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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tulip16

  1. Hello all, My doctor has given me pre-op instructions that begin the day before surgery: clear liquids only. After searching online, I see some people talking about a 2-3 week pre-op liquid protein diet. Would you mind sharing your pre-op diet and when it started? My doctor is Dr. George Woodman in Memphis. Thanks so much!
  2. Hello everyone, I went for my second fill on Monday. My doctor asked me about my diet. I told him that one meal I eat regularly for dinner is this: three chicken tenderloins in a skillet small amount of cottage cheese baked potato I don't usually finish the whole meal... He almost went ballistic and told me I'm over eating and I'm going to stretch out my stomach and be unsuccessful long-term. I got a second fill after his lecture and tonight I just ate two pieces of chicken. It's the small, chicken finger-like chicken but without breading. What do you all think? I've lost 29 pounds since my surgery which was 9/14/11. Thanks!!
  3. Tulip16

    Am I Overeating?

    I'm keeping track of fat grams. He said that's all I need to keep track of...just don't eat more than 25-30 grams of fat per day.
  4. My doctor says to eat no more than 25-30 grams of fat per day and to exercise for at least 3-5 hours per week.
  5. Tulip16

    The Cold Hard Facts

    Was your first doc in Memphis? I think I have him too! Good luck on your surgery!
  6. Hello all! Has anyone out there gotten a tummy tuck approved by insurance? If so, how? And how long did you wait after your lap band? Thanks!
  7. Hello, I had my lap band Sept 14. Thinking way ahead...did any of you get your tummy tuck approved by insurance? If so, how? Thanks!
  8. Hello, Has anyone had any luck getting a tummy tuck approved by insurance? If so, how? Thanks!!
  9. This is a challenge for me. I love to drink while I eat! Just talking about tea or water. My doctor said not to so my food doesn't liquify therefore staying fuller longer. What do you do? Thanks!
  10. Hi everyone, I'm having pain by my port and I'm hoping it's just the normal two weeks post op pain & not something I ate. I have been trying to stick to the purees: tomato soup, pudding, cottage cheese. Today I three SMALL bites of a whole grain baguette with my soup @ Panera Bread. I chewed really good but I'm worried that I messed up really bad! I also have plication with my band. Do you think I could've messed something up? Haven't felt his much pain since the beginning. It's the worst when I bend over. Thanks so much!
  11. Tulip16


    I can drink tea but I haven't tried the others.
  12. Tulip16

    So excited!

    I had my surgery, lap band with plication on Sept 14. 8 pounds down in two weeks. People are starting to notice and it feels great!!
  13. I had my lap band w/ plication one week ago today. I am struggling with the idea of purees. Seems so gross!! I really want to eat healthy, nutritious food, but the idea of liquifying them makes me sick. I am a big texture person. And I have to do this for three weeks!??? Please help. Thanks so much!
  14. My Before & After Photos!
  15. Tulip16

    No weight loss :(

    Hang in there! I have read that after a fill, the weight loss is better. Take pride in your accomplishments so far!! :woot:
  16. My surgery is Sept 14 so I can't answer some of these questions but I do know that we have to crush pills or take liquid form. My doc told me to call pharmacist to ask what can be crushed. Good luck to you!
  17. I am scheduled for a lap band with plication on September 14. With both, is it an overnight stay? I am thinking that my doctor said it was still outpatient even with the plication. Anyone know about this? I'm getting nervous! Thanks!
  18. Hi everyone! Happy to be part of this group! I'm going to my pre-op education and to schedule my surgery in the morning. Open to any advice or suggestions!

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