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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MEW

  1. MEW

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Welcome John!! I sent you a PM!!
  2. MEW

    Hello KS Bandsters

    Hi John....I had Dr. Hoehn as my surgeon and he was wonderful, love the man for giving me my life back!! Tim (the PA) has been doing my fills, and honestly, I have been very impressed with the miniml amount of pain and how quick he is during the fills. I'd recommend him to anyone!! Becky, the receptionist is a wonderful person and always so cheerful and ready to help out anyway she can. I'm not going to say that I havent had problems with others in the office, but the one I had the most problems with is no longer working there (NO!! It's wasnt Billie!!). I think with the waiting and getting frustrated by the "I want it now" mentality that I had waiting for insurance/surgery approval is why I had issues with another staff member....but I'm finding that I was wrong about her and just like the rest of us, we all have some bad times in our lives and we tend to convey that to others we are dealing with...make sense? Give the office staff a chance, then form your own opinions!
  3. MEW

    Hello KS Bandsters

    Its been awhile since I have been on the board, and lots of things have changed!! Where did all the other posts go? Where did all the other people go? LOL Welcome John!! There are quite a few people that has had surgery at SMMC with Dr. Hitchcock and Dr. Hoehn lurking around here somewhere. Congratulations on your weight loss surgery decision and good luck in your insurance approval...let us know how its going!! Be sure to come to the support group meetings at SMMC!! When: Thursday, January 24, 2008 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Location: Shawnee Mission Conference Room Inside Human Resources Entrance 8901 West 74th Street Shawnee Mission Medical Center, Shawnee Mission Guest Speaker : Ms. Anna Fraley, Personal Trainer Ms. Fraley has her own business and her Bachelor's Degree in Sports Medicine and Exercise Science with a Minor in Athletic Training from the University of Evansville. Anna also has her American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) - Exercise Specialist and American Red Cross - CPR and First Aid Instructor Certifications. Topic: Exercise - Let's Get Motivated After the Holidays!
  4. MEW

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Jeanette...I've said it before, and I'll say it again.... YOU are my inspiration!!! Congratulations on the wonderful loss!! Looking forard to your "100 pounds lost!!" post in the near future!! Congratultions are also in order on becoming "Aunt Jeanette"!! Desiray is a beautiful baby girl with a name to match!! Enjoy the time with her...my niece is now a mommy herself and expecting her 2nd child soon...they grow up so fast!!
  5. MEW

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Diane and hugger...you're both right, I think I set my goals a little to high :confused: But ya know what...I'm still gonna try, even if I can olny make it to 15 pounds, I'll be tickled pink! I gotta tell ya about a non-scale victory I had 3 days ago...I still giggle to myself when I think about it!! To make a long story short, when I'm at home and dont have to go out anywhere during the day, I wear sweat/jogging type pants, much easier to clean in and way more comfortable!! Anyway...with all the water I drink, I have to make frequent trips to the bathroom. Well, Saturday, I really had to pee...I'm mean I was literally doing the "pee pee dance" waiting at the bathroom door for my youngest to come out (the downfall of only having 1 bathroom) When I was finally able to get in there, I grabbed my pants by the waist and yanked them down...did my thing....and when I went to pull my pants back up, it hit me!!! I was wearing jeans!! Not sweats!! I was able to pull my jeans down without unbuttoning them or unzipping them!! So, just for the fun of it...I tried to pull them back up while they were still zipped and buttoned...and they slid up over my hips without any problems!! I figure one more week and I can happily toss this size of jeans in the "Donate" box and pull out the smaller sizes from my closet, before they literally fall off me while I'm out in public!! Diane...I'm only about 10 minutes from the Legends...I'd love to join you in walking there!! Speaking of Christmas...I was at Hobby Lobby and Micheals over the weekend and was floored that all their aisles are filled with Christmas crafting supplies....guess they need to get them on the shelves, but its still summer!! I'm heading back outside to mow...my exercise for the day!! Hope everyone is healthy and happy!! (I really do need to reply to a few emails, I will when I get a few extra minutes!!!) *HUGS* to everyone!!!
  6. MEW

