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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by flowergirly

  1. flowergirly

    Dissappointed with Myself

    Really, if you have no fill yet there is no reason to beet yourself up! By now, you're healed and pretty much feeling like you did before surgery. You don't have any restriction so why wouldn't you go back to some old habits? I remember these exact feelings. Luckily, I had a friend to turn to who'd gone through it and she told me to not worry about it or watch the scale until I had a fill. It's not a reason to go and eat cake and ice cream but it is time to be nice to yourself and look forward to your future! You're only human and can only go so long depriving yourself on your own. You have the tool to help you and soon it will be put to great use in changing your life! Best of luck! Vickie
  2. That is so incredible! Great work and persistance on your part, congratulations! P.S. I like your dancing, happy smile people too!
  3. flowergirly

    Had to get an unfill today!

    I've never had a fill with it before. I had it done for the first time and we could see that my pouch was swollen so he did an unfill. My surgeon is in Mexico and go locally to a p.a. who does not offer it. I recently went back to my surgeon in Mexico and had it done. I think it really helps to get to that magical fill place because you can see the liquid going down and see if it is stopping along the way. If it is, for too long, then it's too tight.
  4. flowergirly

    Had to get an unfill today!

    Not a dumb question. Who knows if I even have it spelled correctly! It's fluoroscopy, which is when you swallow the barium drink and it shows up under x-ray. It's pretty neat watching it going down your esaphagus and ending in your stomache.
  5. Amen! You may need to get a little tighter fill to give you some stronger restraint. You have the tool, now put it to use and get back to your happier and healthier self!
  6. flowergirly

    Had to get an unfill today!

    Have you already had your port area scanned? Keep us posted on how that all goes. Good luck with everything!
  7. flowergirly

    Disgusted with Myself

    That's the beauty of this site, we've all been there and can sympathize! We all have our weaknesses and have to overcome them or at least remove ourselves from the environment. I through out a beautiful birthday cake this week because I was the only one eating it! I paid a fortune for it and it was divine but there was no need to sabatoge myself my keeping it in the house! You may just want to do the same thing with the icecream sandwiches. Hang in there and no that it really is a new day and looking back does you absolutely no good at all! Good luck and let us know how your day goes!
  8. flowergirly

    so hurt and upset;-(

    So are you still throwing up after getting it unfilled?
  9. flowergirly

    The earth moved slightly and so did the scale

    I just really dislike Debbie-Downers! I'm glad that you're regaining your strength (muscle too!) and getting back to burning a few calories while you're at it. Keep up the great work and don't let those negative comments sink in at all!
  10. flowergirly

    Had to get an unfill today!

    I'm so sorry! So you're not entirely empty? My P.A. would always go all or nothing. I'm not going to go with her anymore though because I'm really wanting to do things under fluro since I've had so many fills and unfills with her. I hate the guessing game and it's expensive too! Do you do your fills under fluroscopy? Have you had troubles with your port area in the past? What do you think is causing it? Can it get infected or just scar tissue? Sheesh, you've had a rough week!
  11. You had a slip? That is so sad! I'm sure that was so disappointing. I'm happy for you to be on the mend and at it again though. Best of luck to you!
  12. I know that writing down every little thing that I put in my mouth has been very effective for me in the past. I'm currently unfilled and will be for another 4 weeks. If I don't do something, like tracking, I fear I'll gain loads more! I need someone to be accountable to. I don't mean that we have to type everything that we've eaten on here each day, but rather how we felt about our days' success. If any of you are struggling with this, will you please join me? Seven days shouldn't be too painful to track! Any takers?
  13. Oh, sorry about the stuck episode! That's the worst and expensive too! I've done fairly well this week, but not as great today! I made the mistake of buying a big bag of Child's Play assorted candy for "the kids"! I haven't gone over my calories but get no dinner tonight because of it. I guess a calorie is a calorie so if I look at it that way, it's okay. I'm on a roll for exercising though. I'm sure my body is wondering what this foreign activity is all about! LOL! I hope your stomaches settles down nicely and that you have no more set backs. Have a great night!
  14. flowergirly


    I was on jury duty and it was really quiet in our deliberation room. The only thing anyone could hear was me and my stomache and throat girgeling noises! I had to come clean with my lapband because of all the looks I was getting! I just keep telling myself that nothing can compare to the way I felt about myself before and am now use to it. It's a good thing my husband is too because sometimes when I lay down at night, there's a real party going on in my stomache and he just sleeps right through all the noise!
  15. He was guilty! Did I see somewhere that you live in Utah? There's always skinny little babes down there! It is known for its' high level of plastic surgery! Who can compete with that?!!! I live in Idaho Falls and will actually be traveling to SLC from now on for my fills with a Dr. Muse with Fill Centers USA. Small old world!
  16. flowergirly

