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About zil
Expert Member
- Birthday 07/14/1953
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zil started following Blog 80125
zil started following Hello!! Arizona Native Here! I'm Sooo A Newbie!!
H-E-L-L-O. I have been away from the site for awhile. Really no excuse except that May, June and July are my really busy time where I work. Things have been going well until this past week. I reached the green zone on January, but with the weight loss I had to get a few fills in July & August. Did good until last one, when I asked for just a tweak, say maybe a .10 in my band, but she insisted that would not do a thing and ended up giving me more, which put me over the edge. Took me 10 days to realize I was in the red zone (I thought I was eating too big of bites, or not chewing enough, but even when I made sure to take my time, have small bites and did chew, chew, chew), the food would just sit on my band. So, yesterday I went in and had some fluid removed. Feel soooo much better now, but I also think she took too much out because now I noticed that I am hungry. So, guess I will be getting a couple of small fills over the next few weeks and I am going to insist the doc listens to me ... after all, I know my body much better than she does,. Very discouraging to have to have fluid taken out, but I will chalk it up to a new experience. I am sure some of you have been there, too. Well, I will continue to tell you that I love my band, it was the best money I have ever spent. And after 40 more pounds are gone, I am getting a tummy tuck and if my hubby keeps complaining about that cost, I may get a butt lift, my arms done as well as my thighs. My boobs look perky in my genie bra (ain't nobody fooling with my nips) LOL. So, that is it in a nutshell., Hope you are all doing well.
Well, I have not blogged for a while, since I did not feel as if I had anything to write about, but have been following all your posts...I AM VERY PROUD OF YOU ALL!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. Now for the drum roll part, 2 of my daughters and I went shopping yesterday and ended up looking for a dress for "mother of the bride" (my youngest daughter is getting married Sept 1st). We started with sizes 20 and went down from there (I was a 24/26 when I first got my surgery). I ended up getting a size 14 much to my excited surprise and felt absolutely beautiful. Woo Hoo Me! Well, it's the 4th and I gotta get and get things ready for the big day. Anyway, I will post pictures later. Keep it up fellow bandsters. Zil
OMG, Dr. Nurmil was my surgeon, too. Don't you just love everyone in the office? They are the best! I was banded 8/19/2011 and have found it to be most rewarding. I have lost 90 pounds and still have another 50 to go to reach my goal. Best of luck..
I LOVE MY LAPBAND. I have been banded almost 10 months and am down 90+ pounds. Less than 50 to my goal. I could not have done this without this marvelous tool and such a supportive family. I LOVE MY BAND. To anyone who is comtemplating getting the procedure done, I say ' GO FOR IT '. Keep a positive attitude, play by the rules and reach for the brass ring. The longest journey starts with one small step. I LOVE MY BAND. I am a self-pay and I would definitely put out the money again if I had it go do all over again,. I have a wonderful doctor and her office staff are so supportive. I LOVE MY BAND. In all honesty, I can't say that the road had not had some curves, sharp turns, and bumps along the way, but I continue to weather the stormy days and learn from each setback. I LOVE MY BAND. I hope you love yours too, whether you are currently banded, and still fighting the demons, have found your happy spot, or contemplating getting banded and beginning the journey. Keep in mind, we are all in this together, and with determination, conviction, willpower and each other, we will succeed. HAPPY BANDING TO YOU ALL. zil
Speaking from experience, I kept my surgery very quiet too, in the beginning. Now I don't care who knows. I blab about it every chance I can when I am sure I won't bore peple to death. Most people see me and want to know how I did it...and let's face it, I am no miracle worker. Everyone knows I had problems in the past, and now they are just supportive of me. I still have people tell me to eat, eat, eat, but then I politely explain that I have eaten what I am allowed and they say OK. As for your MIL and not wanting you to have surgery because of the family affair that is going to happen 2 days after surgery...get your surgery. I had surgery on a friday, went to a family affair (bbq with all the trimmings, fruit, chips, salsa, cake, ice cream, you get thepicture) 2 days later and went to work the next day. Don't let anyone sway you from your goal. YOU MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE FOR YOU!!! I did and I am so glad of it. Someone asked me the other day if I had it to do all over again, would I have the surgery? and I heartily replied, "in a heartbeat" and I am a self-pay. It was the best money I ever spent. I LOVE MY LAPBAND!!! zil
OMG, what a rotten thing to say to you. Don't you dare let him get away with that. You have every right to be so PROUD of everything you have accomplished. Men can just be real jerks at times. I think he probably has a green monster riding on his shoulder. On another note along the same subject...I decided about 6 months ago when I lose my weight I am getting a tummy tuck, and I fully plan to follow through. I have lost 90 pounds in 9 months, and believe, my old skin is not going to snap back. My hubby had gastric bypass about 12 years ago, and his skin didn't snap back either, but he just lets is hang. I refuse. You hang in there, and be proud...you are a great inspiration.
