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erin 6-9-09

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by erin 6-9-09

  1. erin 6-9-09

    I miss fruit!

    Hello. I am new to this board! My band surgery was 6/9/09 and I have lost 55 pounds since. I have 30 to go. I miss fruit! Are there any fruits that you notice are easier? Any suggestions? Apples and surprisingly Watermelon are especially hard for me - although I keep trying Have you heard anything about Juice Plus?
  2. erin 6-9-09

    I miss fruit!

    No definitely would not. But want the nutrients. I think the Juice Plus is a gummy / chewy type.
  3. erin 6-9-09

    Slipped Lap Band??

    Scared. I had surgery 6/9/09 and have lost 55 pounds. Feel great, running and still losing consistently. I have about 30 to go. I went in for a fill about a month ago and had to go back within 2 days because I couldn't even keep water down. They removed what they put in. I was fine. Recently I have had horrible reflux at night. Shot up to my nose last night - yuck. Today I can't even keep water down. Not sure if it's blockage or slippage. I don't want to have my band removed - I have come too far. I don't want the sleeve or any other surgery. I am a self pay and can't afford any further surgery. I don't want all of my fill removed for fear of gaining again HELP!

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