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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tracies

  1. I had my lap band surgery 4 years ago and have gotten to my goal weight. It has become My way of life and can't imagine not having it. Now just recently I went in to get a Asophagram done and my doctor said my band has slipped and it had to be emptied... I was devastated! Now my problem is I don't have insurance. I have to sign up for a blue cross plan and want to know Which one will cover bareatric surgery, can anyone tell me if they have a blue cross plan that is self paid and not through an employer? What is s good blue cross plan?
  2. It has been 8 months now since I had my surgery, I have a 10/12 band and I'm at 6 cc's full. I feel after my last small fill I take just 1-2 bites of something and that's it I'm full. My problem is I'm wasting so much food and need to figure out how much of something I should be able to eat. I work in an office so packing lunch is hard, I bring a Lean Cuisine frozen meal and can only eat two bites, then I throw it away. Any suggestions on what to eat that I can portion out better, and how much is normal to eat at the stage I'm at?
  3. tracies


  4. I had my surgery August 5, 2011 and I have a 10cc band. Fills have been going o.k. until December/January when I had to have 1.5 taken out, couldn't keep anything down. In February I decided to get another fill because I was hungry and feeling like I was able to eat too much, I had .5 put in which put me at a total of 5.5. I just went and had another .3 put in on Saturday, and with just that little bit I'm feeling uncomfortable and can't seem to get solids down. Since Saturday I've only been able to eat Soup. Should I get the .3 removed, it's only been 3 days? Will this feeling go away after a few more days? I just don't know how to make the call when I'm too tight and should get a fill removed. I'm feeling frustrated because in the last few months I've been inching up with fills, then getting sick after I get just a little. Could I be at my limit at 5.5?
  5. I recently had my surgery on August 5, 2011 and I'm noticing that I still have chest pain everytime I cough, burp or hiccup...is this normal?
  6. Hello my name is Tracie and I have a question. I recently had my surgery done on August 5, 2011. Things have been going fine, but I 'm having pain int my chest when I cough, burp or hiccup...is this normal?

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