Heather, I just had my VSG surgery on Aug. 19. I'm 10 days out now. I was terrified before surgery (even though I'd already had lapband surgery almost 2 years ago) so I know how you feel. I was actually crying in the surgical holding area! I'm just a worrier.
You're going to be fine. After surgery you'll be asking yourself, "what was I so worried about". You'll just go to sleep and wake up in what seems like a few minutes and everything will be okay. Your pain will be controlled very well in the hospital. I can't honestly say that I was ever in "pain" just uncomfortable sometimes and that wasn't even bad. The first few days at home were a little challenging mostly because I was just so tired and had no energy. But things got better every day. I'm back at work today and other than some tenderness where my incisions are, I feel great.
Good luck to you and try not to worry (I know that's easier said that done). You'll do great!