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Everything posted by fluffylibra30

  1. fluffylibra30

    Xbox Kinect Exercising

    i play just dance and Zumba on the Wii and it is tons of fun and you dont even realize you are exercising. i put on my heart rate moniter and you can burn 300 calories really fast! You have to do something you enjoy if you want to keep on the exercise path. Also, i go to a college gym and there are unoccassional glances my way, but usually everyone is completely engrossed on their workout, they dont pay you any attention.
  2. fluffylibra30

    December sleevers!

    I got my Isopure at GNC, it's not cheap that's for sure. 5 bucks a 20oz glass bottle. But since we can only drink a little at a time that might last 2 days. You can buy the smaller on the go plastic bottles I saw them on amazon, I'm just waiting till after my surgery because they were still 30 something. If anyone finds them cheaper please let me know!
  3. I too have a trainer, she was awesome about it, i was scared to death and i didnt tell her till i was 4 months in to my 6 months requirement. She even knew my surgeon personally (small town WV LOL) and is talking to him about what i will need to eat, when i will be able to exercise, what kind of exercises i will need to do. Then she shocked the crap outta me and told me about surgeries that she herself had done done. the surgery is for oyu, ignore the haters!
  4. i want to run a mile. I used to love to run. i want to wear clothes from the regular size section i want to look sexy in a summer dress i want to be able to breathe will painting my toes/shaving/ tyeing my shoes i want my husband to be able to pick me up i want to wear a sexy bathing suit and look great in the pictures of family vaction. Also i want my daughter to not have a fat mom, want to be able to do fun stuff and not be too tired.
  5. what about sugar free popcicles? you could chew them up?
  6. You are beautiful! You cant even tell your hair is half gone, so you mustve had A LOT!! If you didnt post the before pic noone would know how thick your hair was! You look wonderful and congrats on your weight loss. My trainer told me some of the skin would tighten up after we started on a good cardio weight training program.
  7. YAY I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! We will be recovering together!!!
  8. I dont know if anyone lives near a Gabriel Brothers, but sometimes they get Spanx for CHEAP! like 10 bucks! I got a ton from there, i hope they have it in my size after i start losing weight. (Gabriels is kinda like a Marshalls but some of their clothes is "irregular" you have to go through it) I get Lane Bryant jeans for 8 dollars!
  9. as long as the paper work is done correct and filed in the time it is supposed to be done in there should be no problem. My husband is worried about me being home alone for some strange reason so he is going to take a week off after the surgery. A lot of times jobs just make you jump through hoops and tons of red tape before getting anything done.
  10. So i am pre sleeve (dec 28) and have been on a low carb, low cal, high Protein diet for a few weeks to try to get all the sugars and stuff cleaned out and get my candy cravings under control (candy bars, Wonka, Starburst, skittles you name it i love it, im like a 5 year old with pixie stix) anyway i have been doing AWESOME besides a little slip on turkey day. Intill............PMS struck yesterday. You name it i tried to scarf it down. I had M&Ms and pretzels in my mouth AT THE SAME TIME! so my question is, how do you deal with pms after the sleeve? what does it feel like? This is the first time i have been worried about how i will be AFTER. im fully dedicated and ready but this has me worried because i scarfed that stuff down like i was on autopilot, just shoveling chocolate and salty in my mouth like any other month. I will be dealing with it next month fresh outta surgery still healing and all that jazz, and worried about what kind of pms symptoms i will be feeling. Can anyone give me some feedback? Kista
  11. fluffylibra30

    Being Sleeved In The Real World

    i am a pre-sleever and HOPE so much that my cravings for sweets or the tastes for sweets leaves along with most of my stomach!!
  12. is that a mandatory thing? Its the first ive heard about it but the office called me today and told me mine was scheduled. I was so suprised i forgot to ask her what for. Will they remoce it during surgery if it is bad i wonder?
  13. My NUT told me Flinestone COMPLETE was all i would need for the first few months. Its just whatever you prefer and what your stomach decides it likes. as long as it is complete. You just need a multi.
  14. fluffylibra30

    The Cons Of Gastric Sleeve Life! :-(

    well i have hypothyroid so im always cold anyway, so atleast one thing will stay the same in my life haha.
  15. fluffylibra30

    December sleevers!

    huh, i wonder if my surgeon has that at their support group/ It only meets once a month so i will have to wait till Jan to go (no meeting in dec for holidays)
  16. You look fantastic!! Cant wait to be a hundred pounds down!
  17. Good luck! Praying for a safe surgery and a quick recovery!
  18. fluffylibra30

    December sleevers!

    I bought a few smaller summer dresses last summer at yard sales, we are talking dirt cheap so if they are too big/small they wont be a loss. I have been doing the 6 month doc visits so i new my appt was going to be Nov or Dec so i put myself on a NO clothes shopping rule. Dont know where you live Cutie 11 but most consignment stores LOVE getting plus size clothes. They rarely get any good stuff is what one lady told me. The thing with plus size clothes is people usually wear them out, cause it is so hard to find nice clothes that FIT. I have a lot of lingerie from Fredricks and LB (TMI?) that i am hoping i can sell on Ebay or Craigslist, so i can shop at Vickies Secret (YAY) So if your worried about all the $$$ for new clothes try that!. I already have some ironed creased and in a garment bag ready to go!!
  19. fluffylibra30

    December sleevers!

    I also have a nasty shopping habit, i havent bought any new clothes for a few months and it is driving me crazy!!! I did go BF shopping though, i bought some Levi in a size 16, 14 12 i figure if they dont fit me for long then those are the sizes my Sister in law, mother in law, and mom wear so i will give them to them or try to consign them. I dont want to sound stingy but i havent let anyone shop in my closet yet, i am going to need "skinny" clothes and most of my clothes are all good brands so i am going to try to consign first then donate\share what is left. Thank GOD for Gabriel Brothers and Marshalls!!
  20. Ive been trying really hard to to do the whole "food funeral" thing, but i think i over ate today. I will have to repent tomorrow and run the mall for a few hours. Did anyone else struggle to not overeat?
  21. fluffylibra30

    Skinny girl issues...WTH!!!!!

    I think this is the time to be a little rude, just tell her no thanks i dont want your clothes anymore, it doesnt seem to be worth the mental abuse. She seems to be a "mean girl" Dont even sweat her. Its only a competetion to her. Just stay oncourse and shrug her off. With friends like her who needs enemeys?
  22. fluffylibra30

    Vitamin D3 50,000 IU

    i also have a vitamin D deficiency and i take 2 1.25 mg of drisdol weekly, which equals 100,000 IU if i did the math right. Im thinking the doc wouldnt have prescribed it if you could find it over the counter. Good luck finding the answer.
  23. fluffylibra30

    December sleevers!

    finally approved for surgery for Dec 28th!!! So excited!!!!!!!!!! atleast i got my wish to be before the end of the year!!
  24. fluffylibra30

    Pre-op Blues!

    im actually feeling like that too! My husband even tried to take me shopping to cheer me up, but i didnt want to spend money on clothes that wont fit in 2 months. It is probably a normal feeling, our brain has already started on our new life, but time hasnt caught up yet. As soon as i was approved i packed up all my summer clothes and put some of the nicer stuff on ebay (why oh why did i buy a hundred dollar bathing suit that i knew i wasnt going to wear next summer?) hope to make some money for skinny clothes,,,,,,

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
