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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kebsa

  1. kebsa

    Ammonia smell during exercise?

    I am pretty sure it is ketosis- its a sign that you are breaking douwn fat, mild ketosis is not the same big bad that ketoacidosis is for diabetics- ketoacidosis is in diabetics occurs fo a different reason and the level of ketones can be much higher making the blood and body fluds way too acdic causing loss of consciousness etc. If you are not diabetic ( on meds/insulin) and are losing weight fairly fast mild ketosis is bascally the body processing stored fat for energy- it can cause the odor on the breath and occasionally through the sweat, can also give you a bit of a headache but it usually a relatively short term issue
  2. kebsa

    Help:Biking for the sensitive rump

    http://www.supersizeworld.com/18-900.htm I know exactly what you mean about the seats, i used to cycle a lot when younger but last time I tried it was so painful. I found this link by accident and have hung onto because of my last experience, I have not seen the larger seat before and thought it was good idea until butts getting a but smaller
  3. Excercise is hard for some of us, I am an amputee, have ms and have to use a n elctric wheelcahir most of the time- exercise/activity is really tough but every little bit helps. I have found a couple of dvd that are aimed at people with physical lmitations or severly overweight- one is "the bariatric workout" another is "Chair Dancing around the world" if you google the chair dancing you will find there site has modified tai chi, yoga etc etc in a series of dvd's I am finding that I am at the lowest level on these programs but it is getting easier. I am also making sure that I spend more time in my manual wheelchair when I am at home- i figured that when I have been immobile for so long it was best to try to increase activity in small bites throughout the day. I have also thought of a couple of sessions with a personal trainer and a friend has actually recommended that I look for a rehab specialist who will understand how to address the health problems- i will do that pretty soon when my stamina has improved a bit. it probably would be best if you spoke to you cardiac specialist before starting an excercise program on your own though- as for the smoking, giving up the smokes really should be your next priority, i know it is a tough habit to break but it is jsut so damaging
  4. I can relate to that too but its not always possible is it! you are very wise to do your own research about meds, its harder to find out about potential interactions but I have found my local pharmacist can usually help with this, in fact I get all my meds from the same place so she automatically checks out any potential mis matches these days
  5. kebsa

    Nursing Home Abuse

    I couldn't agree with Joan More. I am an RN and early in my career I worked in a nursing home for a very short time- I was so appalled by the conditions that I went to the director of nursing only to be told that no one else was complaining so it must be my inexperience. Very reluctantly I quit, isay reluctantly because I really felt band for the residents but i sensed from my talk with the DON that if ever a problem arose with one of my patients for what ever reason they would blame my in experience. THat place was shut down 2 yrs later!! Most of the staff there were personal care attendants rather than EN or RN ( LPN's and RN's as you call them), personal care attendants are paid quite poorly so the good ones often do not stay around for long, and the training tends to be superfcial- with bad habits being passed on from worker to worker. Most facilities here have strict no lift policies to protect both staff and resident- only a lifting machine can be used -they are expensive though. I don't understand the liscensing procedure in the US so It is hard for me to comment but I know that LPN's and RNS have to answer to regulatory boards in the state they are regisitered. If you suspect elder abuse or unethical treatment- contact the regulatory board in your state, i know such complaints are taken seriously here and I would surprised if they are not in the US too. Do some research and find out what your states laws etc are like in relation to elder abuse, only with increased publicity of the problem will it ever stand a chance of being improved- as much as we may say that no family member, including ourselves are going to end up in a NH- none of us know that for sure- we may have our own health issues that stop us from caring from a relative or mean that we need supported care. I have cared for 2 parents who both died of cancer in there own home in the past 10 yrs even for someone in the profession caring for a frail family member is incredibly tough to do long term, both physically and mentally
  6. kebsa

    Chest Pains?! Help:(

    Hi Baby Cakes I have heard of it, it jsut means that you may have a little more swelling than others, Apparently some of us also have slghtly bgger fat pads around the stomach than others so it takes less swelling to make you feel really tight. I have read about some people who are so swollen in the first few days they cant swallow anything!! but it does settle. Apparently when you are really tight lke ths immediately post op you are less likely to have the strong hunger pains that a lot of people have before they get to solids because you already have some restrction. Be patient, it will pass you are healing from major surgery and it will get better
  7. kebsa

    Reflux Poll

    I had severe GERD prior to surgery even when not over weight, initally the band "cured" it but after a year or so it came back with avengance - eventually it was diagnosed as being related to swallowng problems related to MS. It is now under control again by using losec but also sleepng with head and shoulders elevated, not eating within 4 hours of bedtime, only sipping fluids later in the evening rather than "drinking" so that stomach is empty. I have been able to reduce meds and have no more symptoms after severe problems that put me in hospital several times
  8. kebsa

    Road to "TWOterville"

