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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheryl2586

  1. I do better with a hamburger instead of ground. Most meat hates my band but I do better if I have some kind of something on it like A1, ketchup or something or it just aint goin down.
  2. cheryl2586

    Got a date

    That is fantastic. I wish you the best of luck on your new life and new found health ahead. You will do great.
  3. cheryl2586

    Social Stigma and Full Disclosure

    You owe it to yourself to get healthy and you owe none of them anything. The one thing that has really gotten on my nerves of telling people is my old coworkers constantly asked how much weight have you lost so far almost daily. Now my new coworkers they don't ask how much weight have I lost but its always I cant believe you ever were that big. Its a no win situation but the new ones got on my nerves so bad because I was always eating vegan meals and finally got tired of explaining myself so I came clean with them. I do tell my overweight patients about it sometimes when they mention anything about dieting because I feel I can help them but dont worry if you dont want to tell them because sometimes its just not worth it.
  4. cheryl2586

    Bypass or sleeve

    If you really want to change then I would go with the sleeve because with the bypass they reroute your intestines and you can no longer absorb vitamins or nutrients from food. With the sleeve they do still cut the stomach but the intestines stay in tact. But you still have to change your ways or neither of them will work either. I just had a patient today that had the bypass and she was a mess. She can't eat food but there was a pizza box on the floor next to her bed. Might be the reason why she still weighs 400lbs 7 years later.
  5. cheryl2586

    Question - Beware Fairly Personal

    My husband can not lay on my port side. Its not painful but uncomfortable but in the throws of passion who cares until its over lmao. But seriously it is uncomfortable.
  6. cheryl2586

    I just dont get it...

    Why in the world would someone even wish that another person couldnt sleep. They should come look at the pathetic patients I take care of every single day and then say that to someone else. I know we all get in a beef once in a while here but I would never wish someone bad or harm just for the sake of not agreeing with them.
  7. cheryl2586


    I will see if we have one here in Jacksonville
  8. 3803 holy crap thats a lot of pounds. Keep going people even the ones that are miserable you can at least add your weight lmao
  9. I really have tried to be better at eating meat because it has been such a chore to me with my silly band. I became a vegan and very B-12 deficient because our bodies need animal proteins in order to get B-12. I kept looking at this thing and thinking no meat could be that moist but heck yeah it is. I have no issues eating chicken cooked in my nuwave and before I couldnt even swallow it let alone attempt to eat it. The outside is so crunchy and the inside is so moist. I really and truly love meat but it hated my band. Today I ate about 3 ounces of chicken breast (the darn dryest meat of the chicken) and it was absolutely the best moist chicken I have ever had. It was a good investment and I have cooked in it almost everyday since I got it. Saves on cook time too. So my next feat will be to learn how to cook my entire meal in it. I usually eat raw veggies because I love them but with lots of good ole seasonings out there, you can never go wrong with veggies. It is worth the money for sure and very band friendly which is always a plus and if you get one and it doesnt work for you well you will enjoy cooking in it because I can have a whole chicken cooked in less then an hour. No heating up the kitchen and no stove to deal with.
  10. cheryl2586

    Failed 3 years lost only 30lbs

    You need protein. Eating only fruit and vegetables is not going to make you lose weight. Protein burns fat.
  11. cheryl2586

    Can we get a unlike button?

    Well I am sure someone hopefully would step in and see that this is being abused and put an end to those who do this. Those people who do things like that really need to get a life seriously.
  12. cheryl2586

    Can we get a unlike button?

    I dont understand why all the unhappiness over a simple up or down button. We are all adults here and if someone likes or dislikes a post really are you going to lose sleep over it. People this is just a forum not a concentration camp for those who don't do what they are supposed to do. We all have a right to say (as long as it is within a decent tone but then again people misconstrue things that people say all the time) what we want and does it really matter if someone thumbs downed your post. I dont know about any of you but my life doesn't revolve around LBT as long as I can come here when I am able. If this really bothers you about a thumbs up or down button then that is sad.
  13. 2973 almost over 3000lbs thats is so great keep it going folks
  14. cheryl2586


    I hate the word troll just like I hate someone saying a person is rude, mean, a class act. I dont think that those words should ever be used because number one none of us know each other. These words bother me that any one person would call another person any of these things without knowing the person personally. It is obvious we all have difference of opinions but to be called a troll or mean or rude that is uncalled for. People need to learn how to actually read a post and view it in many directions as we never know what the poster meant by what they wrote. Words are misconstrued daily on this forum and to me if two people read the same paragraph neither will interpret it the same way.
  15. cheryl2586

    Dr split

    Well you cant get any needles of that lengthy without a prescription. I wouldnt trust a friend Rn or not to fill my band. I would say try to have some constraint when you were in bandster hell and try to wait until you can get a fill. I think a professional person who does band fills regularly would be more appealing to me then a friend. Just my thoughts.
  16. cheryl2586

    Great Chocolate Snack Bar

    Im for anything that has to do with chocolate. I will check these out for sure.
  17. cheryl2586


    Oh come on whats a little hair between friends lol
  18. So does that mean you will be preparing meals to ship out to all of us that want it lmao
  19. 2065 thats 2065lbs of fat. Keep it going.
  20. cheryl2586

    Today was the day

    Well if you cant urinate then you need to go back. Sometimes after surgery you can not urinate for many reasons and I know because I work on a med surg floor. If you do not pee within 6 hours of being released you need to go back to the hospital and let them cath you. They should have never let you leave without peeing first. Sometimes pain medication makes you retain urine. Especially lortab. Don't play around if you havent peed it is important.
  21. cheryl2586

    Can we get a unlike button?

    For a different point of view, in larger forums like this having a karma type system was helpful to differentiate the trolls from the leaders. I don't believe anyone deserves to be called a troll no matter what the circumstances. Just my opinion.
  22. The choice is basically up to you and your doctor. If he/she feels you need them then so be it if not then so be that too. From the Mayo Clinic: Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. Manufacturers of protein shakes may claim that their products help decrease body fat or promote weight loss, but protein shakes aren't a magic bullet for weight loss. Replacing certain meals with protein shakes may help you reduce your daily calories, which can help you lose weight. If you rely on protein shakes to replace regular meals, however, you'll miss out on the nutritional benefits of whole foods. And since protein contains calories, consuming too much protein can actually make losing weight more difficult — especially if you drink protein shakes in addition to your usual diet. The average adult needs 46 to 56 grams of protein a day, depending on weight and overall health. As long as you're eating a healthy diet, adding extra protein — either through protein shakes or other sources — isn't necessary. Remember, the key to losing weight is burning more calories than you consume. Choose healthy foods — such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean sources of protein — and include physical activity in your daily routine.
  23. It is definitely interesting. I gave up aspartame a long time ago and I do not drink diet drinks anymore. I use stevia or splenda in my coffee in the morning other then that I drink only water.
  24. cheryl2586

    Feeling weak and fatigued

    I would say call your doctor and go in for a visit. That would be the best way to know what is ailing you.

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