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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Tanyad71

  1. First I would like to say congratulations on your successful weight loss! That is awesome!!! Your surgery date is close to mine..i was banded the 20th :) sounds like you havent had any problems with your band.. have you?

    Yes a gym membership or exercise is very important..plus it will help tone your body :) I need to get a membership again. I had one but moved this yr and havent joined a gym plus after getting so sick with the slipped/prolapsed band?? Whichever it is, I had no energy but now im feeling great and its time to get back to it! I miss it :(

  2. Update: Banded Oct. 15, 2009 and am down 119 lbs. I am less than10 lbs from the goal my doctor has set for me and less than 20 lbs from the goal I have set for myself. YIPPEE!! For those of you just starting on this journey.............1. be patient 2. Use your band as a tool, not a cure 3. Follow your doctors instructions 4. get you self to the gym a minimum of 3 times a week 4 write down everything you eat.. If I can do this, anyone can. It won't be easy but it will be possible if you are willing to work at it.

    And I have no idea how to update this ticker, so it is no where close to being correct. :) Good luck all you October Bandsters.

  3. Wow Alienbandit..lucky you! I want a tummytuck and breast implants soooo bad.Doubtful my insurance will pay for it though. :( So why did you need to get rebanded?

    Altopower tell me about it..weight it so easily put back on. I had got down to 142 after being totally sick and not able to eat much then I wasnt able to eat anything. Thats when i decided to go to see the doc. I knew this wasnt right.I was happy I was losing but it was not healthy by any means. Now since I've had my band deflated Im able to eat anything and everything which felt good for a change but now Im ready for the restriction again. I really hope that it works for me but if not Im hoping my insurance will approve the sleeve. Its what i originally opted for but the insurance didnt cover it at the time. My doc says theres alot of insurance co that didnt cover it but now do so thats the route im going if my band fails me.

    Well sorry to hear of your mishaps and good luck to you on the 22nd. Hope all goes well for you. And good luck on getting those 15 lbs off. Im sure you'll be able to achieve your weight goal. ;)

  4. That was me too....everything would always get stuck. I couldnt eat any fruits or raw veggies. If i ate any veggies they had to be steamed or cooked and I still wouldn't be able to eat much. I wanted to so badly be able to eat healthy and to feel satisfied. After I got my 3rd fill which made me have 5.25cc..i started Pbing all the time. I thought that was normal and that soon it would loosen up well i was wrong. I never got any Fluid taken out and ended up having a slipped band. I think all the Pbing caused this to happen. Now Im going on almost a month unfilled and able to eat normal again although since I had been banded I felt deprived of all the things I missed eating so Ive gained a couple pounds but now that ive satisfied my taste buds its back to eating healthy again : ) I am going to get a little fill here in a couple weeks and see what happens but if I start getting sick again, its gonna have to come out which if it does i will get the sleeve done. I know that i need something in place because I am addicted to food. I really wish i could overcome this problem with food addiction. Well anyway NJgirl good luck to you. My advice though is to get some fluid taken out because you shouldn't be getting sick like that. Take care

  5. I have the lap-band and I also have that card although i never use mine.. I just bring home whatever i cant eat and save it for later. Nothing ever gets wasted as I order things that i can just heat up in the microwave or oven.

    I did once try to use it a chinese buffet and they suggested i just get the to go container. Its where you get a container and put what you want in it and they weigh it and you pay by the pound.. that worked great for me. I feel like I didnt get ripped off cuz i only paid for what i got.

  6. Hello ladies. I know you all will be able to help if anyone can.

    I am 18 weeks 4 days along. I currently have 6cc in my 10cc band ( have had it at 6cc since August of '10 ). During the day I can still eat and drink fine, no problems at all. HOWEVER, at night I am waking up literaly choking on reflux. I figure if this keeps up I will have aspiration pneumonia in no time at all. I have stopped eating and drinking after 7pm and that has not helped. Do you all think that I need to have some of my saline taken out? I dont understand why I am fine all day long with my band, but the nighttime is turning into a nightmare. Any ideas or suggestions?