    Disgusted with Myself

    That is great about getting off your meds! RIght there is a huge cause to celebrate and worth the surgery. I was able to get off my blood pressure meds and it was a great day for me too! Keep up the great work and don't get too far away from this website, it's my new best friend!
  17. Also, I love Jimmy Johns's lettuce wrap sandwiches. I don't know if you have one close by but it's a great alternative to a sandwich. The veggie one is so good! I would have NEVER tried it on my own but I was on jury duty and we were going late into deliberation. We hadn't eaten since lunch and the court house said they'd buy us dinner from there because they deliver. I was clueless what to order from a sandwich place! I'd told the other jurors aobut my lapband because I was girlgeling like no other that day in my throat and it was super quiet in there! One lady suggested that i try it and it was devine! I think we all have to learn about bread the hard way! It's so good and WAS a staple in my life. There's nothing good that can come from it now though. Beware of trying to force food down that you know will come back up. That is why I'm unfilled right now! If you throw up very often, which I wasn't, it will swell up your pouch and you'll have to go through the expense and wait of getting it unfilled for a great amount ot time to get the swelling back down. This is why I will now be traveling 3 hours to a doctor who only fills under fluro instead of the physician's assistant that I have been seeing who is only an hour away! I never dreamt that I could enjoy a support group so much but I have loved this! It's hard to find people who you can relate to in our own immediate circles!
  18. Hey there, we have similiar stories. I got banded about the same time as you and have similiar results! I'm unfilled for 7 weeks and getting really tired of it! We'll get there, sister!

  19. I just started myfitnesspal this week and am loving it! I'll look for you on there too. The band is a great tool to help us gain some control but it really doesn't do much good until that dang restriction gets to where it needs to be! You're getting closer, don't give up! When is your next fill scheduled? Keep up the working out and once you get that magic fill, you'll be amazed at your results! I'm currently unfilled and will be for 7 weeks total, to allow my pouch to shrink back. It's been a very humbling experience for me and since this unfill, I have joined this forum. It's really helped me to realize that I need to stop trying to beat the system and just eat the grown up way. I'm 44 years old and have had the eating habits of a preschooler! Tracking my food intake on myfitness has really helped me this week to gain some control, although it has been birthday week at my house and you'll see small pieces of cake eaten Sun, Mon and Tuesday! That's an improvement though, because I would have had several pieces in the past and substitued cake for a meal! Our minds can be so mean! We talk ourselves into thinking that we're failures and not capable or deserving of success. So much of it is mind games and we have to prove ourselves wrong! Thousands of people have had success with the band and you will become one of them too! Feel free to email me anytime that you're feeling down and I'll give you a pep talk, I may need the same out of you sometime too! Get that next fill appointment scheduled and let me know how things are going! Good luck! Vickie a.k.a "flowergirly"
  20. So does this mean that I can delete the random Katyana that I'm waiting for a friend request for on myfitnesspal? That's funny! Who knew?!!
  21. I tried it again, will you see if you have another friend request? I didn't notice that there are 2 seperate places to click on and I didn't send a message with it the first time so I may not have completed it correctly. Who knows!??
  22. Hey there! I went under "find members" on there and typed in your username. I asked to be your friend then I think you can follow us from there. I'm brand spankin' new to this site so your guess is as good as mine! Welcome aboard and thanks for wanting to join us!
  23. Connie, I think I did it correctly this time. You'd think I were 90 years old at how dumb I am with technology at times! As you can see, there was still birthday cake in the house and I had a small piece. I'm not feeling too guilty about it because I've been much better about everything else and could have easily finished off the entire cake! Let me know if you still don't see my invite on there. Kitty, 80 days in a row of tracking? You're awesome! I'm beyond impressed. That's some great diligence there! P.S. My name is Vickie. All of these code names and real names are just adding bulk to my already over-bulked brain!
  24. Great, thanks for the info! I added both of you as my friends on there. I like this idea a lot. I changed the setting so that my friends can read it. Let's try this for the next couple of weeks and "spy" on each other in a good way! Kitty, believe me, no judging coming from me on your food choices! I have world's biggest sweet tooth! I had no idea this even existed. Hope, how fun to get your husband home soon! Where's he been? Is he in the military? I appreciate both of your support!
  25. I was 8 pounds away from my goal then made the mistake of eating corn on the cob! That was several months ago and it's been a battle trying to find that magic spot again. I finally went back to my surgeon in Mexico last month and had fluroscopy for the first time and he could see that my pouch was swollen so he unfilled me and told me to wait 7 weeks before getting my next fill. Long story, sort of short, I've gained back 20 pounds in the past 3 months! I gave away all my clothes so I pretty much rotate 2 pair of capri pants every other day. Not good, since it's getting chilly here! lol! With that being said, I would like to begin on Monday since tomorrow is my son's 18th birthday celebration with the grandparents coming over (his real b-day is Tuesday) and I'll get a little bit of cake and icecream too! Enjoy your weekend!

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