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Everything posted by fluffylibra30

  1. fluffylibra30

    Your Over Weight Friends?

    i have always been the "fat friend". My girlfriends love that i have so much energy. It used to be everything we did revolved around food. Now we got to the gym, run in the park, we even went shopping. Shopping is so much more fun when you can pick your clothes. I am still in a bigger size than them, but for the most part we can shop in the same stores. We even picked out matching "goal" outfits lol. We still hit panera bread for a yummy lunch though. but now i get a salad or soup, instead of salad, soup, bread and desert.
  2. fluffylibra30

    Forbidden Medications Post-Sleeve

    yep i sure did! My doc also told me something i didnt know, i will not be able to take arthritis meds due to the sleeve. Wish someone wouldve told me that before the surgery, my granny and mom both have it. and im going to have to suffer through with Tylenol? ugh. My Doc also said no NSAIDS. Not worth the risk. Hopefully when i lose all the weight i wont have as many aches and pains :-D
  3. fluffylibra30


    ephedrine: a love hate relationship. LOVED the way it made me lose weight, hated the way it made me feel. Mean cranky jittery. I used to take Stackers when they put ephedrine in it. It will kick start your metablism thats for sure. I used to take one with breakfast and not have to eat the rest of the day.
  4. fluffylibra30

    How Long?

    I always loved subway, I'm 3 months out and still can't eat the bread. Hope that changes eventually!
  5. fluffylibra30

    Forbidden Medications Post-Sleeve

    I got a steroid shot for my heel spur. Helps almost a hundred percent! Worth it for a shot in the bootie
  6. fluffylibra30

    Protein Shakes What Do U Like

    I wouldnt drink a 60 gram protein in one setting. Our body only absorbs 25-30 grams at a time, and that takes 3 hours. inless you sip on it all day you are just not abosrbing the protein. Im struggling with protein right now, my sleeve doesnt like the thickness of almost all of them. My husband is grumbling cause i probably have 300 bucks worth of powders that i dont like. Im hoping eventually i will be able to drink them. But i like Muscle milk ok, i put ice in it and make a smoothie and ive been drinking the protein "shots" once it hits my tongue its over i cant swallow, so i pour it in a shot glass and toss it to the back of my throat like im downing tequila.Takes me about a half hour doing it like that but it ends up being 46 grams at the end of the day, then i dont stress cause i know i eat enough meat to cover the rest.
  7. THANK GOD I FOUND THIS!! My hair loss started over the weekend. When i brushed my hair on Friday i said man i need to clean out my brush. So i did. Then after i brushed on Saturday it was full again. It dawned on me what happened and i just sat down on the toilet and cried! i shed all day Saturday and i dont even want to get into the hair i left in the shower sat and sun and just running my fingers through my hair the hair that was falling out. OMG! My hair has always been my pride, besides the boobies lol. As long as i dont get any bald spots i have a few fake ponytails and hair pieces i can just wear my hair pulled back but we are going to Florida in May and i really wanna look hot. Starting the Biotin tomorrow.maybe some rogaine? Anyone ever used it? My hair is fine so that makes me extra nervous!
  8. fluffylibra30

    Breast Loss

    I already saving for a boob job. I'm down almost 50 pounds and they are already sagging bad, and I've always had a bigger chest even before I gained all my weight. I love boobs. They were always my favorite thing about myself. I had some awesome cleavage. The hubs loved them too, he didn't say much when I hold him my plan For plastics. Think that's all I'm going to get done. If I look down and see some perfect boobs I think I'll be ok with the rest of my imperfections!
  9. On the ice cream I bought a box of weight watchers mini ice cream sandwiches, they were less than a hundred calories and saved me during PMS when I needed a fix. I wouldn't recommend keeping them in your freezer all the time though.
  10. I eat the weight watchers sometimes, well I usually eat the meat and a bite or two of veggies then I'm full. I keep then in the freezer because sometimes I am disorganized in the morning snc need to grab a quick lunch for work.
  11. fluffylibra30

    Calcium Citrate

    I just got the chewable calcium citrate plus d from Walmart they come in grape orange and punch. I think they taste like smarties.
  12. fluffylibra30

    Fat Consumption For A Day..

    Wow now I'm really worried I'm not getting enough calories. I am 2 months and 1 week out and I'm not getting quite 600. I usually get my 60 grams of protein, with cheese meat and muscle milk I make myself do atleast 50 if I have to eat PB late at night and I struggle with water, I drink watered down sunny d to help, I only allow myself 8 oz of SD which is 60 calories. I just don't want to eat. Never ever thought I would say that. I used to laugh when people would say they "forgot" to eat yeSh right who does that?! Now it's noon before my brain even registers hey you need food dummy. I sometimes wish I could get a little hungry!
  13. I am so close to 50 pounds i can taste it. 47! im so excited. Hopefully in the next week ill be at my first goal! I cant believe it, so exciting!
  14. fluffylibra30

    Sooo Close........

