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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fluffylibra30

  1. I can only speak for myself and what ive read from others but its a little info. They asked me about my support system, family, they make you fill out a questionare about depression, sucicide, your moods. Do you think you will be able to handle it after surgery, how are your relationships. Do you have an eating disorder. Just basic questions about your life. He did ask me if i was sure i was ready and if i would be able to handle the restrictions after. He told me in the 10 years he had been doing evals only 2 had not been approved. One was completely crazy and one had an eating disorder. After he treated the disorder they went on to have the surgery a year later. Good luck, dont stress about this part too much! It will be done and over with in an hour!
  2. Congrats on your weight loss!!! You have so much to be proud of! I completely understand what it feels like to look in the mirrror and not like what you see, ive only lost 30 pounds so far but im already picking myself apart in the mirror, then i look down and I CAN SEE MY FEET!!! It was my first NSV!!! I am so excited for those Ahhaahaa moments. You have worked hard and now it is time to reap your just rewards! Good luck with the ladies! Hope that is me in 18 months! (excpet the ladies part ahhhaaa)
  3. im on mushies now, its not too bad i can eat a lot of soups cottage cheese, blended up some chili not to bad. it was just exciting to get to eat some form of real food. I am starting on my next stage Wednesday and i can eat REAL FOOD! yay
  4. fluffylibra30

    Drinking While Eating

    Inless you get an Xray who really knows what it is doing to your new little tummy, if it has stretched or not? How do you know FOR SURE if you are getting all the vitamins and nutrients we need from the little bit of food we eat inless you get blood work and all your levels are good? Just because it works for someone doesnt mean you should be doing it. It just seems 9 out of 10 docs are saying DONT DRINK, so im not going to chance it, its such a small thing its not worth it.
  5. EAT THE PIZZA :teeth_smile: I mean i would. Eventually after you are healed it will be ok to eat a little pizza. You will be in NYC on vacation. Im sure you will be walking a ton too right? The sleeve is about trying to live you life normally in moderation and small portions. Enjoy your life just dont eat pizza every day! (or once a week) My family is going to Florida to the gulf for the first time in May, im sure i will eat something not as healthy as at home. MODERATION! MODERATION! MODERATION!!
  6. fluffylibra30

    I Still Want My "beyonce"

    your butt might get smaller but start working on the lunges, squats, run the stairs, that will firm you up so even if you get smaller you will still have a nice size and shape. I am losing my butt too. i sleep on my tummy and my husband curled up to me and propped his leg on my butt, he said "hun you are losing your butt, my leg used to be higher up than this" hhaaahaaa. i love my boobies as much as he does so if they start leaving at an alarming rate i will buy some new ones.
  7. my family brought home pizza the day i came home, they kept looking at me guiltily. i thought it was funny they felt worse about it than i did!
  8. fluffylibra30

    Size 9!

    Congrats! i am so excited i hope i make it to a size 9! I will scream on top of the roof top.
  9. fluffylibra30

    "cheating" (A Concern)

    I agree 100% Indymom! I think after you are on which ever week the doc says its ok to go to full foods (mine is 7 weeks) it isnt really cheating, its trying to live your life normally. Really who isnt going to eat Snacks or a sweet now and then? Who in this world doesnt have a snack occassionally? (besides my dad its crazy!) i cant imagine going through my whole life never eating a piece of cake or icecream again! its about control, portions and timing. But for those first 2 months you really need to buckle down and try to work on those food demons. Most if not all of us have them, thats how we eventually got to be where we are now!
  10. fluffylibra30

    Drinking While Eating

    Part of the no drinking thing is you are washing the nutrients down faster and they arent getting absorbed into your body. It is a hard rule to get used to but worth it We can only eat a little bit of food it is worth it to just not drink so your body is soaking up all it needs. Dont want to get malnutrition.
  11. fluffylibra30

    "cheating" (A Concern)

    It worries me when i read about people cheating so early out too. Why go through all the pain if you are just going to go back to your old ways in a week? Just because it MAY go down without hurting doesnt mean you SHOULD eat it. Those are the people who complain that the scale isnt moving, the sleeve doesnt work. I think its good that i had to wait 6 months to have my surgery. it gave me time to really pay attention to my trigger foods, go to foods and start to get a grasp on why i ate what i ate and when. I have thought about junk food too. When i was a week out my MIL and daughter baked a cake and she sent it home with my daughter. I thought about that cake all day and night. My husband got really upset with his mom and threw it away because she told him she was "testing me". Im sure that eventually i will have something im not supposed to eat, but its not going to be intill I control the cravings, they dont control my anymore. and it will be after i am completely healed, and will be completely worth it, not just because i am upset or bored. :woot: I will make the sleeve work for me this is my second and last chance!
  12. fluffylibra30

