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Posts posted by dmcgrew

  1. Thanks so much for your response ,I am doing better with the gas with the help of some gas pills.Having trouble sleeping ,I hate sleeping on my back . How long before you were able to sleep on your stomach or side comfortably.

    i had a hard time breathing deeply as well. felt like a sharp pain in my lung for the first couple of days. they ordered me an inhailer, and that helped. my gas came out as burps as well.

    keep walking alot and that will help with a fast recovery. congrats!

    oh and the feeling of having a hard time breathing was gone by day 4.

  2. just got sleeved on tuesday ,im home but feeking awful gas,and a little belly button discomfort,

    Hi everyone. I was sleeved on Wednesday and the surgeon released me to come home yesterday. He was hesitant about whether to have me stay an extra night, but when I said I'd rather go home, he was cool with that. I feel so much better at home than I did at the hospital, so it was definitely the right decision. I've been keeping up on my pain and nausea medications and that has helped.

    I did have some nausea problems in the hospital and threw up twice. Not that there was much of anything to throw up, but the heaving was very painful, and I'm still sore in some extra parts because of it. Overall the pain hasn't been bad. Except for the gas pain the first night. I was ok from the time I woke up from surgery (10:30am) until about 11pm - really was doing great. Then the gas pain started and it was awful. I couldn't sleep, so I was doing laps around the hospital at 4am. I managed to burp enough over the next few hours that I felt better. For some reason, my gas was all in the upper regions and wanted to come out as burps rather than farts.

    I'm finding that breathing deeply is a bit painful, but I think that is because of the throwing up. But if yawning is the most painful, I'll take it. Just means its time for another nap :)

    Oh, and I slept really well for a nap yesterday when I got home, another one in the evening, then slept great at night. So much better than in the hospital!

    Anyone else home from sleeves this week? How are you doing?

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