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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by heathermilligan

  1. heathermilligan

    5 days post op

    Ok..so 5 days ago i got banded..ive read so much how people bounce back w/in few days..well not the case here..im still in alot of pain..able to get around and walk. I am still taking pain meds tho cuz w/out its unbearable. Its not the incisions tho, its where the port it is. My surgeon put the port on top of my ribs and its swollen and very painful still. I cant sleep in my bed the only way to get sleep is semi sitting up in the recliner..It actually feels like its pulling or going to pop thru my skin when i try standing up and sittin down..once i finally get up or get seated it eases off..anyone experience this? any suggestions would be appreciated:)
  2. heathermilligan

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    My Before & After Photos!

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