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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fluffyfae

  1. I am with u...It's now 3 weeks for me and all I ever think about is food...I never feel like I get enough and I am hungry....ok, so I have not had my first fill yet, so I hope this helps..... in the meantime I am so confused what to eat...how in the heck does anyone stand the taste of those disgusting Protein shakes? I love chicken, but one cannot live on chicken alone.... I want a real meal...help...what are u 3 week folks out there doing? I know this has got to get better.... and I find it impossible to get all the protein I am supposed to have... allergic to fish, so someone...help, I am discourage and need some advice and support...please..... btw...I am losing about 24 lbs, but so hungryyyyyyyyy
  2. Had my lapband surgery 19Aug2011 after contremplating for almost 2 years. I am a diabetic and have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and arthritis in my back. I have tried numerous things through-out the years to lose weight. Problem isn't losing the weight...it was always keeping it off. Face it, like us all, I love food. I still do. The day I came home from hospital, my spouse made mac n cheese and I literally cried. I was kicking myself thinking "what have I done". Well it's been a week. Today is my first follow-up and if my scale at home is correct, I dropped a good bit of weight already. Feeling much better about doing this. I NEVER feel hungry and have to remember to eat! Ok all - now here's the problem.... what are you all eating in the first few weeks to months? Thank God for eggs. These protein shakes suck, even when you try to disguise them with fruit. The protein soups also suck. What are some soft mushy foods that will allow protien and get me by the next few weeks??? I am alergic toall fish & shellfish - so theat's out..... HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!

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