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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by carisajo83

  1. carisajo83

    Fibro Friends

    I have fibro. Waiting to see rheumatologist on May 14th. I can not exercise! I don't like the words can not, but in this case it's true. I've been banded for 9 months and only down 27lbs. Very irritating.
  2. Crystal light lemonade with a shot of uv blue vodka is around 100 calories and tastes like a sweettart! If you need a splash of adult in your beverage!
  3. carisajo83

    Frustraaaaated!! Arrrrgggh!!! >:(

    I am 9 months post op and have only 3.6cc in an 11cc band! To say my journey has been slow is an understatement! I'm only down 27lbs since surgery. But, I do have some sort of ailment that causes physical pain from head to toe. So, exercise has been minimal at best. It's discouraging every single day. But, we have to trust we chose the band for a reason! Did we get fat overnight? No! So, I've become more at peace with the slow pace of my journey! (((((Hugs)))))
  4. carisajo83

    Frustraaaaated!! Arrrrgggh!!! >:(

    It took me 5 months to start losing weight!! Just remember your journey is your own journey! Don't get on the website and see everyone else's success and get discouraged!!
  5. carisajo83

    Frustraaaaated!! Arrrrgggh!!! >:(

    It took me 5 months to start losing weight!! Just remember your journey is your own journey! Don't get on the website and see everyone else's success and get discouraged!!
  6. carisajo83

    3Rd Fill..ouch!

    No, you are overfilled!! This happened to me last month and I felt like I was drowning! ! Call your dr now! It'll only get worse when you lay down.
  7. Hello all! I am just posting because I need support. If you are going to put me down or lecture me, please don't respond! I got banded August 17th, 2011. I had my first fill a week and a half ago. I have noticed that I am eating FAR less. I had a full appetite prior to being filled. I am tracking my calories, doing my best to keep it right at 1200. I am walking (not as much as I should be, but my home had a black mold infestation and my husband and I have been VERY ill!!, we are moving this week, so walking will pick up). I have lost 5 inches off of my hips and 6 off of my bust. But, NO WEIGHT! I had plans of going to Mexico in late April, and my husband and I want to renew our vows. I dreamed I'd be 80 pounds lighter and I could finally get some pictures of me in a white dress that I can actually stand to look at (we got married in January of 2010, and I was at my largest). That doesn't seem like an achievable dream anymore! I lost 60 pounds preop. So, I know I can lose weight. I know I have the motivation. They keep telling me that sometimes it takes 2-3 fills before weight starts coming off. I just don't get why one person can lose 30 pounds without any fills, and then there are those like me who have lost nothing after one fill. I was 409 in November of 2010. Today I sit at 347, STEADY. Please send me your stories, and encouraging words!! Negativity is not appreciated!
  8. carisajo83

    Feeling Sad...

    That's where I am...."should've gotten the bypass".
  9. I do need to up my Protein and Water. Just not clear on how that will make that big of a difference?? I haven't dropped shirt sizes, but down one pant size and down two lounge pant sizes. I know I focus too hard on the numbers. I guess reason being that I took off so much preop and now I have this tool that should be making it easier.....and nothing! Thank you for the responses and encouragement!! Keep it coming. Each response helps that much more!
  10. carisajo83

    Feeling Sad...

    Fear not, you're not alone! I was banded on August 17th, 2011. I haven't lost a pound! I have lost 5 inches off my hips and 6 off of my bust, but no WEIGHT! I am beyond irritated, and mostly I am depressed. I got filled a week ago and I've noticed that I'm eating far less, but still no weight loss. I don't know what the answer to your problem is, but know you have a friend in me if you need one!
  11. carisajo83

    First fill Tuesday 9/27

    I'm in the same boat as you and am very interested to see the replies on this thread. I get filled for the first time Thursday. I too am eating full meals and feel VERY guilty about it! I'm not losing ANY weight (Not gaining, but not losing), and I honestly feel like I did this all for nothing!
  12. carisajo83

    Carisajo83's Before and After Pics

    My Before & After Photos!
  13. carisajo83


    I had lap band surgery on August 17th, 2011. I woke up from surgery hungry. Everyone I talk to says they weren't hungry at all after surgery. I did the 2 week preop liquids diet and never cheated. But, I started on solid foods the day after surgery. My blood sugar kept bottoming out on liquids, so I started eating crackers. I know I should be following the liquid diet. but it makes me sick and I dont want to start vomiting and bust my stitches. I am currently eating soft foods, about an ounce at a time. I am worried though because I feel hungry at least ever hour and a half. again, I'm only taking in an ounce at a time, but I feel like I shouldn't be hungry. do I need a fill already? I do not want to fail at this, and I'm not trying to make excuses why I didn't do the postop liquids diet. I'll do what I need to in order to succeed, as long ad it doesn't make me sick. please help!
  14. carisajo83


    I'm hoping after my first adjustment I'll stop eating as much. My appetite is back full force. I regret eating and get upset when I do. Tired of feeling like this isn't going to work. Not to mention I'm still in pain. I'm on my third Stadol inhaler. Defiantly regret the surgery at this point.
  15. carisajo83


    I'm glad I'm not alone. I hate that others are experiencing this, but glad I'm not the liner here. I am losing weight and tolerating soft foods without problems. Aside from the liquids, I've not been sick one time. I'm starting to feel more optimistic, but cautious. I am eating meat, but very moist or soaked in Water or sauce to help with chewing. I despise telling ANYONE what I'm dealing with, because naturally I get told "you're going to mess this all up." My question back is "I'm eating less than 12 ounces of food a day, drinking my Protein, taking my Vitamins, and exercising. Compare that to your 12 ounces PER MEAL, no exercise, and no vitamins....,.How are you SO SURE I'm going to fail??" I know a diet is put in place for a reason. But, I also know my body. I haven't lost 65 pounds PRIOR to surgery by NOT being in tune with my body. I refuse to fall back on old habits, but I also can't let myself get sick when I'm clearly tolerating what I'm eating. I'm not eating fried chicken, bacon, burgers, roast, dry chicken, bread, ETC that I know I can't digest right now! Thank you all for your kind words and support. I'm here to chat if you need a friend!
  16. @karey, I'm only 5 days post op and I can't do the liquids either. I'm not one to cheat, but my body couldn't handle just liquids. I'm being sensible with my choices, but feel guilty that I'm not able to follow drs orders. I just want to cry!!

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