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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by faithmd

  1. faithmd

    Gone wacky again?

    I haven't had these problems, but I *am* getting tired of LBT slowing down every day during the daytime to a crawl. It is much slower than I noticed it has been since I've been lurking and posting around here (since about October '06).
  2. Chicago or Dallas are good choices. In Texas I'd also say Austin would be a good choice. I'd much prefer Chi-town to St. Louis (think of the shopping in Chicago as well as Navy Pier and the Sears and Hancock Towers for something for kids to do in case you made it a family vacation). Orlando isn't bad, kids could go to Disney or Universal, but if you didn't want to deal with that, then it would be hard to be in Orlando and NOT go. If Cali were the choice, I'd rather go to San Fran. For Southern CA, what about Palm Springs? It's really close to Joshua Tree, great for a good hike! The only thing is how crazeeee expensive gas is in CA, and I can't seem to stop myself from renting a car when I travel-except in Chi-town. There's no way I could go to Vegas, the buffets would be soooooo tempting! (Never mind the gambling!)
  3. faithmd

    Oil Question

    Kacee, you posted my FAVORITE dipping spices! Those are THE BEST! They are wonderful! And I love to mix Balsamic vinegar and EVOO like Laura suggested.
  4. faithmd

    Sleep Apnea

    The Tiara mask is also good for a side sleeper. My husband tried the Swift and though it was a nice mask, it just didn't work for his neck positions. There's soooo many options out there.
  5. faithmd

    May 2007 Banders

    CRAP! Okay, crap about the band, but crap because none of my posts showed up, that's why there are three that say almost the same thing. I kept getting a "page cannot be displayed." I would reresh and go back to the end of the thread to check, nope, no post there, so I'd post again! Dadgumbit! Three of the same thing...Sorry! Thanks for the info, SElaine. Maybe others will chime in, too. I mean, I'm soooooo close to June (which is supposedly when it will be released to the masses), I'd really much rather have the AP if I can. Guess I had best get on the horn to Inamed.
  6. faithmd


    Oooooo, that posted! Woohoo!!!
  7. faithmd


    I can't post, aaaahhhhh!
  8. faithmd

    May 2007 Banders

    To all those who have gotten or are getting the AP band this month, where are you all located? In the US? If so, how are your doctors getting the band? I get banded the 31st and would much rather have the AP.
  9. faithmd

    May 2007 Banders

    To everyone who is getting the AP band, where are you guys located? In the US? If so, how did your doctors get the AP band?
  10. faithmd

    May 2007 Banders

    May I ask where you are at, Elaine?
  11. faithmd


    I was just posting the same thing in the Change thread in R&R. Oh man, if Alex took your suggestion about getting rid of New Posts, I'm gonna be veddddy unhappy. I don't think I can navigate this site without clicking New Posts. I'm crippled here! LOL I noticed the last time I was online the site was giving me a message saying there was work being done and it would be down for 15 minutes or so. I checked back for a lot longer than that and got the same message. I'm guessing he was doing lots of stuff and perhaps it just hasn't been fixed completely yet? Maybe?
  12. faithmd


    Anyone else unable to see the New Posts? I click on it and it just tells me this page cannot be displayed.
  13. faithmd

    Sleep Apnea

    I think the OP was trying to say been using a BiPAP for...
  14. Really, come on now folks, what would be so bad about having a way to choose if you want R&R to show in your New Posts or not? Sheesh! Turning off New posts and Top 5 (I don't think I even knew there was a Top 5-I like to look at a lot more than 5 threads) is not a solution, giving us an option to view it or not is much more "fair." Sorry, my lack of sleep is making it hard for me to write what I'm thinking.
  15. faithmd

    Band talk lingo

    Here's the link to a near must-read forum for newbies, its a great place for reference material: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=73 And in that forum, you'll find a thread that has the various abbreviations and what they mean: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=7959 Welcome!!!
  16. faithmd

    Heparin Question???