    Thanks To All Of You

    Happy, did you take measurments of your body before? even if you arent losing pounds you might be losing inches somewhere. I have started a fierce cardio/ weight training thing cause i want to be toned after all the weight comes off and i am dropping inches like mad! Dont stress about the scale, our bodies are still adjusting and are going to move at their own rates. You know the weight is going to come off, how could it noe when we eat so little. Get your water and protein in and youll be fine!
  13. fluffylibra30

    1St Week Post-Op

    yeah the first time i accidently took a bigger drink i thought the same thing and was so surprised when it didnt hurt! Took that as a sign i was healing right on track (mine was abbout 2 1/2 weeks out) and it is helping me get more water down. No you cant "break" your sleeve lol. Keep up the good work and enjoy the little things :-)
  14. My doc told me 2-4 weeks. I elected to take a month off, I am a store manager of a busy store and j knew I would be over lifting working too hard too fast. I was approved for FMLA and going back to work Thursday :-(
  15. I am 3 weeks out and on the second week of mushies. i am trying to eat sllloowwww but it is hard. I am using a teeny spoon so im hoping its not AS bad, but i cant seem to get the proper amount of food. Im either not eating enough so i will find something and eat another 2 oz then i feel bad. how do you gage the proper amount of food? Do you eatonly a half cup and thats it? Can a veteran tell me how they gage it cause im struggling. Im doing great besides that. I never get hungry and i rarely think about chocolate cake and donuts anymore. RARELY lol. I am 25 pounds down in 22 days. im quite happy with the pound a day loss and i am working out an hour a day, i would rather lose slower and get toned so i dont have batwings and a bunch of jiggly bits.
  16. fluffylibra30

    Big Or Small Glass

    im going to have to go to Sams and get some of those, no Costcos around. I am 3 weeks out and have tried every protein powder, my stomach DOES NOT like them anymore. As soon as i take my first drink my tummy churns and gurgles. Ive even used unflavored with a fruit smoothie. I got the Adkins Advantage Fruit smoothie they taste ok but it only has 10 grams of protein.
  17. im almost 3 weeks out, i went back to the gym last week, my drain incision still hurts when jiggled too much so i have been brisk walking on the treadmill for a half hour or doing the elliptical, i started doing water aroboics today, felt great but really tired afterward. Ive also been doing the arm circuit, my arms are really big and im afraid of all the loose skin and bat wings, so im starting the arm toning. Cant wait till my drain incision heals up so i can go to boot camp. It is offered 3 times a week at my gym.
  18. i cant wait till i can guzzle water! its so hard to get in the 64 oz. sip sip sipping
  19. i am almost 3 weeks out and i went to Bob Evans. I had the potato soup and mushed up my potatoes with my fork before i ate it, it was wonderful!! Im not sure how many bites i had not very many but i would take a bite put my spoon down, chew chew chew then take another bite. i didnt feel bad after i finished eating so i mustve not overstuffed. im staying at the 4 oz rule. I am so ready for some different foods though. Only another week and a half! yay!!
  20. i just had my drain removed last week, It is a feeling i cant explain, its so strange. you just take a deep breath, blow out and as your blowing out the doc is pulling. Over in 30 seconds. You will feel much better afterwards. I went home and slept for 3 hours after i got home. It is really hard to sleep with the dang drain. Good luck!
  21. fluffylibra30

    December sleevers!

    I am starting purees tomorrow! I am so excited for eggs, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes I have lost 19 pounds in 13 days!! SO excited. My pants are getting really lose. The would probably fall off except my tummy is still a little swollen from the drain. That was the happiest moment when they took that thing out! It didnt hurt but felt VERY strange. Getting tired of the protein shakes, too super sweet so i hope i can eat Chicken or Tuna to help get my protein in. My husband is grumbling cause i bought a HUGE tun of isopure chocolate and i just cant stomach it anymore. Maybe later on i hope, feel bad its going to waste! I havent been sick one bit, i thank God everyday that i had an easy time. Almost got all my water in, im learning you really have to have water with you all the time if you wanna even try to make goal! Hope all the December Sleevers are doing well.
  22. in VA my step sis is starting the process, think she said it only approved sleeve and bypass, after a year of regulated doc visits.
  23. fluffylibra30

    Body Shape After Weight Loss

    I hope i keep my boobies! right now i am a 46 DD and i wouldnt mind to go down to a D but i would be quite content to keep the girls and just see a smller band size. I will be upset if i lose all my weight and still cant shop at Victorias Secret due to my large chest. Also, the hubs is a boob man and i know im not going to have a tummy tuck and just going to work out every damn day to get the fittest i can, so the extra boobage will help me over look the skin i am bound to get!
  24. fluffylibra30

    It's Official!

  25. fluffylibra30

    I'm Always Cold!

    I actually saw a commerical for them on tv a few days ago!!! Dont remember the name but you put them in the microwave and it had some sort of a warming core. 3 pairs for 15 dollars, they come in pink. Think i will try some!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