    THanks Lapbandit One of the things that has really helped is havng contact with other who have faced the challenge of superobesity. I have not had a local support group and do not know anyone els who has had lapband- I tried a support group similar to weight watchers but most people had only 20 to 40 pounds to lose. I know it was probalby my own insecurities but I felt like a freak, the scales would not go up to my weight ( I wanted to crawl under a rock!), instead of being benefical it seemed to point out just what a huge and impossible task I faced. I don't wish this fight on anyone but I am so grateful to those who share their stories/results, its every bit as valuable as any personal NSV- thanks for the welcome
  9. I have MS and fatigue is a big component of that too- am wheelchar dependant so have limited ability to excercise at best but have found that the 2 tier approach works best for me. on my bad days, psuedoflares and flares I drop my activity levels back- break everthing down into smaller amounts until things improve rather than dong no activity at all. On bad days I rely more on incidental activity eg activitiy of daily living rather than formal excercise program- any movement is better than none!! I also agree with AnneM, I am an RN and it is known that "polypharmacy" taking lots of different kinds of meds can actually lead to problems- drug interactions etc. Multiple meds are jsut a reality for some of us but it still pays to have the whole lot reviewed periodcally and each of your treating doctors should now all of the other medis that you are currently taking including over the counter meds. A significant number of people are admitted to medcal wards every year because of medications interacting with each other - the risk gets higher as we get older too!
  10. kebsa

    So Totally Discouraged

    Do you take regular measurements as well as recording your weight- it seems that for a lot of us, when you hit a plataeu and the scales will not budge, you often see changes in your body measurements- someone told me this and I certainly have found it to be true so far. Its really easy to focus on the scale alone, and what we have not achieved rather than what we have. I think that has proved to be one of my toughest lessons but it is gettin easier with practice
  11. kebsa

    Totally Unfilled

    Hi Cherg I was completely unbanded due to complications and medical problems - I was told that it would mean that would gain weight and like somekind of self fulflling prophecy, i gained weight!! I maxed out at 385 pounds in november last year to my absolute horror and shame. I am stll unfilled at the moment but decided that could still use the bandster rules rather than acceptng that would gain. started going back to calorie counting, journaling all food, restricted high GI carbs and processed foods and I have lost 55 pounds in 3 months!! My typical day would be Protein shake with fruit pureed through it for Breakfast 1/2cup cottage cheese with chopped tomato, shallot,cucumber, balsamic vinegar for lunch 2 1/2 oz lean chicken or turkey with veg such as zucchini, chinese cabbage, peppers etc spiced up abit with chilli or soy for dinner I am hoping that I wll be able to get a small fill next week as I am feeling hungry between meals at times but I am so pleased with myself with how things have been going even with out any fill that at the times I feel like caving to snacking etc I can focus on the achievements that I don't want to wreck. Hopefully it will not be long before they can refill your band for you! good luck
  12. I think it depends on what diet you have been asked to follow. A lot of surgeons put their patients on liqud protein diets like optifast for a couple of weeks pre op- it is tough and most people do feel really hungry but the idea is that the modified fast helps shrink your liver back to a more normal size- it makes it a lot easier and safer to position the band in the right spot. If this is what you are having to do, i can sympathise- it is worth the effort though. drinking water or tea etc can help reduce the hungery feelings.
  13. HI everyone I am new to ths site but not new to the band. I was banded back in 2001 but struggled and did not realy lose weight due to constant vomiting etc. I was following the band rules but still had major problems until i was diagnosed with ms that had affected my ability to swallow. gradually with the help of specialist nutritionists/speech pathologists we have worked out how to adapt the usual band rules and finally I am moving in the right direction. I feel like a born again bandster- if that makes sense. now since november I have lost 54.5 pounds!! I don't have anyfluid in the band at the moment but i'm hoping that I will be allowed to try a small fill again soon- i see my surgeon in a weeks time!!
  14. THanks Julie, I feel so much more positive about just about everything than I have for sooo long. I am an amputee as well as having the MS, I have not been able to wear a prosthesis for years- now finally after moving in the right direction with weight loss I have been told that it may be possible- not until I lose substantially more but at least it is becoming a possibity!!
  15. kebsa

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Hi I'm new to this board as well, I started at 385pounds in november and I am 331 currently. Back in november the thought of losing even 50 pounds seemed almost impossible, now getting below the 300 mark seems so much more achievable- it really helps to see so many of you have successfully lost so much weight, it makes the goal seem real
  16. kebsa

    600-800 calories!?

    I recently went back to my dietician for a review of how much I should been eating. I had been having around 1000 cals per day and was my weight loss had really slowed down. She told me to aim for 650 cals per days and I am certainly not in the healing stages- that is long since past. I have been told that 650- 800 is where is should probably aim for for life- but I am completely wheelchair dependant- i can't imagine that this would be a reasonable long term calorie intake for someone of even moderate activity
  17. Congratualtions on your new band Amanda, best thing I can say at the moment is to take care of yourself- follow the instructions you were given to get you through the next few weeks. There may be times when it seems slow to get to full diet and ther will be times when you may feel like skipping ahead abit- don't do it unless your doctor ok's it- you need to heal properly and that involves your poor old stomach being rested. take care!

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