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Everything posted by fluffylibra30

  1. fluffylibra30

    Protein Help!

    Also no chance for a leak from drinking too much.
  2. fluffylibra30

    Protein Help!

    The first few weeks the most important thing is fluids. You will get your protein in eventually right now you just need to stay hydrated.
  3. fluffylibra30


    We waited 8 days. As soon as the drain was out we were both feeling frisky. It was one of the postitions stated above and nothing hurt. It has gotten so much better too!
  4. fluffylibra30

    8 Weeks Post Op

    At 8 weeks i was eating everything except salad. Didnt eat much of it though. I had wings, pot roast, ribs, chicken, tuna. I had lost 36 pounds. I was struggling with protein, now i drink the New Whey shots from walmart. $2.50. Tatse gross but are only 4 oz so i just drink it as fast as i can they have 42 grams of protein they taste MUCH BETTER cold! i am 3 months out the 28 and am down 55 pounds. Have you added in exercise yet?
  5. fluffylibra30

    Wls Quick Results

    my mom is awesome but when i told her i hit the 50 pound mark, she said "oh good your almost done". Haha. I said "when i get under 200 you can start but intill then off my back". She said "well how much more do you want to lose", she bout had a heart attack when i tolder her 96 haha. My aunt is really nervous im going to be thinner than her. When she saw my new facebook profile pic she said "wow you look better than me now" WTH?!?!
  6. fluffylibra30

    3 Days Post Op Help!

    i couldnt drink cold for about 3 weeks, now everything i drink has to have a pile of ice. weird how is changes.
  7. fluffylibra30

    Worry Wart

    If your family is meeting you with resistance do what i did and trick em LOL. when i cook noone knows what kind of milk i use, the kind of cheese, cooking spray, cut of meat, that i made a bananna nut breaad with applesauce and splenda ahhhaaaa. I get them good and cut out hundreds of calories a day and they dont even know it.
  8. i am 30, and i have been a DD since i was 15 I was chesty even before i got heavy. My surgery was 3 months ago and i am now a D and they are going ddoowwnnn. its sad, but i have just gotten a nice pushup. Im hoping at the end everything will balance out. Or im going to max out my Mastercard :-)
  9. fluffylibra30

    Hate To Eat Now

    I am 3 months out, I haven't had a problem eating anything but I don't like to eat anymore either. Dunno, I guess when I lost the cravings for sweets and quit drinking the bad stuff I didn't care. I couldn't believe the first time I forgot to eat all day! It used to make me mad, my best friend is super duper skinny and she was forever saying, "I can't believe I forgot to eat all day" I couldn't imagine that! I thought about food 16 hours a day. Even dreamed about it. I think if it wasn't having to cook for my family I would just take all my supplements and drink Protein shots and shake and that's it. I really need to find something new to do because I think I'm a smidge on the depressed side.
  10. i get so excited when i go shopping i do cry bahaa. When i fit into the shirts at Hollister i cried in the dressing room. (i am pear shaped so my dang hips wont squeeze into regular sizes jeans yet). hurmph. i loved shopping before surgery, i can imagine im going to need an extra job when i get to goal!
  11. fluffylibra30

    Melting Away?

    yeah, i love that it even keeps track when you do housework! i scrubbed my kitchen floor on my hands and knees over the weekend, (not something i do often, just spring cleaning) and after 2 hours i was sweating, my arms and legs were so freakin sore and i said "self, this feels like cardio" so i looked it up and low and behold 2 hours of hard core cleaning is 600 calories!
  12. fluffylibra30

    Sex... After Vsg

    PS Love your new profile pic!
  13. fluffylibra30

    Sex... After Vsg

    Heck yeah, Im going to sound like a cheesy 90s sitcom but YOU GO GIRL! Good luck in love or lust, you deserve it. Maybe it will last, maybe it wont, but enjoy this time in your life and have fun girl. Just remember be safe! LOL
  14. fluffylibra30

    Melting Away?

