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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheryl2586

  1. cheryl2586

    In major need of a fill

    Well it could have been a pizza. Just eat when you are physically hungry and if you're not then don't. You will still keep losing and you will do fine. Have a little faith in yourself.
  2. cheryl2586

    My mother is dead.

    I agree you have never been mean only upfront. If people dont want the truth and want to be enabled then they need to join overeaters anonymous. To those who think you have the right to curse at people in an email you are just a coward. If you do not like what people say or think we ar mean then block us and you will never have to read what any of us write again. On the other hand when you get no help or guidance it will only be your own fault. I dont enable people who do the wrong things. Sorry Grammy ignorance is bliss as they say and psychotic folks need to go to Iraq and get their anger adjusted.
  3. cheryl2586


    What things are you eating because there are so many food choices. You might have to get creative. I find eating the same things keeps me safe. I do eat other things but I love vegetables. Seasoned right they can be sooo good.
  4. cheryl2586

    Esophageal Yeast infection

    I have the same question. Why couldnt they treat you with the band in place. Seems strange they would take it out just to treat a yeast infection unless there was erosion or something like that.
  5. cheryl2586

    Food journal important?

    I would say its very important. As soon as you stop tracking your three meals can become more then what you should eat. Accountability for what you are putting in your mouth is absolutely a need.
  6. Good luck you will do great.
  7. Congrats on the weight loss. You will be fine at work. The port area will hurt for a few months it takes the longest to heal.
  8. cheryl2586

    Fear of stretching

    If you're eating the right portions then there is not need to worry about it.
  9. Having gas or airy feelings lol as you call it, is normal most of us are very gassy people after the band.
  10. cheryl2586

    So happy!

    Looking good girl
  11. Being truthful and honest is not mean by far. Supporting bad habits is being an enabler. Sensitivity is an insecure feeling that no one can change. Interpreting what someone writes and how they mean it is impossible unless you know them personally. Assuming people are mean (well we all know what assuming does). I will not be an enabler of bad habits and not following doctors orders. If you want to smoke pot and drink and puke your guts up that is your business we don't need to know...

  12. All normal it will get better hang in there.
  13. I use EAS premade but let me just say this: what taste good to you now may not taste good after surgery. I would recommend you try a few but dont buy a lot until you know after surgery you will like it. The ones I bought before I hated after because your taste will change. EAS carb control chocolate is very good, no after taste and is 17 grams per serving.
  14. cheryl2586

    Clothing and Style

    Well you can only go in a couple of inches before it wouldnt look right but its better then buying new clothes for now. Or if you know someone with a sewing machine that would do it for less.
  15. cheryl2586

    Clothing and Style

    I have found a lot of good deals at thrift stores and consignment shops. I buy a few new things that may be a little snug with room to lose more and not be baggy. I wouldnt go completely nuts but buy a little as you go. You could also look into having some things taken in. I have a beautiful dress that I am having shortened and taken in. Its a size 20 but I am not a 14. Most places charge about 5 to 7 dollars to take in clothes which is cheaper then buying new clothes.
  16. cheryl2586

    something awful

    Its not our place to tell you if your ok with your band. Call your doctor we can not tell you these things. My thoughts here: Stop smoking weed and drinking. Smoking weed makes you consume too many calories and alcohol is just empty calories. Why waste money getting something in your body if your gonna continue to do what you did preband.
  17. cheryl2586

    Let's set the record straight...

    I agree the band is only what you make it. I have also been strict with my band. That is why I am a success. I agree don't do things then want pity like stuff yourself. You know you did wrong. I cant give validation for doing the unthinkable. It was the same thing we did preband. You are a success.
  18. cheryl2586

    To tight and xmas aproaches fast...

    You cant wait that long. You have to get it taken out or you will end up dehydrated. Come on now they have an emergency number or go to the er and get some taken out.
  19. cheryl2586

    Lab Band Surgery date set!!!

    I like the already made EAS they come premade. I get them at BJ's by the case for about 25 dollars. Thats less then a dollar a shake.
  20. cheryl2586

    Banded 1 yr and have it removed!!

    Thank God for blocking people.
  21. cheryl2586

    Banded 1 yr and have it removed!!

    No one said your complaining about your band. You're complaining about how we answer. I did read the beginning post and posted accordingly. Where in my post did I say YOU WERE COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR BAND. I said Im not coddling people who do as they wish then complain about not losing weight. If you take that personally then you must be feeling guilty or something. I was not saying it to YOU I was saying it to everyone.
  22. cheryl2586

    Banded 1 yr and have it removed!!

    First of all yes I have been banded for three years and guess what????? If the band fails it is because of the one with it. If you are doing everything exactly to the tee unless you have a medical problem then yes you have failed the band. NancyNicole if you dont feel you are getting support here then............. Do you really think that the band is magic and its easy because its not. DO YOU THINK YOU CAN EAT JUNK FOOD THREE WEEKS OUT OR A YEAR OUT AND STILL LOSE WEIGHT??????? No you can't. I am only speaking of myself. I have been successful because I followed ALL of my doctors instructions not some. I havent eaten ice cream or doughnuts or cookies or pie or potato chips. I have had nothing but Protein, veggies and fruit. When I stopped doing all this I stopped losing period. When I went back to doing it I lost and kept losing. You can not eat and stuff yourself to the brim with the band, have a free for all cheat day, cosume massive amounts of carbs and think I/we are going to commend you for that because I HAVE WORKED HARD AT THIS. If you don't like others comments then so be it but it is a PUBLIC FORUM and as long as we post by the rules then really you don't have to read any of it. IF YOU WANT TO BE SUCCESSFUL YOU MUST: 1 STOP GORDGING YOURSELF WITH FOOD, 2 STOP EATING JUNK FOOD, 3 STOP CONSUMING GROSS AMOUNTS OF CARBS 4 STOP DRINKING ALCOHOL 5 STOP EATING THINGS THAT ARE NOT ON YOUR DIET AS PRESCRIBED BY YOUR DOCTOR 6 STOP ASKING US WHAT TO EAT AND FOLLOW YOUR OWN DOCTORS PLAN. That is all there is to it. We are not here to coddle those who fail to do as they are told to do. "Oh I had a bad day and stuffed myself" and I am supposed to be happy about that why??????? I don't stuff myself on any given day. I dont cheat I do not eat what I am not supposed to. I take offense to those who get this surgery and think they can do as they did pre band. Oh its the holidays so let me consume cookies and pie. Really???? I dont care if you like my answer or how I answer others and this was not for the OP I truly believe the band is not for you. Do what you need to do.
  23. cheryl2586

    OMG i been slimmed

    You should have stopped at the yogurt and fruit you definitely ate too much. There is no way you can eat yogurt fruit eggs and fish all in one sitting
  24. Gallbladder surgery was a breeze absolutely no pain at four days post op. Doing very well.

  25. When you get a fill there is swelling. You dont know until the swelling goes down which can take up to two weeks if the fill is enough or if you need more. Its not an a+b=c its not science. When you get a fill the stomach swells. In turn it takes anywhere up to two weeks for the stomach and swelling to subside just like when you had surgery so in two weeks if you still have restriction then you are in the green zone if not then you need more fills.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
