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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Janine

  1. Janine

    Really starting to worry

    I am also being rebanded this month. SPEBSQSAlady is so right. You will be so surprised how full you will feel. Especially with a proper fill down the road. Think of it when you go to a buffet and got not even I more bite, there you go! That's what it's like.
  2. Hi September 2008 group, I am ecstatic because I was banded 18 months ago. My band slipped and now i am being rebanded. I can probably answer some of your questions and concerns, but I don't want to get to pushy. My name is Janine I live In Mt. Pleasant Michigan. I am married with 4 kids. I loved my band!!!!!!!! You will too! It is a wonderful journey.
  3. Thank you everyone! Jill are you going to join a support group? We have a pretty good one here in Mt. Pleasant that meets every 3rd Monday at 6pm. Is there one in Midland?
  4. Janine

    Marchies 07~18 months later...

    Oh Jeni, I feel so bad for you, you have had to deal with so much for such a young lady. Well one major thing is yes, everyone has a vice they fall back in times of despair, but thank heavens you have your band. I thought in my head with the band, Oh I will never eat wrong again, I will never gain weight again. How many times did we say to ourselves before the band please, please let me go back to my proper weight, I will never gain the weight back again. I have learned my lesson. I got down right cocky with my band on. I began to look at those around me and think to myself, look at those people they have no self control what is wrong with them. That was actually my band talking too. Because I did not have that urge to eat, my husband is overweight with diabetes, I would look at him with disgust and say stop eating all that food. They often ask what type of eater are you? I laughed I thought I knew. I thought I was indeed just a social eater that loved the textures and flavor of food. But was it just that? Could I really be 100 lbs overweight just wanting to enjoy food among family and friends. WRONG I lost my band, I vowed I would never put one more lb on. I had learned, I thought. I am going to say it right here, we have not learned, we are compulsive eaters that turn to food in time of crisis. So shortly after my band was off I was so low, what have I done my whole life, turn to food. But here was the wake up call. My mother became ill, my dad was a wreck, and for the first time in my life I stopped and listened to what my brain was saying. and this is what it was: Janine you can't deal with this you need a cookie, it will make things better, Janine just get the cookie Janine, the damn cookie Janine. I had several Cookies and that was just the beginning. I am being rebanded September 16 after losing 70 lbs and regaining 35 lbs. I know now that I am mentally sick over food. I am very humbled by my experience and will try to have more compassion for those struggling around me. I will be so thankful that I was given the opportunity to once again have this incredible tool to help me with what I can not deal with in times of tragedy and crisis. Not to mention everyday life. Jeni you have your tool you have done fabulous girl, you need to respect that lapband and yourself. And know, if you have a set back it will only be a couple pounds not 35. You take care of yourself first so you can be there for your mom and brother. There are thousands of people on this forum who are just like you and me, compulsive eaters, but we are doing something about it and we should be proud. You turn to us for support we can feel your pain. We are here........ Fondly, Janine
  5. So being rebanded I have been down this road before. I fe;t the only hard thing when telling people especially co-workers is that they want to see immediate results like what you get from the rouyn Y. Other than that telling people was fine for me.
  6. Hi Sheila, First let me tell you I was thrilled with my band. I abused it though. First I often kept my self to filled which led to not just Productive burping but to all out vomiting. I then was moving a 300 lb trundle bed with my son, he lost his grip and I felt a pull in my chest. The doctor said that my stitches had broke. Also when I did have my emergency surgery to remove the lapband my (lower stomach had protruded up through the band and blood was being cut off to my lower stomach) the doc was amazed how my liver was no longer fatty. he said with a lot of that fat gone it might have made my band loose that it shifted. But I am getting the new band that is suppose to be much less slip prone. I bet your getting it too! Shelia don't get scared you will do fine mine was such a fluky thing. My doc had to call his colleagues in Princeton to figure out what to do it was so rare. And look I am having it put back on, I love that darn band. Best of luck to you, you will do great!
  7. Hi, I am being rebanded with your group. Here is a bit of advice. What you miss is that big bite into something thick, hamburger, sub sandwiches, thick pizzas etc. But do your last meal a couple nights before your surgery. When you have surgery your digestive track slows down immensely, then on top of it you will probably be given liquid codeine for pain relief. This adds to constipation. Right now to maintain our current weights we put down a lot of food. Literally what we put in one end pushs more out the other, large quantities. I think probably the average over weight person goes at least 1 a day. You will be amazed how little you will go after lapband. If you eat large quantities before your surgery you will be sluggish in moving it through, and also they blow up your stomach with gas to put on the lapband so it will be harder to move the gas out of your system.
  8. Janine

    Marchies 07~18 months later...

