Hey there,
I know what you mean extactly-- I haven't had a similar situation, but I honestly was never thin even to have clothes to look at for inspiration. I was chubby my whole life with everyone telling me I'm fat and needed to loose weight, even when I got up to the point where I was just a little chubby.
It hurts to know that the one thing that showed you were thin are gone, but just remember that you will be that thin again once you get the lap band (or look at pictures of yourself when you were that weight or mybe look in store windows of what you want to wear when you get down to that weight)!
I was 246 lbs before I was banded and, within one month and one week of recieving the band, have lost 32.5 lbs without even trying. Self control gets so easy after you get it. I eat 1/3 of what I used to eat and I ate A LOT. An example Trust me, this lap band will work as long as you follow what your doctor says. Also, I have started this diet and maybe it'll work for you as well once you get passed the mushy food diet (Not that bad either). I have taken wheat completely out of my diet because (especially bread and pasta) expands in your stomach so you may be unable to get the rich protien that you need. Keep drinking milk, eating dairy, get protien and lots of water. Veggies are not mandatory so lots of meat and high-protien products and water. It has worked wonders for me! Maybe even start to know why you wait? You'll eat more now, but if you eat pasta and bread they are really bad for you. I loved pasta and don't miss it at all!
It takes months to get all the referals. It is a tough process, but worth it in the end.
Everyone is dfferent, but I garranty you will have success!
Trust me,