    Peacequeen, dont stress it! You will lose weight! Just make sure you are getting your protein, taking your vitamins and drinking all your water. Get in some cardio if you can. Not only will it get your heart rate up, but probably make you feel better. And the bright side, the slower you lose the less loose skin you have. This is a marathon, not a sprint. I know those words dont mean much when you are not losing but it will happen. Maybe you need to reevaluate your eating plan? Do you have a smart phone? Myfitnesspal app. has been a huge help to me. Keeps my protein and carbs in check. Good luck my fellow December Diva!
  15. fluffylibra30


    I am not going to drink soda EVER, not because I'm worried about stretching my stomach, but because soda us a HUGE trigger! I used to drink 4 20oz bottles of regular mt dew a day! It has been unseasonably warm here in WV the past couple days and all I've been thinking about is that delicious green goodness. But im just saying no for life! I have worked too hard to lose the first 60 pounds in the past 3 months, I refuse to cave in. Somethings are just worth it :-)
  16. fluffylibra30


    Surgery has just about cured my love of chocolate. I had a sip of my husbands milkshake and thought I would go into a sugar coma. When I want chocolate I have a bite of a Lindell truffle or ghierdelle I buy in a single serving at a convince store I just take a bite and throw the rest away or share. They are less than 50 cents so its not too wasteful.
  17. fluffylibra30

    Question Of The Day Tuesday

    Sure, i actually find a lot of good workouts on pintrest, if you wanna check that out. but Monday Friday i do this 15 minute run/jog on treadmill, push yourself as hard as you can to get your heart rate elevated. Yes any walking you do is good, but you really need to get your heart rate elevated for 15-20 minutes. my target heart rate is 152. then i do what i call the countdown exercise 100 squats, 90 reverse lunges, 80 dead leg lifts, 70 mt climbers, 60 bridge lifts, 50 calf raises, 40 plie squats, 30 crossover lunges, 20 squat jumps, 10 burpess. then i finsh with another 15 miunutes on treadmill and 10 minutes of abs. Tue and thur i do a class called Total Body conditioning. Itt is a combo or aeroboics and strength training. Wed i do a swim class, Every other Sat i do boot camp. If you are a member of a gym check out the classes, a lot of gyms have classes for different parts of the body. My gym has a Butts and Guts class, i will be taking when i get closer to goal. The important thing for exercise is to mix it up and dont do it half a$$. I know the weight will come off even if i sit at home and do nothing, but i want to help it every way i can. Not only do i want to be skinny i want to be healthy and toned! you can be thin and be unhealthy. I have also been in ketosis for 3 weeks so that helps im sure.
  18. fluffylibra30

    Question Of The Day Tuesday

    I LOVED this one! i was so excited when my other chin went away. I got the warm and fuzzies when i could shave my legs without feeling like i was choking to death. I shave a lot more often now lol. Also, dont want to jinx myself but i havent stalled once! i have a few workouts i do a week that shock my body i guess and keeps me losing weight. This isnt exactly a warm and fuzzy, but i work at a neighborhood store and a customer said "hey, where did your a$$ go" baahaaa. I said it might be getting smaller but its getting higher and tighter. Its nice when people tell you things even when they are crass about it lol.
  19. fluffylibra30

    Beyonce Has Pushed Me Over The Top! (Sorry Its So Long!

    I love Ms. B too. her music makes up most of my workout playlist!
  20. fluffylibra30

    Exhaustion-2 Months Post Op

    Have you had your thyroid checked? Maybe ask your doc for a TSH, T4, T5 blood test.
  21. fluffylibra30

    Post-Op Painkillers

    Honestly, i was kinda worried i was getting hooked, cause i was using it every day but after i ran out i didnt have any withdrawls so i mustve needed it i guess.
  22. fluffylibra30

    Post-Op Painkillers

    toradol will knock you on your a$$. LOL you will get plenty of sleep. Its weird though cause the Liquid Loratab knocked me out, i loved the liquid cause you get all warm and i would fall right to sleep! I miss it on nights i cant sleep.
  23. fluffylibra30

    Your Healthy Go-To Food

    I loved those salads too, with all the delicious veggies, so now when i want a salad ill save it for dinner. Then ill have a 30 Protein shake or shot for Breakfast, then another for lunch, then pig out on my salad for dinner without worrying i didnt get enough protein.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
