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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bandit210

  1. I had my band placed on 7/26/11. I was on a 10 day liquid pre-op diet, 2 week liquid diet post-op, and now on the "mushie"/pureed diet until I see the surgeon on 8/25. I was doing great and have lost 9 lbs pre op, and then another 11 lbs post op. Since I started on the "mushies" i haven't lost any weight, possibly even gained 1-2 lbs. I'm not starving, but definetly get hungry. I don't eat terrible, and have tried to stick to high protein choices like egg whites and refried beans like the doctor suggested. I'm just frustrated that I haven't lost anything since I saw the doctor on 8/8. I have never had any issues getting anything down, and feel like I could eat more than I did right after surgery. I'm trying hard not to overeat and make good choices, but it's frustrating. Has this happened to anyone else?
  2. bandit210

    One Month Post-Op

    Thank you both! I feel better knowing it's not abnormal. You both seem to be doing great with the band, which is encouraging for myself as well Thanks again for the good insight!

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