It has been a whilke since I have blogged, Things are still good. I am down about 90 pounds, but am having to fight for the last 50 to go away. Anyway, can anyone who has been banded for awhile let me know if you had problems with food going down about 3 months after hitting the green zone? I hit the green zone in Jan 2012, and just lately I have been having problems with food getting stuck, or slowly passing through the port, which is very uncomfortable. Not sure if I should have a tiny bit of fluid taken out or just cut back again. I can only eat 1/2 cup of food, meat is very difficult at times. But, when I think about things, I wonder if I am just going too fast and perhaps eating too big of bites. I know there is no excuse...I just forget sometimes what the rules are...like dime size bites and chew, chew, chew and then chew some more. (I hate when my life gets hectic as it is right now... graduations, vacations, planning a wedding, and work is extremely stressful...we have 3 audits coming up in the next 5 months, ugh). Anyway, any advice yiou can provide will be apprecaited. Happy banding to all!!!
You all are wonderful for supporting me. And just provided great advice. I have made such great progress (can you tell I am proud of myself and that I love my band) that sometimes I forget to stop and smell the roses, or in my case, realize that I have now lost 85 pounds. I will step it up immediately. thanks again, Zil
OK, here goes. I was banded 8/19/2011 and had a wonderful 5 months...lost 75 pounds without really putting much effort into it. At least, I did not think it was much effort...I followed the eating plan and exercised - mostly bike riding. Now I have found that I am stalled...really stalled. I can't move this weight for anything. I am so close, yet so far away. Since January, I have lost about 8 to 10 pounds, and it has been a real struggle. I also have seasonal alergies which have been really flaring up the past couple of weeks. I am wondering if it is the meds because they are making me so tired (I quit taking them and went back to the old ones). Is cardio my answer? Is having a cheat day one a week my answer? Does anyone have any ideas for me. Zil
Not Losing Much Need Help Before I Go Crazy
zil commented on Pooh plus size's blog entry in Pooh plus size's Blog
Good advice from everyone. We are all different and lose at different rates. It may depend on how much overweight you are. I weighted 299 when I started my journey and have lost 83 pounds since 7/26/2011. The first 75 came off real fast, but the last ten have been much slower. Best advice I can give is slow and steady will win the race. Just stick to the rules and you will do it. good luck. -
GREAT JOB!!! I vote for getting a swim suit and showing off the new you. Cograts!
Well, I am not sure if I would call it the week from hell, but it has been close, real close. Over the w/e I came down with what I thought was possible STREP throat. Throat irritated and dry, ears itchy and hurt. Headed to the dr Monday afternoon after working 4 hours. Good news - not strep (this after 2 swabs of my back throat because the first swab showed negative), bad news -- my allergies were acting WAY up. So, after 2 RX's and the co-pay at the dr's office, I was sent on my way. Next day, Tuesday, I had made arrangements to take the day off a few weeks ago to take my friend to have a surgical procedure done, but ended up going to work for about 3 hours because I was told the Friday before that I had to do a presentation to our supervisors, and it had to be done during the supv meeting. Bad news - couldn't get the PPT presentation to pull up at work, couldn't get the computer to work, so had to re-write the presentation at the last minute. Good news - got out in time. Spent the entire day with my friend at the hospital, only to have her admitted because her BP shot up into the critical zone. Stayed with her until she fell asleep that evening then had an hour drive home. Wednesday, on the way to work, Bad News - really bad news - I somehow managed to get into a single vehicle accident while driving my hubby's truck to work...good news, I did not hit anyone and am actually OK with only a little bruising and minimal soreness. The best piece of advice I can give anyone is keep your eyes on the road no matter what, and WEAR YOUR SEATBELT!!! My guardian angel and God were with me that day because I did not do either of those things...and ended up in a field of alphalfa. Truck has a little damage, but thank goodness for insurance. Thursday, went pretty well, except that I was pulled from my regular assignment (as were many of the staff I work with) and directed to go help do a contraband search...I work in a security facility so this is nothing new to us. Bad news, had to work OT, but because I am salaried, I do not get paid for it. Good news is when I take off early, I don't get docked since I am salaried. It is all a wash. Today is Friday...and things seem to be going well. Good News -- got word on the damage to the truck...only about $3400 and it will probably be ready next week. In all of this, I have remained emotionally calm for the most part, but did figure out that I am a STRESS EATER. After I arrived at work (the day of the accident -- my husband told me to drive to work in the car (it was the best thing he could do for me to force me to get back behind the wheel)) I actually ate 2 pieces of candy, and I used the excuse that I needed to calm myself. What a bunch of crap, but because after not having candy for 8 months, it did nothing to calm me, and the funny thing is, it really didn't taste like I thought it would. I'd rather have my protein, veggies, and drinks and stay away from the sugars and carbs. So that is it in a nutshell as to how my week has been going. Thanks for letting me get this stuff off my chest, and for being there for me and everyone else. I feel much better now. Oh, and I think my allergies are finally under control. Have a great weekend. Until next time---Zil
I would not have been as calm as you were. You dun good. LOL. Glad you got your fill, but I can't see why you need to NPO like that. I only have to do smooshies for a couple of days AFTER I get a fill, other than that, I eat like normal (for a banded person). Maybe another dr is going to come into that office and take over your current doctor's practice and still do the same job as him. Or maybe you could go to the other hospital and see the dr you really loooovvvveeeeeee. good luck.