    :Banane53:Oh Yeah!!!! I got approved to have my lapband put back on. You guys I am so darn happy. I am set to have it done on September 16, it all went so fast. I am getting the newer band that is more slip resistance, it is pillowed all the way around. They usually put in 3-4 stitches to hold, I am going to ask him if he get put in about 20.LOL Did any of you get guidelines on any restrictions when you had the lapband put on regarding long term.? You guys that have lost over a 100 lbs, oh my gosh!! All you guys are amazing. I may have to bug you guys a little with questions as I start over again. I am going to also join the new September group so I can be refreshed again.
  9. Janine

    August marchies!

    Julie, Look how darn cute you are in your cap and gown. You should be so proud. So I want to poll you guys: At any given time since having the lapband put on(other than complications do to a complete unfill and weight gain) what is the most you have gone up in weight???? I would love to know, now that you guys are about 18 months out and getting close to your goal weight, can you pretty much use the band to maintain????
  10. Janine

    August marchies!

    Thanks Julie I will never leave my Marchies!! Yes, I am staying positive, always.
  11. Janine

    August marchies!

    Hi Everyone, So it seems that most have you lost about 100 lbs, and everyone seems to be maintaining or losing. You guys, do you now how incredibly awesome you all are!!!! You guys should be soooooo proud. It is such an inspiration to follow your journey. So I have gained 31 lb's out of a 64 pound overall weight loss.So almost half of my weight loss is back on since losing my band. Bear with me, while I have a pity party for a moment, but hopefully it will be an inspiration to ya all. Well, my sleep apnea is in full swing again, feel like crap, I can't cross my legs again, I am busting out of my clothes and I got rid of everything so I have no clothes to fall back on. I am snoring, I am out of breath again. I have love handles, and a double chin that had mostly gone away. My wedding ring is tight again. My feet are aching from caring the fat around. Do you guys remember when you lost just enough of the weight to feel like you were lighter and kinda almost floating compared to how it had been at your highest weight. Well, that feeling is long gone, I miss that the most. I have to stress this so much...be good to your band, keep fills at a good amount, do not get into vomiting or Pbing episodes. You guys do not want to lose your bands. I have never ever been able to diet, to keep any weight off. The band is the only thing that has worked. I should have respected it more. So here is my update, my paperwork was submitted to be rebanded it was denied because I needed a BMI of 40 and mine was 39.6. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!! Anyway nurse says maybe you want to eat a little to get it over the 40, I am like nurse consider it done. So now I am waiting. I actually think it IS going to happen. I will get the new brand on the market. It is a complete innertube, and it is much more harder to slip. You guys think I should join the group that will be banded for the first time when I am rebanded or will I come off as a know it all, or do you think they will appreciate the advice because I had already gone through it? Please pray for me you guys, else you will be seeing on CNN about a severely obese woman that is walking around in the snow with no clothes(yeah none of my fall/winter clothes fit) on in upper Michigan!!!! LOL Toodles:thumbup:
  12. Janine

    Marchies...jumpin' into June!

    Hi Kuebel, I was down about 65 lbs before all this happened. So we were both on the same track for weight loss. Yeah, exercise seems to be key. Mari & Juli- I will watch those soft calories. They can certainly go down easy. You guys I am leaving for Hawaii on Sunday with the family, hey mamalampert remember those days!!!! Anyway I am very fair skinned and living in northern Michigan does not help, so I went to a tanner. Damn, I was told to go in nude, I am burnt in places that have never seen the light of day. LOL OUCH! I am burnt on the top of the rolls, and white in between, when my doc does the surgery he should get a real hoot, or be totally grossed out!
  13. I had to have my band removed in February due to a bad slip. I had lost almost 70lbs now I am up about 25. I still feel that the band was a wonderful tool and can't wait to get it put back on. I am hopefully being rebanded early August and would love to hear from people who have been rebanded. Is it easier the second time, any advice of any kind would be appreciated. I would love to hear your story.
  14. Hi Lundy lane Congrats on being banded. I think that it was a combination of things. I was very restricted, I got into a PBing episode and could not stop, and I lifted a trundle bed with my son who dropped it at the last minute which left the weight of it on me. Now that I am doing it again, I will take the fills a little at a time, I will chew chew chew, I will force myself not to pb, and above all I will be careful on how much I will lift.
  15. Janine

    When do they come out normally?

    Hi Stargirl, I am on the otherside, I had mine removed because of a bad slip. it has been awful trying to keep the weight off. I thought for sure once losing the weight I would never go back but here I am eating my self to death once again. I am being rebanded in august and can not wait.
  16. Janine

    Marchies...jumpin' into June!

