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About scottiff

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  1. My dr said vitamin water zero was ok. I actually feel better since starting to drink it because it has a little extra vitamins and electrolytes
  2. scottiff

    Going Back To Square One!

    I don't know for sure what the right answer is but my dr and nutritionist stress protein. 20-25g per meal and a 30g shake every day. 3 bites of protein to1 bite of anything else. Depending what's in your salad you probably aren't getting enough protein or calories everyday. Cause if you don't consume enough calories your body will store everything you eat because it thinks you are starving it.
  3. I am 4 days post op and overall feel pretty good. No pain. My problem is I am only getting 20-30 ounces in. It is mainly protein shakes and everything is either room temperature or warm cause my sleeve doesn't like cold. I just don't want to have to go back to hospital for fluids.
  4. scottiff

    I'm sleeved. :-)

    Ok I'm 4 days post op and feel pretty good. Sleeping a lot. Not taking any pain meds don't need them. However I am having difficulty getting my liquids in. I'm only getting 20-30 ounces a day. I am drinking mainly protein shakes cause I know I need protein. Any suggestions. I'm still not doing cold cause my sleeve doesnt like cold yet.
  5. Overall I feel pretty good. However I am having a real problem getting liquids in. I'm 4 days out from surgery and still only getting between 20-30 ounces in. I'm trying to drink mainly protein shakes, but when the gasses (I guess that's what it is) come back up its very uncomfortable. Is this normal? Any suggestions.

  6. scottiff

    I'm sleeved. :-)

    Michelle - no "trouble" with warm liquids. Started out with ice chips and after a few hours my sleeve decided it didn't like those anymore. I started to dry heave, I didn't actually throw up but it was very uncomfortable so I switched to warm tea. So warm is better than cold for me right now anyways. Everyone - thank you so much for the well wishes. I feel really good except my back hurts I think either from the gas or the bed. More likely the bed and laying in it after surgery. I've been up walking around and standing in my room for the past 6-7 hours. But keep in mind I had a bad back coming into the hospital so backaches are nothing new for me. Just received my dose of nightly medication, blood thinner, shot for my back and allergy (Claritin) medication. Hoping to get some rest now that all of my company has gone home. I was told hospital has visiting hours but as it turns out my husband could have stayed overnight with me but we didn't plan for it so I sent him home. I'm comfortable that if I need something I can get up and get around to do whatever I need or get the nurse. So for me so far (knock on wood) this has been a very easy surgery. Just a note my incisions are really black and blue but they aren't painful.
  7. I'm sleeved! I am still in the hospital. I arrived at 6:15am this morning the nurses for me ready spoke with the dr and anesthesiologist. Then got wheeled back at 7:30 for surgery. Woke up about 930 real groggy but no real pain. So far just some discomfort but not too bad. I did have a loratab a few hours ago and I think it's wearing off but will probably wait till visiting hours are over and take another then so I can hopefully sleep tonight. I go home tomorrow around noon so they say. Right now I can get up and walk around, use the restroom etc. and just in case this is kinda all over the place I did mention I was on pain medication right. :-) will update again after I get home.
  8. scottiff

    Banana Babes

    I'm sleeved! I am still in the hospital. I arrived at 6:15am this morning the nurses for me ready spoke with the dr and anesthesiologist. Then got wheeled back at 7:30 for surgery. Woke up about 930 real groggy but no real pain. So far just some discomfort but not too bad. I did have a loratab a few hours ago and I think it's wearing off but will probably wait till visiting hours are over and take another then so I can hopefully sleep tonight. I go home tomorrow around noon so they say. Right now I can get up and walk around, use the restroom etc. and just in case this is kinda all over the place I did mention I was on pain medication right. :-) will update again after I get home. Good luck everyone.
  9. my doctor wants at least 90 grams of protein every day and it isn't really possible to do that with three meals a day. He wants 3 meals with 3oz of meat (protein) and at least one supplement to meet the 90g and for men he recommends 110g.
  10. Rhonda - my doctor said that in the beginning we can handle scrambled eggs, but for some reason people don't handle scrambled eggs well. Any other type of egg is fine but something about scrambled doesnt always agree with our new tummies
  11. scottiff

    Banana Babes

    I have already bought unflavored isolate whey protein to add to clear liquids. I need to go to gnc and get Oh yeah protein shakes they have 32g of protein and they have like 4 flavors. Dr said at least 90-100g of protein and that the protein helps to keep you from having sagging skin, so I'm going to do my best to make sure I get lots of protein. They also said either one night in the hospital or go home say day as surgery it depends on your insurance. I know I would much rather be at home recovering then in the hospital with people poking and proding all night long.
  12. scottiff

    401K hardship withdrawl?

    Now the 401K plan is asking for a letter from dr stating the surgery is medically necessary. Ugh they are driving me crazy.
  13. scottiff

    Banana Babes

    I'm super excited. Only 4 more days. Dr. says I will probably only be in the hospital overnight so I don't think I'm going to bring anything other than my phone (and charger) with me. Can't wait to be on the losers bench Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  14. I haven't had surgery yet. But the papers my dr gave me are also clear liquids the first 24 hours then straight into soft mushy food as you can handle it. If you can't handle it go back to liquid.
  15. I am wanting to take a hardship withdrawl from my 401k, but they are asking for basically the bill after surgery. As you all know we have to pay upfront, is there a way around this?

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