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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheryl2586

  1. cheryl2586

    Soy, almond or cow's milk?

    If you are going for protein then cows milk. soy nor almond contain as much protein as cows milk just use skim
  2. cheryl2586


    Weight fluctuation of up to 8lbs is normal. It would be water weight. It could be poo yes poo. Are you sleeping enough, eating enough protein, pooping, not stressing these all play factors in weight loss.
  3. Its not uncommon to become hypoglycemic after wls. Mine was 40 once. You just have to eat protein to keep it up. Carbs will only make it go up and down. I find eating protein every couple of hours helps greatly.
  4. cheryl2586

    Why Does Weight Loss Surgery Fail?

    Great article and obesity has no cure but wls gives us the hope we need to control it. I would like to think that by now I have control and hope to never lose it. I still suffer from daily pain from arthritis as well but too young for any replacements. Most diseases can be controlled with the proper tools. Now that we have them we need to use them.
  5. cheryl2586


    Same to you. Looking good girl
  6. cheryl2586

    Doc not willing 2/c me

    You going to the ER will be pointless. They probably wont even see you for that let alone give you a referral. I dont understand why you would even think about going to the ER for a fill to begin with. Yes your surgery is paid for but the point is that doctors do not want to take the responsiblility of someone elses work especially if there is a complication. Moving is a different story. Yes you can find a doctor to do fills of find a band clinic to do fills if you move but only with your medical records from your previous surgeon. Before having surgery these things need to be worked out. You need to have care after surgery and if you were going to another state to have surgery you should have set up some after care before you go. You cant just have surgery then lets wait and see if another doctor will take me because most of the time they wont just because you decided to self pay and go to another state. They dont want to be liable for any complications that may arise from your surgery. The ER is for emergencies and if you are having no issues with your band, you walking in there to say I need a fill in my band is not going to get you even to the back for a referral. I would try to find someone now before you have surgery to see if they will do your fills or find a band fill clinic that will do your fills.
  7. cheryl2586

    Is this how the band feels?

    Hiccups, burping, shoulder pain are all signs you are full. Unfortunately the bottom of your stomach will always be there and has to learn it is no longer going to get large amounts of food. You might still feel hungry but as you lose and your stomach shrinks it will catch up to your band and you will stop feeling like that.
  8. cheryl2586

    Focus.. it's such a lonely word...

    It's a very hard struggle you are going through right now but look at it this way: If you don't stay healthy for them then who will take care of both of them. At some time through out the day eat. Whether you want to or not. Your health is important for them now and not all nursing homes are bad. Im not saying to put your mother in one when your dad passes but you have to look out for yourself now more then ever because they need you. You have to know that just because your mother said she never wanted to go in one of those places, she wont remember that. Dealing with elderly parents is all of our worst struggles at middle age and doing what is best for them while trying to do what is best for us. I hope you find some kind of peace in your life to do what you think is right. No matter what you still have to take care of you.
  9. cheryl2586


    Just keep doing what you are doing. You might want to eat something with more protein in it at breakfast. I never do good with carbs for breakfast. If you can eat eggs then do it if not then eat the greek yogurt for breakfast. Remember protein burns fat so the more you eat the more you will lose.
  10. You have to learn to eat with your band and that means no longer scarfing down food. You have to eat slowly and take small bites, rest the fork in between bites and wait for it to go down. You have to learn to do this because if you dont then you wont be able to eat with or without fills. Its part of relearning to eat the correct way.
  11. cheryl2586

    To all ye successful bandsters

    Let me explain what I mean by no cheating since people think I mean food. I am not saying no cheating with food. I am saying don't cheat yourself out of your follow up appointments, cheat yourself out of your support groups, cheat yourself out of having a support system, cheat yourself out of allowing your band to work, cheat yourself out of anything that is helpful to your weight loss. We all have had our indulgences and at times when you are near goal then yes you can splurge. There are many forms of cheating and it doesnt have to entail food. So when I say no cheating the above should explain it.
  12. cheryl2586

    To all ye successful bandsters

    Follow your doctors instructions to the T, don't cheat because cheating doesn't help you, concentrate on learning to re eat with your band, don't test your band, weight loss does slow or stall and you have to learn to deal with that, frustration will not help you get to where you want to be, staying positive that you will do this will, being true to yourself is the only way you will be successful. You can lie to everyone else but when you mess up you can't lie to yourself.
  13. cheryl2586


    90 grams of protein and 1,000 calories
  14. cheryl2586

    What have I done to myself?

