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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by YolandaSready

  1. Hello Everyone- I just wanted to give an update: I am feeling great! No more gas in shoulder or under my ribs and the swelling has gone down tremendously! I have started walking on treadmill just 20 min a day so far. Actually craving soft foods but I know that I must wait... I think I am looking foward to my first fill since I do not want to mess up.

  2. yesterday went ok- However I became very stiff sitting in same spot at desk all day, and now it hurts right under my ribs - I realize that I am not hungry basically it is my mind always reminding me of my previus routines with eating... I pray this remains until my first fill, so I just try to keep reminding myself that I am in healing stage.

  3. 1st day back to work behind my desk;) - I only am in office 2 days this week, wish me well! Bloating and gas now to a minimum. It seemed as though my weight went up 5 lbs after surgery due to IV & AIR- but now I am back down.

  4. 1st Day back to work today! ;) I have been walking and doing well on post op diet. - Bloating and Gas is to a minimum ;) It seemed as though after surgury

  5. Got there @7:17 signed -docs nequired - brought to back @9:30 - I was # 2 for Dr Reilly - so he passed by and smiled! - whelled to surgical room @ 10:30 work up @ 12:30 was home by 1:30! Feeling great! able to keep Water down- NOT hungry at ALL!!! I am so happy - cause I thought that I would be hungry since I had nothing since yesterday @ 6 pm. GAS is defintely in my left upper shoulder and I can feel it moving but NO Pain anywhere else- Thank you all for telling me to walk becuase I am indeed BURPING I look forward to walking this journey! Hey got a hug from Lisa @ hospital and it calmed my nerves - also meat I think another Lisa while waiting - I cannot remember he last name so I pray to see her on here as she was post-op and encouraged me very well in expectations too! well I am gonna walk around house little more and rest - nite nite!
  6. YolandaSready

    Procedure Complete & feeling great!

    They will tell you the dates which he is available and you can select. CONGRATS on your decision! I am very happy that i did it.
  7. I will be in the hospital in 3 hours
  8. Bloating is going down & pain minimizing.

  9. Good morning all! today is day 2 post surgery. Today I am much more sore - I think it was because I felt so well that I went to walmart with my sister and I should not have ridden in the car on the bumpy roads so soon... over all I am still taking in clear liquids as instructed and this part isnt too bad since right now truly I am not hungry! Whoo Hoo!

  10. Lisa, there you are! Lisa right? So it dawned on me that I messed up .... If I would have allowed them to test me for the hernia prior to surgery, when Dr. Reilly repaired it - (because I did have one) insurance would have re-imbursed me... I was so eager that I did not fully consider this part in wisdom. so I do recommend having this done to everyone... 5,000 is 5,000 - regardless I am happy!

  11. YolandaSready

    Procedure Complete & feeling great!

    Wow tons of is-spellings in my update right after surgery while on pain meds- sorry - I wanted to say things are good this am - not as much gas in upper shoulder since heating pad and walking really does help! DOING GOOD! thank you all for your support!
  12. Thanks for prayers! I am feeling GREAT! - Just GAS in upper lleft shoulder and moving so I am walking thru house and BURPING ;)

  13. YolandaSready

    Today is the day!

    Thank you! Hope to see a smiling face
  14. Today is the day! I will be in the hospital in 3 hours ;) 7:30 am

  15. Just wanted to take the time to encourage someone else - by saying: after the initial shock of NO Carbs & a massive headache day 1 & 2, (eat sugar fee jello to fix that) I actually felt like I had more energy... Substituting 2 meals and eating 1 light dinner has become the norm. Tomorrow is my surgery day so Signing in under Pre-Op discussion today but Post OP section after tomorrow!
  16. 1 day out! - Tomorrow is the day... ;)

  17. 1 day out! - Tomorrow is the day... ;)

  18. Toally awesome demonstration! Thank you! Found the link. I think this gives a really good visual. For some people maybe drinking with meals doesn't affect how soon they get hungry afterwards , either that or they have the will power to only eat what they are supposed to and then not eat again till the next meal. But for those of you who are struggling you may want to watch this and then start following this rule. Lack of success may be due to some as simple as not following what for many is a basic rule.
  19. Ok so I am losing count here - So Now I am 3 days out before surgery! :) The pre-op diet is going well.

  20. I know this is a personal topic BUT I have to ask in order to be prepared- It appears that I am more constipated now with drinking the Protein shakes on my pre-op diet. I am also geting 8 glassses of Water a day as I should ... Does anyone have solution that will benefit me both pre & post op ? normally benefiber (orange flavor with water) helps but it does not seem to be working. last night I went and picked up exlax chocolates ....?
  21. Haha!Yes I started smiling when I saw this forum! Brothers & Sister in Christ Jesus - lift me in prayer and also my surgeon; as God allows me to take this journey! I am excited to hear about each of your experiences! talk to me
  22. Lynn I cannot find you on face book please look for me - Yolanda Shanks! thank you for answering me!

  23. Hi there Hott (that sounds odd;) me saying it ;) - I wanted to reach out to you since we have the same doctor - I am scheduled to be banded 08/25 - tell me how did it all go?

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