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LAP-BAND Patients
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About RicT

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/22/1954
  1. Happy 59th Birthday RicT!

  2. Happy 58th Birthday RicT!

  3. I was banded by Dr Carter on 4/07 and have lost 70 lbs. I was very satisfied with him and his staff. He is conservative with fills and brings you along slowly, which in hindsight, I believe to be a good thing.
  4. I was banded on 4/11, drank water only the first day, clear liquids the next 5 ( low-sodium chicken broth is nasty stuff) and now I can eat mushy stuff, I'm eating mostly soups that I put in the blender. I have only felt hungry once and quickly discovered that 8 oz of soup don't go well with a 6 oz stomach pouch.
  5. I was banded by Dr Carter on 4/11/07 and my Ins approval went fast with no problem. I filled out a form on Dr Carter's web-site and submitted it. About 2 weeks later my Ins called me (UHC-PPO) asked me a some questions and I was approved. I was amazed how fast and simple it all went after reading this forum and some of the jumping through hoops some folks have to do.
  6. RicT

    For Just Us Guys

    Hi all, Been lurking on this form for a couple of months, so I finally signed up and start posting. Banded on 4/11/07. Some of my details: I am 58, my weight the day I was banded 382. Diabetic having trouble controlling my blood sugar levels, sleep apnea and other aliments. Surgery went good, used Dr Robert Cater in Arlington, Tx, in at 6:00 am out at 10:00 am. When I woke up the gas pain was BAD, but dissipated by the next day and soreness on one of the many holes in my belly. First day, just water. Day 2 -5: Clear liquids, discovered that low-sodium chicken broth is nasty stuff just to drink, the regular kind tasted great. Day 6+: Soups, yogurt, etc. I'm feeling great, blood sugar is good I'm not feeling hungry or deprived. I feel a clear, calm focus on my weight loss. Life is Good!
  7. Anybody have any info on Dr Richard Carter in Arlington Tx?

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