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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheryl2586

  1. Sounds like gas but you need to walk to get rid of it. Staying in bed will not help move it out.
  2. cheryl2586


    Eat before you go and opt for meeting at a coffee house that way you don't have to worry about eating food. Go to a movie or anything else that doesnt involve food.
  3. cheryl2586

    Where is the Port?

    Mine is on the left side as well.
  4. Agreed. Bands do not fail people fail the band because they do not do what they were told and think they can eat what they want. Great article.
  5. cheryl2586


    My husband does not have a weight issue either but he has been great. He does not buy junk food or anything else to put in the house that may deter me from my diet.
  6. No Honk salads are not slider foods. Some people have a hard time eating vegetables and I never knew a spinach that wasnt good for you or tomatoes or mushrooms or anything else in it. I dont find anything easy about eating salad. No different then eating any other foods. You still have to take your time and it doesnt always go right through so how is it a slider food. Because of the Dressing???? I think I have been pretty successful eating salads.
  7. cheryl2586

    Giving in to guilty pleasure

    Why should you feel guilty about eating something. Isn't that the way we used to feel before being banded. Over eating on Sunday before the start of your Monday diet. If you are eating something that makes you feel guilty then why over indulge and eat it. This journey is about learning new habits not holding on to the old ones. Being made to feel guilty about any decision in life whether it is about food or anything else is a very bad feeling one should never have. If you are about to sit down and eat a chocolate bar or a piece of pie but after you eat it that guilt trip settles in, then why put yourself through that process over and over again. One day I sat down and I was looking at my snacks for the day and when I entered them in on Spark People (because I like that site much better then My Fitness Pal) holy toledo, even though I was only eating a thousand calories for the day, at least 350 to 400 were in snacks. Not that the snacks were bad because it was 100 calories for greek yogurt, 170 for a protein bar and so forth, the guilt of what I ate snack wise floored me and made me feel guilty. I never wanted to feel that way again about food. I don't want to feel guilty so that is why I do not eat high calorie snacks anymore. Some apple slices, craisins, low fat cottage cheese, hard boiled eggs and so forth. I keep my snacking calories under 250 so I don't have to feel guilty. I love anything with sugar but I can't eat it because I can't just have one and then the guilt settles in. Pleasure should never be compared to guilt or associated with guilt. You make your decisions to eat things so why feel guilty. We have all failed at something in life whether it be having an aweful relationship with food, family, mates, children. I don't want my eating life to be full of guilt because in all reality in this part of the game I am eating to fuel my body not fuel my mind on taste. My mind played enough aweful things in my life as far as my relationship with food goes. Think before you eat and ask yourself "is this going to make me feel guilty after I eat it"? If the answer is yes then get rid of it. You don't need guilt to be in your life over something that won't matter in ten years. TTFN
  8. cheryl2586

    Feel bad about getting fills

    Even at green zone the band will not stop you from eating too much. Its only job is to diminish hunger. I can most certainly eat a ton of food if I want too. I just dont!
  9. cheryl2586


    That you are full!
  10. Its ground turkey. The dressing goes on the bottom then the other things. Seems like an easy way to make sure you get in a good healthy lunch. I probably would add couscous because its packed with protein.
  11. cheryl2586

    Getting in ENOUGH calories?

    I agree I think my intake was about 500 or so but its been so long ago, however I would skip any kind of work out until you are eating enough calories. Even if it is arms only you are still expending energy that you are not getting in.
  12. cheryl2586

    Maintaining Weight While Travel

    You can't go in to this 1. Thinking about food. That habit has to go away. You're not living to eat anymore you're eating to live. You do nothing different when traveling that you do now. You eat small portions and control your eating habits. Just because you can eat doesn't mean you have too. You have to have some self control in this journey the band won't do everything for you it is just to help you.
  13. cheryl2586

    Forgiving myself!

