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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TAINABELLA21


    Sept 2011 bandsters

    I feel the same.. today i havent been able to keep anything down, i get stuck alot and have to throw it up. I can eat some foods fine and others are difficult. i cant keep down rice, beef or pork and have to wait a while after i eat to drink, if not it get stuck. Its so irritating. Is this common for others?

    Sept 2011 bandsters

    i feel the same, way i have no food restriction, i can eat everything, the only difference is the constant and irritating gas and occassional stuck feeling. I had my first fill and i dont feel any different. Is is possible to ger ur second fill early? I feel im sabotaging myself by gaining.
  3. hi kheira, just trying to find some support from bandsters locally in Miami

  4. hi maria, my name is jessica i was banded on 9/1 with dr. choi also, i was wondering how ur experience has been so far.

  5. Hi my name is Jessica , I got banded on 9/1/11, i was wondering how your band experience has beem since ur surgery 3 months ago?



    Hi, I was banded on the 1st and I totally know what ur feeling. The gas is kiling me. I use Beano and Gas X and it hasnt helped. Honestly walking around and my heating pad has helped. Good Luck

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