    Oh sure, you and I may be able to give it without it hurting, but with my luck I'll get the nursing student doing her first med-surg rotation and giving her first injection on anything other than an orange... And no, I can't give it to myself...I would soooo be hosed if I ended up with IDDM.
  17. faithmd

    May 2007 Banders

    Welcome, welcome, Manatee!!! This is a great thread! We are here to support one another, all for one and one for all in this game.
  18. faithmd

    Feet size

    I hope mine shrink, too. Here's a cool poll about this topic: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=31804&highlight=shoe
  19. faithmd

    Heparin Question???

    Pain is one of the very big reasons I REFUSE to give birth...
  20. faithmd

    Primary Care Dr. Problem

    Change doctors. No, really, change doctors. That's the only way you'll get somewhere. You can try to take the research in to him and convince hom why you want it and need this tool, but if he is truly set, he won't change his mind.
  21. faithmd

    Heparin Question???

    I'm in for one night, and I'm in medicine myself. I know the theory behind the heparin, but I cannot be convinced that the data is out there about heparin for two shots making a difference if I'm wearing the SCD's (the inflating stockings) and getting up and walking. But that's just me, I balk at a lot of things unless you can show me the data to prove it. It's just not there for a procedure that in probably half of the cases is now performed as an outpatient. Now if they could give me the heparin while I'm still under anesthesia for my night shot the first night, then I *might* be okay with getting one in the morning before I go home. The longer you are in a hospital, the higher your clot risk, that's a know fact, so if I were a bypass patient and were to be in for three days I wouldn't have such an issue. I guess I need to go find the data.
  22. faithmd

    Is it too much to ask?

    Laurend, you have GOT to pitch a fit! Think about it this way, if you don't see them until the 1st, you'll still be delayed because of the new insurance (which BTW, have you spoken with your new ins company and gotten it in writing that they cover the band?), so what if they delay you for putting your foot down? You're going to be delayed either way. And if that office truly operates in a way that doesn't care about what their patient's are going through, then you might want to consider looking elsewhere. I chose to go with a much less lapband experienced surgeon than the first one I chose for that very reason, her office practices were somewhat shady and deceptive to me. She's placed TONS of bands and is a HIGHLY respected band surgeon, but they make you use their docs for all your pre-op stuff (and that costs big bucks out of pocket) and they also don't tell you about the astronomical mandatory "support" group fee that is also out of pocket. Didn't even tell us in the information session, and when I brought it up because I read about it on OH, it was glossed over very quickly. Anyhoos, I met with the surgeon I'm going to go with and asked him some very pointed questions about his technique and experience and I was very satisfied with his responses. Other than how long it takes at the office everytime I'm there, I really can't complain about the staff, they're accomodating and kind and knowledgeable and have bent over backwards trying to help me with my approval (which I got). Something to consider.
  23. faithmd

    Another New Skin

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE move the advert back to the right! I had no loss of icons and didn't have to scroll with the first two "new" skins, either. Now that this is "the one" it's mussed up for me. grrrrr. And doggone you, Laurend!
  24. faithmd

    Heparin Question???

    I just found out at my class today that we will be getting heparin SQ post-op while we are in the hospital (only one night for me). Or rather, they *think* I'll be getting SQ heparin. Not on your life. I don't do needles. It'll be bad enough having the IV.
  25. faithmd

    May 2007 Banders

    I think that's exactly the problem with the instructions from some surgeons out there, it's geared to RNY patients and not us bandsters. We are not at all the same creature and it makes me crazy when they try to treat us like we are. Though I do understand the slower progression in the diet for us because we DO NOT want to have the stomach moving and twisting around in there trying to digest, that will put us at a high risk for slippage. The stomach has to form scar tissue around the band in the back of the stomach where it can't be sutured, and everytime the stomach contracts trying to digest something solid that is one less chance for it to heal. RNY patients have totally new stomachs and have no need to form scar tissue to hold anything in place, their new system is sutured together. Granted they don't want to stress it too much and develop a leak, but they don't have to rely on scars to seat the band. And that takes a lot longer than a couple of days.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