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Oh Shucks!! I hate when I cant edit a post..those dang smileys!! Grrrrr.... Anyway....Chantay, didnt want you to think I forgot about you!! I'd love to see you again!! With your new job, are you able to make it to the support group meetings now??
  7. MEW

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Well...that last fill seems to be doing the trick!! I'm at 3 cc's in my 4 cc band, and was just a little to tight the first few days which I attributed to swelling, but now that the swelling is gone...the restriction is there in full force!! I'm still able to tolerate most foods (breakfast sausage is NOT my friend anymore lol) but cant eat as much as I was.... I was ashamed to go in for a fill, didnt want to show my failure at the weight loss..but next appointment, I'll be going in there singing and dancing!! LOL I want to be able to go back in to Dr. Hoehn's office (Sept 19th) and show a loss of 20 pounds...is that feasible, or am I setting myself up for more disappointment? I still have 2 1/2 weeks until the appointment and since I have already lost 7, thats only 13 pounds to go. I'll let y'all know how it goes!! hugger....Your pictures amaze me everytime I look at them!! 2bthinagn....How are you feeling? Diane...I hope someday we can meet...maybe a little get together for all of us somewhere? Lunch?
  8. MEW

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Diane...Just wanted to tell you that I am so glad you got a date for your PS, and I'll be following your progress very closely...looking forward to seeing a few "after" pics if you dont mind posting them! You have done so well with your weight loss...I'm adding you to my list of "inspirational people"!!
  9. MEW


    *HIJACK* TRACY!!! OMG!! You look fantabulous!!! I love the newest pic added to your time line!! BTW...I can eat cheese omelettes, but not scrambled eggs with cheese...go figure!!
  10. Tracy!! You have done an amazing job so far!! I love your pictorial timeline!! Congratulations on your engagement!!
  11. So, I was curious to just how much my clothes weigh, so I weighed myself, got nekkid and weighed myself again! LOL 4 pound difference!! I was wearing a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and the standard bra and panties...no socks or shoes.
  12. MEW

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Hi Chantay!!! Glad to hear you'll be at the meeting tomorrow night!! Unfortunately, Hubby says I cant go...LOL He says I have to go to the Chiefs/Saints game instead *giggle* I'm hoping you will be going to the September meeting as well?? It would be nice to see you again!! I went in for another fill today, so I am at a total of 3 cc in my 4 cc band...I seem to lose my restriction about 2 weeks after I get a fill and then have to wait 2 weeks for another one and hope that my will power can hold out for me. Its back to liquids for me, then onto the mushy phase again....after I start back on solid proteins, I'll let y'all know if I'm reaching my sweet spot or getting anywhere near it! Someone please fill me in on the info from the meeting, if ya dont mind!!
  13. MEW

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Hey there hugger!! 2bthinagn had her surgery this morning!! She is now an official bandster!! WoooHoooo!!! I got a quick email from her when she got home, she is a little sore but says she is doing good!! I'm so excited for her!!
  14. MEW

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Wow Diane!! Congrats on the PS!! What an accomplishment for you!! Will you be taking some before and after pics? I'd love to see them if you do!! I'll be watching or your PS thread!! (I love exclamation points!!!! LOL)
  15. MEW

    Medicare doctor in KS or MO?