    Hello Everyone Mary- When my band slipped I could not eat anything. Even tea or saliva. I also had nonstop pbing. This is gross guys but the saliva would accumulate a little ways down my throat and then I would pb it up. As long as you can function on all liquids I would definetly do that until your appointment on Tuesday. Hang in there Mary don't lift anything too heavy. Hopefully this is just a fluke little annoyance. Maybe try a motrin maybe its muscular pain. Karen- Kids are doing pretty good. I always think of you in times of frustration, you did such a good job with your klan I will do it with 4. You give me inspiration! I had my scope down my throat yesterday and everything is fine. My doctor went to a conference last week for lapband surgery. He said it was a very good conference, and he will be putting a new type of band on me that doesn't seem to slip. I just can't wait I am up about 20 lbs. We are going to Hawaii on July 6 for about 13 days I plan to eat a lot of fruit and veggies and walk and swim maybe I can take off a few. My surgery if everything goes well should be the end of July. I can't wait to get my little buddy back. It has been brutal without it. Friends I can tell you it is not easy being on the other side. Oh!, I thought I learned, I would never eat large quantities again. What a joke! I could never relate to people that would eat then say I am full, I was never full. That is how I am now, Never ever full. But when that band was on I felt normal, really, for the first time in my life. So I have a question for all you folks: I am starting all over again basically, is there anything you would have done different or did that worked out faboulus through your lapband journey in the beginning. I want to be successful and would love to tap into your advice. Also I see so many of you are close to goal, how has your skin bounced back?
  17. Janine

    Marchies...jumpin' into June!

    Hey Everyone, Have not been on in awhile, sure have enjoyed seeing your progress. Good Job Everyone! I just got back from the doctor, good news, I am now taking the steps to get rebanded and everything looks great, so far. Doc went over the paperwork for the insurance no red flags seem to be there. I had a upper GI all is good there. I am having a scope down the throat done on June 23. Living in a small town I am hoping for the end of July for rebanding. Yahoo!
  18. Hi Gaynor, Elaine & all, When I wrote last time I was in a huge hurry. Elaine thanks for the hugs and the words of encouragement. I am like 15 lbs heavier now, and I am terrified. Gaynor I had the exact same thing happen as you. Dam I felt like I was having a heart attack. Gaynor your was so much worse then mine, I am glad you are on the way to recovery. So my story, on a Saturday night in February, 11 months out, after having the band put on, my hubby brought home KFC, a little piece of chicken got stuck. I Pb'd all night trying to get it up. Then I got into just a retching thing I couldn't stop. I went to sleep but the next morning I went to the Er because Water was hard to hold down and I was in pain. They gave me a shot of demerol and sent me on my way, I slept all Sunday. huge mistake! Monday morning I got up and could not swallow my saliva. Went to the er in severe pain (heart attack feeling???). My doc came in did a complete unfill still no relief, did a barium swallow and I was completely closed. I had emergency surgery my lower stomach had protruded up through my lapband and was cutting off circulation to my stomach. My stomach was gray and being strangled. They cut off the lapband and the blood came back. On a positive note the doctor said that when he placed the lapband on my liver, stomach and heart was surrounded by fat, but when he took it off there was virtually no fat. So where am I now? I am fighting to get my band put back on. I am not sure I can get it done, but I kinda feel like I am grandfathered in. I am 5'4" and weigh 220 right now! My BMI is 35, I have sleep apnea, so I guess will see. I went through heck but I am so unhappy with my lack of self control. Somebody explained that the outer rim wall of your stomach has nerves that are connected to your brain that tells you to stop eating. In the average person with a small stomach this works well. in a severely obese person it take a long time to tell you to stop if at all. When you have on the band since your filling that top pouch the food hits the outer wall very quick and you can't take that last bite. I swear I have no wall at all. So all the people that this works for why could'nt we been them?
  19. My lower stomach got strangulated in the lap band so I had to have it removed in emergency surgery on February 28, 3 weeks shy of my one year anniversary. I have cried and mourned that lapband. I lost 68 lbs with about 35 more to go. So I have now gained 12 lbs back. I am constantly beating myself up over it.
  20. Janine