    Its rough in the beginning but it will get better. When you are down to goal then rewrite this
  15. My surgeon says no drinking 30 minutes before and after eating. If they told you no eating and drinking with meals then listen to them.
  16. cheryl2586

    Had a bad month

    First you have to remember there is not always going to be weight loss every single week or month. Once you realize that you will do fine. Even with the best weight loss patients they don't have weight loss every single month.
  17. cheryl2586

    Doc not willing 2/c me

    Most doctors wont accept other patients just for fills. You wont be able to go to the ER for fills either because most dont even know how to take the fluid out. I would consider doing surgery in your state so that you can have the follow up care that you need.
  18. For most of us that are banded our doctors told us to stay away from breads, rice and pasta and with the exception that they do get stuck but for most they really only do one thing. They turn in to sugar after consumption and sugar turns in to stored fat. Our bodies need carbs to function but good carbs such as fruit and vegetables. Who wants to make anything we eat turn to fat? I don't I have had enough of that. Before the band and my many failed attempts at dieting I/we ate low calorie bread, a baked potatoe, rice, pasta and every other flipping thing that we thought was good. But in all reality eating those kinds of carbs only makes you crave more of those kinds of carbs. I did an experiment with myself and a group I was teaching in two different sessions. I gave everyone including myself one quater of a buttermilk bisquit (yes we ate it slow but it went down) the next week I asked them to report what happened when they went home. All of them including myself wanted more starchy carbs and some caved in and went on a binge for the next entire week which the out come was weight gain. The next week we ate a small plate of vegetables and some fruit (because I can't expect people to just eat veggies at 9 in the morning and the following week I asked them to report what happened. The group that starchy carb binged the week before got back on track and lost the weight they had gained but everyone said they did not crave starchy carbs from eating the fruit and vegetables. Once you reach goal then its fine to eat these things and add them back in to your diet but for me to do it is a disaster. This is only my personal experience with carbs and may not be yours but it is true that starchy carbs do turn to sugar and then they turn to fat. If you can't control your craving for carbs, then eliminating these from your diet may help. They also make you crave sugar too. TTFN
  19. cheryl2586

    Being healthy doesn't always matter!

    Over the last month I have lost 6 classmates all from heart attacks, cancers and other ailments that were health fanatics, gym rats, runners. Being healthy is a plus but genetics plays a big role in how long we will live. When I was almost 300lbs I never had high cholesterol ever. My friend Lisa was a gym rat and dropped dead at 38 from a massive heart attack. My sons half brother died at 29 from a massive heart attack and when they did the autopsy he had heart disease. We all want to be healthy and have wls to get there. I feel great but my family has a history of breast cancer. So where am I going with this? Get the weight off and live each day to its fullest. Go on vacation, spend time with your family, make up to people who have done you wrong even if you know you were right. Life is too short to be waiting for health and wealth. My husband and I are just now looking to purchase our first home. Because the market is right. Jacksonville is a great area and the housing market is great. Do I want a 30 year mortgage at 50? Heck no but who cares I want my own home. We are spending a thousand dollars a month or rent when we could get a 4 bedroom home on water front property and pay about 415 a month in mortgage payments. So now my fun begins going to look at homes. Some as cheap as 98,000 for a three bedroom just built in 2007. The banks want to get rid of them so desperately they are going for practically nothing. Have fun, stop letting the number on the scale bum you out and do something that you always wanted to do.
  20. Watching OWN a 12 year old 347lbs. So sad that 1 in 7 children are obese

  21. cheryl2586

    So how did I fair a stomach virus

    well at least I lost six pounds lol hows that for rapid weight loss lmao
  22. cheryl2586

    Being healthy doesn't always matter!

    Well they are not low in south florida for sure lol. I know I have lost a lot of people and its sad. Its not always great health that keeps you living. Yes I know about small cell lung cancer. Its hard to cure but not impossible. Most people are lucky to get 6 to 12 months I will say a prayer for your cousin. I do believe in miracles.
  23. cheryl2586

    Wall Flower

    Kim the whole point of blogging is for yourself and while we all want feedback I blog for my own personal victories, sadness, accomplishments. I don't consider blogging for others to read. If they give feed back then fine if not I am fine with that. I look up in the corner and see how many views it got. People are reading them but may not have anything to add. Sometimes that is a good thing. You're not a wallflower of blogging. Do it because it makes you feel good. I may not always answer to blogs but I do read them.

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