro), Dr. Romero (Gastro), all of the nurses, and all of the ancillary staff. The other patients who had surgery that day related similar experiences as well. The hospital is small, and the staff are extremely personable and competent. I was treated with dignity and respect from the time I arrived. Ricardo will pick you up at the airport, and he will instantly become your best friend. The only thing I found difficult was a slight language barrier within the hospital, but there was always someone nearby that spoke fluent English. The Hotel Ticuan is very nice. I was very comfortable, I am 12 days post-op and I have lost 24 pounds. I feel like a million bucks, and I am very much looking forward to the next few months, as the weight continues to pour off. Based on my personal experience in Tijuana, I would encourage anyone who is considering a "sleeve" with Dr. Garcia to do it. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Good luck with your decision. I hope this post was helpful.

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