    Marchies Bandiversary Month

    Hello Everyone, Happy Anniversary! I have loved watching you post your pictures and seeing the incredible changes. You guys are doing great, keep up the good work!! Mrs. Husker I am still around everyday lurking, thank you for your thoughts.:huh2: It's been 1 month today since my band slipped. I am up about 6 lbs, but like my doc said, and I truly believe, I was really sick so not eating for days is a couple of those pounds. It is extremely hard with out the band, I thought maybe with having had the band on for 11 months there would have been some restriction perhaps, even my stomach had shrunk. NOPE! Anyway, saw the doc yesterday, and I told him I definietly wanted the band back. I have anthem blue cross and Blue Shield out of Kentucky and I have been told they are no longer covering any type of bariatric surgery. However, my DH talked to them and they think I may be grandfathered in of having a revision. Doc absolutely won't do it until after June 1. UGH! But he said he would work with me anyway he could to get it through. Also since having the first lapband put on, they came out with another type of band that has been successful in not slipping, so this could be a very good thing. I will be high risk for another slip, but this should help. So these days I am doing sparks people and tracking my 1200 cals a day. I have been running on the treadmill, and I love to dance to You Tube songs. I eat huge omelette's loaded with egg whites and tons of mushrooms and onions. I went from a size 26 pants and 3x shirt to my current 18ish pants and regular XL shirts, so at this point it is livable although not ideal. My words of wisdom is: to not overexert in lifting, I cant help but wonder if it was a contributing factor. Do not get into PBing "episodes" that don't stop, wretching is so bad. If your way to tight get a unfill, a loose band is better then no band at all. My doc says that the average persons band lasts between 5- 8 years. If you can lose the weight and maintain using the band it is a win, win situation. After reading some of the other threads of people saying they are at goal and want it taken off, I say they are friggin crazy. LOL
  21. HI everyone, I am going to need your support like never before. On Sunday morning I ate about 1 cup of Coco wheats then I was moving a 500 lb trundle bed down some stairs. I was using every muscle in my chest and stomach. For dinner DH got KFC. I had a piece of chicken about the size of a thimble, and about a tablespoon of coleslaw. I immediately began to slime. I could not stop the slime or the coughing and gagging. I heaved from 7pm to 5am then finally went to the ER in excruciating pain like the golf ball feeling only alot worse. My blood pressure was 215 over 70 indicating I was in severe pain. The ER doctor on call said my lower stomach was in spasms against my pouch from heaving and with a little pepcid and a shot of demerol I would be better. I did feel better and went home and slept all Monday. Monday night I got up and had warm tea that gurgled down. Tuesday I went to work and decided to try some applesauce I had 2 tbs, and was back to heaving, sliming and was in utter misery. I went back to the ER. I had 4 shots of demerol that made me woosey but did nothing for the pain. They called in my Lapband doctor who gave me an immediate unfill and then a upper GI, realizing that nothing was going down and that emergency surgery was in order. He was upset that the ER doctor from the day before did not call him as soon as I came in. I had surgery that showed 1 of my stitches had come undone and my band was tilted. But the worst problem was that the lower stomach with a main vein was logged up through the band cutting off circulation to my stomach. Essentially part of my stomach was beginning to die. He had to cut off the band which gave a good blood flow back to the vein and my stomach is fine. But I am completely devastated. I have officially lost 60 lbs, and was on the home stretch. He is not objecting to rebanding but said that often same problems will occur. I don't know if my insurance will even cover a rebanding. I no longer fit the criteria. On a good note he said my insides were totataly different then when he banded me. I had initially had fat all around my organs especially my liver and stomach. He said it was like it all melted away. We are not sure what happened, did I strain to hard moving the bed, did I heave to much with the sliming, or did my belt loosen from not having all the fat around it(that is his idea maybe). All I know is my little buddy is gone. Where do I go from here??????
  22. Janine

    Marchies Bandiversary Month

    Mrs Husker Thank you for the kind words. I think we always kinda had a bond because we were banded on the same day. I couldn't have said it better it is like we are banded sisters in this group. Thanks again everyone for the support. It is quite sad though that now that I am unbanded I hear what others in my life "really" think. Ladies it's not good. They are disin the band left and right. If I could turn back the hands of time I still would be banded. I never, never lost weight the way I did being banded. What I went through this last week was scary and frighting, but so is being 271 lbs. going to sleep every night with sleep apnea and not wondering if I am going to get up in the morning or be found dead. Or having my organs, liver, and stomach encased in fat. Or the high cholesterol and high blood pressure. They are telling me that it was unnatural, that I did not need it, that with proper diet and exercise You can lose weight, well duh, I feel like saying. I am a true supporter of the band, I really am. I look forward to following everyone's journey as you glide into the next year. Kudos to everyone!!!:thumbdown:
  23. Janine

    Marchies Bandiversary Month

    Tammy, I would definetly get a slight unfill. Especially since historically the band get actually tighter over the first few weeks after a fill.

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