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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by violinlady

  1. violinlady

    How To: Get Back on Track and Stay There

    Thank you this really came at a good time for me to help me get back on track and not beat myself up for gaining some weight back.
  2. violinlady

    4cella's Before and After Pics

    My Before & After Photos!
  3. violinlady

    Fluroscopic fill!

    Hi, I've been banded for 1 1/2 years and just had my first fill under fluorosopic last week. It really put a parsepective on things and actuctly how my band is workng. I did get a fill nd now I am feeling better. I hoping to get my act together. Afer 1 week I'm starting to slip, but I getting it back together. I think that that the fill under floro made me realize what a tool I have, how it works and put me in charge of what I'm am eating. I'm starting to finally feel full just after a small meal and not want to snack so much. I think that is does help you find your green zone beause you can see for yourself your band as it is infilled and then refilled to find the right about of fluid. To me the visual really helped see exactly what was going down and seeing . Good luck to you.
  4. violinlady

    Anyone New In Evansville??

    Hi, I live in Evansville and got banded Oct. 2011. I've had really good results until the last 6 months, I have gained part of my weight back. I'm falling back into bad habits. I decied today to get back online and finish what I started and continue a great lifestyle change. I have put too much into this just to give up. I'm glad to have someone close to me to talk. I think alot of my problem has been a lack of support, which is my fault because I did't reach out. I had my surgery in Carmel so there support group is too far away so I would like to meet/chat with people in my area. The band really works and you really need to stay focused, I learned that the hard way. Good luch and I hope to here from you soon Rebecca
  5. Hello, I was banded last October 2011. Everythig is good, but in this October I have seemed to get very out of control and have gained 11 pounds.When I went in for my 1 year anniversary they did't seem too concerened, but I am very worried because I can't seem to get back on track. I'm trying, but at the end of the day I tend to screw up. Any ideads on how to get back on track?? Some support would be very appreciated.
  6. violinlady

    Ready To Give Up

    Hi, Don't give up! I was banded Oct.26 and am doing well . I find that if I keep tracking I can see where I need to add more protein.( I use my fitness pal) A pure protein bar in many flavors adds 20 gm of protein. Always stack your food if possible, it fills you up better and longer. I also eat a few snacks of fruit or carrots, etc in between meals. That takes the edge off. Exerscise is always a good thing. I find that I'm not hungry after a good walk. Don't deprive your self of everything or you'll always feel hungry for that.
  7. violinlady

    Not Feeling Full

    Hi, I was banded on 10/26 and have had 2 fills. I was doing just fine but now I feel lke I'm eating way too much because I never feel like I'm full. I've gained 4 pounds and this really concerns me. I'm going to the doctor tomrrow and see what he says. Maybe another fill will help this out. Any ideas?
  8. violinlady

    October Bandsters!!!

    Hi, I had my surgery on Wed. the 26th. was cleared after my upper GI.and came home yesterday. I had my first shake and full liqud diet today. Appelsauce yum! Well so far the pain hasn't been to bad, Just on the car ride home, 4 1/2 hours. Well I'm really glad that I got the band. Everything is going great and in 2 days I'm down 3 lbs. Rebecca
  9. violinlady

    October Bandsters!!!

    Just took my final class explainig everything that is going to happen. I will have an overnight in the hospital, but that's ok with me . They said that they wake me up every 2 hours to walk. Not looking forward to that. Oh well. My surgery is on Wed. and I can't wait. Good luck to all of the bandsters that are today and in the next few days! Rebecca
  10. violinlady

    October Bandsters!!!

    Hi, I haven't chatted for a while. I finally got my surgury date . 'it is the 26th, and pre-op class on the 20th. I already had have all of my other pre-op testing done. The do only put me on a 2 day diet. Lucky me. I have been tryying out several portein shakens. The only ones that don;t make me sick are the soy products. I use unflavored and add crysal lite or something fruity. I can't have most milk products. Does anyone else use Soy protein powder?? Rebecca
  11. violinlady

    October Bandsters!!!

    Hi, My dietian/doctor does't use a pre-op diet. She said that it really didn't make that much of a difference. Just try not to gain any weight and if you can try to lose some. So far I've lost 8 pounds.
  12. violinlady

    October Bandsters!!!

    lowpockets68. I'm glad to see that you are also on the 26th. I know how you feel terrified. I felt that at first but then just really excited. 1 month I can wait! Rebecca
  13. violinlady

    October Bandsters!!!

    Great news. I just found out my surgery date is the 26th. I go to a day long class on the 20th and that's it. I'm very excited about it. Good Luck to all of the earlier Oct. bandsters. Rebecca
  14. violinlady

    October Bandsters!!!

    Hi, I just had my pre-op this week and am waiting for my October surgery date. They called to set up my date and I wasn't home. I am waiting for that second call It is keeping me on pins and needles. I am so excited. Rebecca
  15. violinlady

    where do they put your port?

    Thaks alot for all of your input.
  16. Hi, I'm getting banded in October and was wondering where they put your port? People have talked about the scares but not where the port is. Any thought would be appreciated.
  17. I have pre-op in a couple of weeks and was woundering what the differance between an EDG and an upper GI. I'm a bit nervous about the whole thing. Any thoughts?? Rebecca
  18. Thanks for clearing this up for me. I guess I'm having the UGI yuk!
  19. violinlady

    Preferred Protien?!

    Hi, I use Genisoy soy Protein powder. It has 25 gms of protein for 110 calories per shake. I think that it would have more protein if you made it with milk. I'm not sure since I don't drink any kind of milk. I just started my journey. Rebecca
  20. violinlady

    Weight Tickers

    Hi, I got my weight ticker from www.tickerfactory.com after that you can copy and then paste into your signature on your profile. Once you get it you can click on it to update your info. I hope that this helps.
  21. violinlady

    Pills after surgery

    Hi. I was told by my dietition that I shoud take pills no larger that an asprin and take on every 10 minutes. I don't how this is going to work for me because I am on 13 meds. I do split them which makes them much easier to swallow. As for calcium and a vitiman I found chewables.
  22. Daisha, I have medicare and IN medicaid. They have paid for everything but the psych eval. I had to cover that on my own. Mine was a $120. The only other thing not covered by my insursance is part ot the pre-op which will be $150. The rest of the journey shold be covered. I hope that there are no surprises along the way. Good luck with your insurance. Rebecca
  23. Hi, I'm bi-polar and getting ready to have the band. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with mood swings.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
