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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheryl2586

  1. cheryl2586

    For the Love of Anastasia

    Well I don't always blog about my band and weight and hunger so today I'm writing about my two year old iguana Anastasia aka Binky. Two years ago my husband and I rescued our little girl Anastasia from an owner that had about 20 baby iguanas in a ten gallon fish tank. A little about iguanas. Iguanas are creatures of habit, can not be housed together for long after birth because the bigger ones will show aggression and the smaller ones will end up dieing. The bigger babies will eat first, bask in the light first and the others will suffer. The are strictly vegetarians only eating collard greens, mustard, kale, and the list goes on for an eternity. Anastasia was the smallest igauna in the tank and I told my husband to get her. They are very fast when they are little like that so it was hard to catch her. At that time we didnt know she was a she because you cant tell their sex until they are about two years old. Iguanas need a lot of calcium in order to function, proper light and heat because they can not regualate their own temperatures. Yes I am giving you lessons in iguana care. Ya never know you might love one too. Anastasia soon developed calcium deficiency and she was paralyzed and could not move. She couldnt eat because her bottom jaw got so big that she could not chew her food. We took her to a reptile vet and they started her on calcium supplements. Metabolic bone disease is one disease iguanas get that takes a very long time to cure. Every day for seven months I syringe fed her Gerber baby food because I could not let her die. It was a fight day after day and her growth was stunted drastically. I still would leave her food when I left for work just in case she would try to eat, but she didn't. After seven months of not even eating breakfast to feed her, I was so ready to just give up (but I would never do that). Iguanas can live up to 20 years and all I could think of that I would spend the next 20 years syringe feeding this baby, that she wouldnt grow, and it would be like taking care of a disabled child. One day I cut some watermelon up into small pieces and placed it by her and walked away. When I looked back it was gone. I couldn't believe it. My baby ate. You have to understand it wasn't just feeding her but they have to be bathed every single day also because they don't drink water. She finally started dragging herself across the cage to get her food but I still fed her inbetween just in case. She finally started eating like crazy and growing like crazy. People think I am crazy for loving my iguana but you know what? I do love Anastasia. Now she has a bundle of eggs to be delivered any day. No there wont be babies because they are not fetilized but all I can say is this. I did what I had to for my baby girl. We spent hundreds of dollars on her at her vet (which is what good pet owners do with their animals) to make sure she got better. So when folks think on here things that I say are rude. No I'm not rude. I am a loving and caring individual who spends my life rescuing abuse animals, advocating for voices that can't be heard. Anastasia is a princess and she will be loved and cared for until its her time to go. Right now she isn't eating because it's what they do before they lay eggs but everyday just like before I syringe feed her Gerber baby food, give her calcium from the vets and bathe her til she lays her eggs. Then she lays on my shoulder while I rub her head and she goes to sleep. All for the love of Anastasia.
  2. cheryl2586

    For the Love of Anastasia

    It's ok we have two thats enough lol. But I would do it again in a heart beat. I was scared of them too at first but because she was so sick I had to just love her up.
  3. Waiting on my iguana to lay her eggs. Only reptile would have to have eggs without sex. Oiy vey mamita

  4. cheryl2586

    Shoulder pain still!

    Some people have it for a while. I had shoulder pain when I was full. Didnt stop til I got a fill a year later.
  5. cheryl2586

    Am I dehydrated?

    When you get fluid you wont ever have to pee because your body absorbs it. Doesnt mean she was dehydrated. Passing out is not a sign of dehydration its a sign you havent eaten. Im sure after her fluid was removed she was fine. Her doctor didnt admit her. Yes pinching your skin does work if you are severely dehydrated. Just sayin and not being rude Im just sayin.
  6. cheryl2586

    Today I Shine but not about my weight

    by early spring should be
  7. cheryl2586

    Today I Shine but not about my weight

    and on my book cover lol
  8. cheryl2586

    Today I Shine but not about my weight

    Thanks so much I have not stopped crying yet lol
  9. cheryl2586


    Yes follow your instructions you will be fine. Welcome hunger because we never knew what that was at one time.
  10. cheryl2586

    WARNING::: Girl Scout Cookie Time ;-(

    Well they stand in front of the grocery store here in florida because its not safe to go door to door so I will avoid the grocery store for the next month. Should lose a few pounds. Yes give your wife the other half of the box. lol
  11. cheryl2586

    do i need more?

    You are not eating to get full anymore. You are eating to feel satisfied there is a big difference in the two. If you eat a cetain amount then start getting stuck you are eating too fast. You cant just keep eating with the band or you will have issues.
  12. cheryl2586

    Thinking of switching to a sleeve

    At six weeks post op you should just now be on your second week of whole foods. Do you have a fluid in your band? Have you called your doctor? Does he know your issues? I think rushing to change to a different surgery when you are still healing from this one is not a good idea. You havent given much information about your eating. When did you start solid foods. You may have severe swelling from getting stuck so much and need to give your stomach a rest with liquids.
  13. cheryl2586

    Am I dehydrated?

    If you pinch the skin on your arms and it stays up a few minutes then you are dehydrated if not then you are not. I would still go to the er and see if they can remove some fluid.
  14. cheryl2586


    You breath is really bad that is one way to tell if you are in ketosis. If you are eating nothing but protein you can bet your sweet but you are ketosis.
  15. Got my arse in a size 12 pants this morning. The ah ha moment

  16. cheryl2586

    any vegetarian bandsters?

    If you go to recipes.com they have a lot of vegan recipes.
  17. cheryl2586

    any vegetarian bandsters?

    I am a vegan and do well with my lapband
  18. cheryl2586

    1week post first fill

    You are not going to lose weight every single week. It just doesnt happen, however lentils being high in protein are very high in carbs also.
  19. Starting at 287 down to 166 and feeling very good!
  20. cheryl2586


    First of all you have to get control of your eating no matter how many cc's are in your band. Secondly no matter what you have to make time to eat. Thirdly protein shakes should not be part of your regualr diet you have to learn to eat with your band as many dont and rely on protein shakes for no good reason. You have to eat a cup or less of food three times a day which is mainly protein, stay away from starchy carbs and junk food, drink 64 ounces of water, if you choose to have snacks then they need to be high protein such as lunch meat, greek yogurt, boiled eggs. You can only succeed if you want too. I have been banded for three years also and have not gained any weight back. You still have to maintain control of what you eat even after you lose all your weight. The band will not stop you from eating for the most part it will only keep you satisfied on small amounts of food for long periods 4 to 5 hours. You have to make time to eat lunch when your working because I can see when you go home you're starving and probably eat the whole days worth of calories in one meal. You have to do this. High protein, low carbs is the key to success and making sure you do not go over your allotted amounts of food each day. We all want to eat but I want to be thin more.
  21. cheryl2586

    Breast reduction?

    Well I personally would wait until you get closer to goal because if you get a reduction and a good lift they could possibly sag again after more weight loss.
  22. cheryl2586

    You have to learn to eat with your band

    I know I used to love waffles and now I could care less if I get them or not. Yes it should be your choice but not a doctors to tell you that you need a protein shake to live off of.
  23. Yes I am sure we could all eat 10 cups of food if we wanted too but constraint comes with the band also. Besides if you have an restriction forcing 3 cups of salad in to your pouch is a sure way to start the erosion process. So tell her eat up she will be losing her band in a couple years lol

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