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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by aj_sweets

  1. aj_sweets

    Excess mucus/sliming

    Ive been having the same issue lately too... its been going on for about a month and a half... heading to the doc tomorrow.. hoping that its nothing serious... really hoping that a bit of an unfill helps relieve some of the sliming issues...
  2. Im also having a difficult time figuring out if Im too restricted... Im to a point of being almost fearful to eat at all... and ready to call the doctor to get a bit taken out of my band....and then I put on some jeans I haven't worn in 5 or 6 years, and they fit, so I think okay, maybe this is how its supposed to be...I mean I signed on for a lifestyle change right? Just a few bites (maybe 3-4) and Im done, I can't get anything else to go down, and Im in the bathroom with PB's. I have completely eliminated bread and pretty much all stretch just because it won't go down, or stay down... but all crunch fruits and veggies are the same way too... so maybe I just need a tiny bit taken out....Ive never had to listen to my body as much as I do now...lol!
  3. aj_sweets


    I noticed that this hasn't been updated in awhile.... How's it going?
  4. aj_sweets

    Pant Sizes

    I'm 5'6" and when I started out I was 267, and in a 20...pretending I was in an 18 (like it was really any better,lol)... I'm now at 236, and in a 16 or 18 depending on the cut and where I bought the jeans... I cannot wait to be able to shop in ANY store!!!
  5. aj_sweets


    Thanks guys:) I went back to a liquid diet, and today I seem to be feeling a little better... heres hoping Im on the mend:)
  6. aj_sweets


    Hi, I got my last fill February 14th, Im at 5 1/2 cc. I was doing mostly fine until yesterday, I ate half of a 6 in. Subway flatbread, and felt sick afterwards, and for the first time actually threw up...(Ive had that slime thing a couple of times before this incident) Anyway, I equated it to having a cold all week and in general being sick... but today I can't keep anything down, even water feels like its not settling well... am I just sick, or is my band tightening? can throwing up cause swelling? Im just super confused...
  7. It's totally normal, they fill your tummy with air and the pressure you feel now is gas trying to reabsorb into your body so it can be expelled... Soooo uncomfortable!! But it WILL get better soon!
  8. Hi! I had my surgery on August 26th, Im one week into the liquid diet, and I feel like I was completely unprepared for the emotional consequences of these first two weeks. I remember thinking... 2 weeks all liquids... no big deal, I love protein shakes...now? I would give just about anything to chew on something anything!! Ive been doing the ice chip thing, and it has helped quite a bit, but its just no substitute when the family is chowing down on enchiladas. For the first time Im feeling less confident about my decision... Did I make the right choice? I have shoulder pain(something agitating my diaphragm?) and I can't tell if my stomach is growling because it's truly hungry or if its upset... I feel like I should't whine about any of it because I signed up to do this... I made this choice. Is this normal?
  9. I feel your pain! Lol!! Im a week out and I just do not feel like myself!! The liquid diet is killin me!! I want to chew food....
  10. My Before & After Photos!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