    I dont know about all the docs in the area that are Medicare/COE approved, but I do know that Dr. Hoehn and and Dr. Hitchcock at SMMC are approved for Medicare and COE. Welcome to the Bariatric Center of Kansas City, Providing surgical solutions to obesity
  16. Hi nulife! One thing that helped me with my Protein drinks was to blend them up in my Magic Bullet with ice! I also added coffee flavorings to them, the flavorings (vanilla, chocolate, hazelnut, etc) can be found in most grocery stores (I use Price Chopper) in the coffee aisle, and they come in sugar free varieties too! As far as what to eat after surgery, the nutritionist that is affiliated with your surgeon should be able to give you better advice, since all doctors vary in what they want and dont want you to eat. Congratulations on your upcoming surgery!! Please keep us posted on your progress!!
  17. MEW

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Hi everyone!! I didnt realize how long its been since I last posted until I received an email reminder this morning, saying I hadnt posted! LOL Doing great here, for the most part...just got home from Indiana a few days ago, and I'm thrilled to say I did not gain any weight at all while visiting my sister and the rest of my family that is notorious for their cooking skills!! LOL I had my second fill right before we left for vacation, so I'm sure that helped out a lot! I'm now up to 2 cc in my 4 cc band, but still not feeling very much restriction...I am losing weight, but its very, very...very slow. So slow, in fact, that I will only update my ticker at each 10 pound interval. :cry I'm eating the bandster way, exercising, getting in all my Protein and fluids, very low carb...what am I doing wrong? I really wanted to lose at least 20 pounds by now...its been almost 2 1/2 months since surgery :confused: I'm going to ask Tim at my next appointment if there is some type of appetite suppressant I can take while waiting for my fills to kick in...seems late at night is when the hunger pains hit full force. I have to force myself to eat in the mornings and afternoons, but come sundown...I'm a raving lunatic when it comes to hunger. I know, I know...this is a slow process and thats why I chose the lapband over other types of surgery...I just feel like the little spoiled girl from the original Willie Wonka movie..."I want it now!!!" LOL I'm so glad to see that Chantay is doing so well with her journey!! :clap2: hugger1021 is also doing an amazing job!! Sure hope she posts some pictures soon, I think y'all would be amazed at the transformation in her already!! :whoo: 2bthinagn is scheduled for her lapband surgery tomorrow!! Lets all send out lots of good thoughts and prayers her way!! She has waited a long time for this!! *BIG HUGS* to you 2bthinagn!!!
  18. MEW

    Major Plateau...Help!

    90 pounds lost in less than a year?? Thats awesome!!! How much more do you want to lose? As we get closer to our goal, the weight loss slows down. Tracking your food intake is a great idea!!
  19. MEW

    Are You A Pervert Too

    LMAO!! Thats got to be the funniest thing I have read all night!! (I hope you intended it to be funny...if not, well....:speechles)
  20. MEW

    Is it worth it?

    I'm 5 weeks out, and I can honestly say...I'd do it all over again in a heart beat!! I've lost some weight, not as much as I hoped to, but its a start, and I know the rest will come off soon! As for the flu...I was told by my surgeon that if I feel the flu coming on to call the office and get some anti-nausea meds ASAP to avoid vomitting.
  21. MEW

    Where is everyone from?

    Checking in from Kansas City, KS ras141414...I'm originally from NW Indiana, and have a sister that lives in Lafayette!
  22. MEW

    Tell me about Lime Wire?

    Yep...had major computer problems after my teenage kid downloaded lime wire. My computer hasnt been the same since.
  23. Ok, I made it through the first fill!! I had the option of getting numbed up prior to the saline needle getting inserted, but I chose not to. I figured why get stuck twice? The first needle will hurt when it goes in, then I'll get numb so why not just bite the bullet and do it without getting numb? I did, and it wasnt so bad at all!! I was given 1 cc in my 10 cm band, (it only holds 4 cc's)...so, I'm hoping for some good restriction, and soon!! I havent had anything to eat today, just liquids and I'm starving!! LOL
  24. MEW


    I was able to shower the next day, but my staples were kept dry with the Op-Site (clear bandage) covering them.
  25. Thanks for this thread!! Its just what I came here looking for tonight, because I have my first fill tomorrow...and was a tad bit nervous. My doctor didnt say, but I have read other threads that say I should NOT eat anything (liquids only) before a fill...what did y'all do, if you dont mind me asking?

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