    Hi there..let me just start by saying ive been banded since Oct 2009. Ok so i had no problems with any reflux up until this yr and exactly like you i was fine throughout the day just at night i would wake up choking on acid reflux so I finally went to the doc and they removed some of the liquid in my band and for a week that seemed to go fine but then it was back again but this time it was much worse. I was not able to hold down anything at all. Everytime i tried to eat or drink i would have to go vomit it up. I knew this wasnt right so i called and made another appt to see the doc again well i live out of town so i had to make for a couple weeks away and i tried to make it til then but i just couldnt handle it any longer. I started feeling dehydrated so I ended driving 3 and 1/2 hrs away to go the ER where my doctor is so I could be seen by him or some one thats fimilar with the lap band because the town i live in now theres no doctor for me to see. So i get to the ER they start me on a IV right away and take some blood then they get word from my doctor to do an xray and a ct scan..well come to find out my band had slipped so they remove the saline completely and i tell ya i could feel the difference right away..man it felt soo good but I was starving and then they tell me that im on a liquid diet until i see my doctor in 10 days :( Well thankfully i only had to be on that diet for 2 days because it was the weekend when i went to the ER so that Monday the docs office called me and asked if i could come in the next day so i did. My doctor wanted to show me what had happened with my band and discuss the possibility of removing it if after 4 weeks the band doesnt go back into place. If it doesnt Im going to get the sleeve done. Thats what i originally wanted but insurance didnt cover it but now they do so thats the route im going to take but my suggestion to you is to make sure your band hasnt slipped because thats exactly what happened to me. :( Good luck to ya and i wish you the best. :)

  7. Thank you for your concern Anewlife10. No i havent been sick the whole time but i have been for the past several months..I really hope that its just my band is too tight and once the band is loosened i'll resume normalcy again :) I eat fairly healthy although not always..i am not perfect but i do try to eat healthier. Yesterday for Breakfast i made soft scrambled eggs and it was going down well but then after about 20 mins i started feelin the need to vomit and so there i went..to the almighty porclein throne! Again!

    My appt is set kinda far into the future but its the best i could do as my daughter is in school and its a 3 1/2 hr drive from where i live. Unfortunately here in the town i live in there are no lapband docs. : (

  8. Thanks djt10..i too know the feeling of something being stuck and having to throw it up to get rid of it but for the past few months ive been having acid reflux. Ive never had this before but i know thats what it is because my stomach feels lke its on fire and when i throw up i can taste the acid. I am at my goal weight now so i am going to have all the Fluid taken out to see how i can manage my food intake on my own. I think i can do it..i should say i know i can do it!

  9. Hi everyone..I have been having problems with keeping anything down for the past week. Ive been back to my doctor a few weeks ago because i was having alot of acid reflux. Especially at night and he suggested i take Prilosec which i have been but lately ive been unable to hold anything down to include Water. I did have 1/2 cc of Fluid removed at my last visit and for the first few weeks it was all well. I was able to sleep at night again! God that was great and now here i am back to square one..Im so tired of feeling this way. I just want to eat again. Any suggestions? Please help me if you know of anything i can do.

  10. LOL..Yes i know what ya mean. I eat alot of stuff i shouldnt and unfortunately this may be the reason im having so many problems now : ( and yes i love ice cream too..actually wish i could have some right now. My daughter just had a big bowl full of ice cream.. :'( But thank you..i hope i start feeling normal again and i think i will get some Protein Drink tomorrow morning. And yes i will keep in touch. I new on here as you can see so i dont know anyone. Thank you for talking with me :)


  11. Hi there..I was banded in Oct 09 and ive lost 80 lbs. Im almost at my goal weight..just another 5 lbs to go but as of late i have been feeling major restriction. So much that im having such a hard time keeping anything down let alone taking it in. But overall im very happy with my outcome. Almost 2 yrs and im right where i want to be!

    Hopefully you will achieve your goal in the next yr..my first yr i didnt lose much but this second yr ive lost like crazy!

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