    Unfortunetly i am not close to Wonderland yet, in another 50 pounds sadly. But ill get there. Congrats, and have fun at Disney. I cant wait to go next summer!
  15. fluffylibra30

    Sooo Close........

    thanks so much!
  16. fluffylibra30

    Just Arrived

    that is the best part. I still automatically walk to the plus side of the store or website. Its like my brain cant fathom it! Ill lift something up and say oh no no way thatll fit. Then it DOES! So exciting!
  17. fluffylibra30

    Fat Consumption For A Day..

    i think we all get a little paranoid about what we eat. I dont like to eat breakfast so i try to sip on a muscle milk all morning, so when i finally eat breakfast at about noon i worry if im getting enough to eat. Ill be laying in bed at night doing the math on my calories and realize im way under, so ill go eat a spoonful of PB. Myfitness pal yells at me everyday to increase my calories im not eating enough lol. Just eat protein first every time is what i tell myself.
  18. fluffylibra30

    Fat Consumption For A Day..

    a lot of "light" foods have artifical sweeteners which arent that good for you. I agree we eat such small quanties a little bit of fat wont hurt. I looked at a box of Cheeze its last week, the "light" ones had only 10 less calories 2 less grams of fat BUT had 3 more grams of carbs. Whats up with that? i would eat greek yogurt then add some frozen fruit for flavor. the extra calories from the greek yogurt are worth it for all the extra protein! Good luck.
  19. fluffylibra30


    Cheetos "puff corn" it just melts in your mouth. But you can have around 50 for 130 calories, so still better than the 3 candy bars I used to eat. I've had no candy bars since surgery. I keep thinking about donuts but I can't even eat a bite of a biscuit without feeling sick so I'm doubting I could eat a donut.
  20. fluffylibra30

    Flame Free Friday Confessions!

    ive been exhausted for a week now due to the flu. This morning i picked up a 5 hour energy shot and chugged it down as fast as my sleeve would let me. I have had no caffeine nothing "bad" since my surgery but i just needed to get going, even though i know these arent good for me and who the hell really knows what exactly are in them.
  21. i have not yet begun so see the dreaded hair loss, but i am only 2 months out. But i did buy some of the clip on extensions when they were on sale, for just incase, also i have 2 of those cool ponytails on a claw. Bought them off of HSN as long as you have enough hair to cover your scalp, put it in a ponytail or bun, then just clip them on over the pony. They have them in most every haircolor, even frosted and salt and pepper. i got a long sleek one and a short curly. They are good on days when you just wanna sleep or realize too late your hair is a little greasy. You can also catch different brands on sale at Sallys.
  22. fluffylibra30

    Wine And Whine Wednesday!

    i have had the "crud" for over a week now, im still coughing my head off and my right ear is still clogged. It is driving me insande, it makes me not even want to stand up cause i feel lopsided! On the plus side, ive lost about 6 pounds while being sick. Not the healthiest i know, but i went to ER to get fluids so i know im not dehydrated, just cant eat.
  23. one day, food got stuck or something and i took a swig of Water without even thinking and i thought i was going to die. It felt a million times worse than just the food did. It burned, i felt like i was trying to swallow an elephant and was choking all at the same time. I finally got it all to go down and had heartburn the rest of the night. To me it just doesnt seem worth it. Eat wait drink, i am trying to do everything the doc told me to do so i can have the max results. A lot of people say they do it, but its just not a big deal to me, seems like its such a small thing to give up in the scheme of the big picture of getting healthy. But some people say their docs say wait an hour, mine only says 15 minutes so every doc is different.
  24. Right now i would be concentrating on protein first, then worry about the carbs and fat. My nut said at the 8 week mark no more than 100 grams of carbs and 20 grams of fat. If you do protein first then veg then starch you should be fine on the fat and carb content. i do 3 grams of protein, 1 gram veg. if i have any room left i might have a bite of potato. Some days i go over carbs some days im real low, so it balances itself out i guess. i can no longer tolerate the protein powders so I have been drinking muscle milk in the little cardboard boxes, they have 20 grams of protein, 170 calories.
  25. fluffylibra30

    What Fitness Activities Do You Do With Your Spouse?

    my husband and i play the Wii a lot, we do all the crazy games we wouldve never done before my surgery, i was always too tired. We also go swimming at our gym and a lot lot more of the *winkwink*

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