    Agreed. Forgiveness of others is so much easier then forgiving ourselves. We are always not good enough, don't have what it takes, always make mistakes, can't do it right yada yada yada the list goes on and on. Its hard for the soul and mind when forgiveness of yourself is not included. Life is about learning even if it is later.
  14. Right now with no restriction this is basically up to you. The band at this point is not going to help you eat less. You have no restriction but you also have to take some self control in this matter. We all had too.
  15. cheryl2586

    Did I overdo it?!

    You're probably too full.
  16. cheryl2586

    When weight stalls

    This seems to be one of the most popular questions in the forums. Weight stalling is normal but there are things that your body needs in order to continue to lose weight that some never think are important. Sleep is a big factor in weight loss. You need a full 8 hour nights sleep in order to lose weight. Why? Because while you are sleeping your body is revitalizing its self and removing toxins from your body. When you don't get a good nights sleep your weight loss can slow down or stop completely. Water intake. In order to help flush fat out of your body, you need to consume large amounts of water daily. 64 ounces or more. It also helps with water retention when you are drinking enough water. Your bowels need to move. If you are not having bowel movements on a regular basis that is added weight that needs to come out. Take something to help relieve the constipation because protein causes constipation. Stress. If you are stressing out over not losing weight you are only making it that much harder to lose any weight. Stress has been a key factor in no weight loss. Salt intake. If you are eating a lot of lunch meats, soups, and other things loaded with salt you are retaining fluid. Not enough protein. If you are not eating the recommended amount of protein and filling yourself with carbs then of course you won't lose weight. Protein is vital in burning fat. If you're not eating enough then your weight loss will stall also. Exercising too much. If you are burning 800 calories a day exercising and only consuming 800 calories then you will not lose weight. Your body will hold on to every ounce of fat because you are not giving it enough fuel to function. Exercise in moderation about 30 minutes every other day. Your body needs a recovery period from exercise. You don't need to go to the gym 7 days a week to lose weight. Lastly plateus happen and sometimes they last for weeks or months but this is not the time to throw in the towel. Its the time for your desire to lose weight to shine. Eventually your body has no choice but to drop the pounds it is holding on too.
  17. cheryl2586

    Cottage cheese

    I put a scoop in half a cantelope. Makes a great meal. I also like it with apple sauce or just plain. I will try that recipe it sounds heavenly
  18. Yes it is hard at this point. You have to be aware of everything you put in your mouth right now. It will be hard for a while because that urge to graze is there. But you have to alot your food for the day and that is it. Once you have reached your calories then that is the end.
  19. cheryl2586


    Now thats a happy face if I ever saw one.
  20. cheryl2586

    In need of some help

    Eggs are not always a good option once you get a fill. I eat mine with ketchup which may not be appealing to others but its the only way I can get them down. Maybe some greek yogurt or sometimes in the morning people are too tight and need to drink protein shakes. You may still have a lot of swelling from the fill. Try some liquids for a few days and protein shakes. Freeze some gatorade to keep your electrolytes in balance. In the morning your band is always tighter. Drink warm fluids to help relax it. It just takes time with some people after a fill because some of us like me have sensitive stomachs. I have swelling for up to three weeks after a fill. I would wait on another fill though to see how this one goes. You may need to take it slow with fills.
  21. The only issue with converting is that insurance may not cover it if you have not gained any weight back. If you are still at goal they don't see you as a high risk for surgery anymore. You may have to pay out of pocket for the other surgery but not the removal. I would go for the sleeve though because your intestines are not rerouted with the sleeve.
  22. People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and...

  23. Time to get some good old fashioned cleaning done. That should burn some calories. Loving my life and my wonderful husband right now who lets me know every day that I am beautiful

  24. cheryl2586

    got banded yesterday!!!

    Congrats and I hope you are a great success.
  25. cheryl2586

    Admitting :: i cheated

    Yes we all do this one time or another. My worst night mare was downing some steak after getting a fill as I become very swollen after my fills for a long time. Needless to say i was in agony for a long time and stuck so badly I could not breathe. We all make mistakes but the key is to learn from them so you don't do it again. I surely would ask them for post op eating instructions because right now that is the most important phase for you.

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