Hi All,
My name is Elena. I had my lap band put in 1.5years ago and i love the new lease on life it has given me. I am slowly losing the weight (16kg up to date) and i have gained a kilo since i started.
the lap band has helped me lose some weight and it has made me more confident and happy in life. I am now dating more and not using my weight as an excuse not to see someone.
I faced a lot of negativity when i told people about getting the lap band and i still do. I think its unfortunate because they dont understand what the band does for people. Most of the time its not an easy weight loss tool, its something that helps people fight diabetes, get healthier and happier and more confident with in themselves.
im no angel when i comes to my diet, im addicted to coke a cola and chips, but everyday im cutting more and more of it out of my diet and i couldnt be happier.
YAY for lap band!