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About MelissaAnd

  • Rank
    Guru in Training
  • Birthday 06/12/1973

About Me

  • Biography
    Surgery Date: 2/28/11.
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    EMT/Volunteer Firefighter
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  1. MelissaAnd

    Can't keep vitamins down!

    I am almost 2 years out from my surgery. I still cannot take the bariatric vitamins. Something in all of them makes me very sick. I have tried Fusion, Optisource, Bariatric Advantage and Celebrate. I finally tried gummy vitamins. i realize that they do not have enough of some of the items and I do take Vit b-12, d, and c supplements as well as calcium. However, i feel that taking the gummies is better than nothing at all! Anyone else in the same boat?
  2. MelissaAnd

    I'm Having A Really Hard Time

    We have all been in your shoes! Trust all of us when we say it will be so worth it! Just take one day at a time and if that's too hard, break it up into 4 blocks of time. It is hard to overcome the emotional rollercoaster that you are on, but trust me when I say you will be so happy that you did this! When I did the pre-op part of my diet, if I felt hungry I had a glass of Water. It didn't necessarily help with the hunger pains, but it made my stomach full. I kept telling myself, I only have x number of days to go. I did cheat one day, but stuck to it for the most part. I wish I had better words of wisdom, but it's tough! Just hang in there and keep your focus on your end result.
  3. I am almost 1 year out and I am always cold! My husband had gastric bypass about 7 years ago and is still cold, but not as bad as he was the first couple of years. I just wear layers, which is a nice change from my pre-surgery condition of always being too hot! I now enjoy wearing sweaters!! I'm glad to be rid of my "fatty" old sweater!
  4. So glad to hear from you! YAY for a size 10 and losing so much :)

    I am doing good, minimal pain, tons of restriction lately but it comes with stress. I am down 89 lbs, 1 lb til goal and FINALLY in my goal size of size 8. Weight loss has slowed but still losing so I think I will go another 10 at teh most before I force it to stop. This whole experience has been crazy!

  5. I have stalls all the time and they are really frustrating. But during the stalls, I notice that I seem to loose inches. I never measured myself with a tape measure. I just use how my clothes fit as a guide. So, i believe that I loose one week, then my body adjusts to it for the next 2-4 weeks. In the beginning, I had a 6 week stall right after my 2nd week following surgery too. I was so upset! I thought I was doing something wrong. Then, one day I woke up and weighed! I had lost 6 lbs overnight. I haven't had a huge weight loss like that since, but it helps to remind myself of my theory. I am in yet another stall. But I keep my focus and know that I will eventually start loosing again.
  6. MelissaAnd

    One Year Anniversary

    Congratulations! You look great!
  7. MelissaAnd

    The easy way... Yup!:-)

    What a great attitude! Your post brought a much needed smile to my day! I, too, am loving my sleeve!
  8. A true inspiration for me (and all of us!). You look fabulous!
  9. MelissaAnd

    55 pounds lost!!!!

  10. Oh! That's awful! I had to fight to get mine too! I had sleep apnea, acid reflux and high blood pressure with a BMI of 38. They denied me at first. I had to get several letters from all of my doctors in support of the procedure. My sleep doctor even wrote a letter stating that even though my BMI was not at the required 40 that I needed a large amount of pressure to alleviate my tendency towards sleep apnea. The insurance company tried to say my sleep apnea wasn't severe enough. The fact was that I would stop breathing while sleeping. It doesn't take a genius to realize that when you are not breathing, you are at risk of dying! It took me about 4 months of fighting, but I was finally able to win. I also ate more and drank a lot of Water before my weigh in. I had to put on about 15 lbs of weight to get the insurance company to finally approve me. It was not an easy win, but I wouldn't give up! Insurance companies are in the business to make money and if they deny you, they are making money on your premiums without having to pay out for services. So, fight for your life and get your doctors to write letters in support of the surgery. Hopefully, one of them will update their knowledge on the benefits of the VSG and help you win your appeal!
  11. I remember having the same problem. It didn't matter what I did for awhile, I just had an unhappy tummy! It does go away, but it takes time. i thought that it was from the healing process. However, be sure to let your doctor know that you are having these problems. it might be something else. I did have another condition pop up and it was my gallbladder, but the pain was very different from this. Best bet, call your doctor and tell them what is going on so that if need be, they can help you with it. Good luck and I hope you are feeling better soon! It's no fun to be post-op and hurting!
  12. MelissaAnd

    Is It True???

    Well, it was 4 months before I even attempted a soda. The carbonation gave me a full feeling quite quickly so if I do have a soda, which is rare, I put it over ice and usually let the ice melt to dilute it some. It's sometimes hard to avoid, especially while I was buying clothes for my kids for school at the mall. I try to find iced tea whenever I can instead of soda, knowing that there is more caffeine in it, but I'd rather have tea than soda. Less sugar and its my drink of choice. However, sometimes its hard. I can usually find bottled Water too, but sometimes I just need something else. Crystal Lite and SF Koolaid got old way too fast for me and now I hardly drink them.
  13. MelissaAnd

    Packing and ready

    Oh! I remember those pre-surgery jitters! They were horrible! I didn't sleep at all the night before and I was so tired the morning of surgery. I kept thinking about all the reasons to not have it done and I was scared. When I woke up from surgery, I was amazed that I didn't have much pain. In fact, it was more discomfort than anything. It only took me a little while to realize that I had nothing to fear, but fear itself and I haven't looked back since! I wish you the very best and hope that you have a speedy recovery! Enjoy your time while recovering because before you know it, you will have so much energy that you won't want to sit still for long! Keep us all posted!
  14. MelissaAnd

    Pre-op Diet is a killer

    Wow! I am jealous. Most of you got to have food on your pre-op diet. I was restricted to liquids only! It was super hard, but I kept remembering how great I was going to look after it was all over with. I lived on Atkins shakes and Water. I made herbal tea at night as it was during the winter when I had to do the liquid diet. I, too, had huge headaches, but I know that mine were from caffeine withdrawals. It took about 4 days to go away and I haven't had horrible headaches like that since. In fact, I have only had a headache maybe 3 times since my surgery 6 months ago. Plus, I include my weightloss pre-op to my total weightloss. Also, after surgery, I added Jello, popsicles, and broth all of which tasted so good after just being on Protein shakes for 2 weeks! It really will help you after you have surgery. The hardest part for me was realizing after surgery that my way of eating before all of this was now just a memory. I haven't missed food much since then. I do get a craving every now and then, but it usually subsides. I really missed pizza. Now, I can have about a half of a slice, but it just doesn't taste the same. Hang in there! It really does get better. You are making a life-long change that you will be so happy about once you are on the mend. I have not regretted my decision yet and I am down 68 lbs and 6 months post-op. Besides, we are all waiting for you on the loser's bench! It's a great place to be!!
  15. I am still amazed with my sleeve! I am 6 months out and still loosing, but slowly now. I am getting lots of great comments from friends and others. Now everyone wants to know my secret. Some are even looking into getting the sleeve!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
