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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheryl2586

  1. cheryl2586

    A Quarter Ton GONE!

    Who would point ouch such nonsense. If that is the only fault they found in your post then ...........
  2. cheryl2586

    A Quarter Ton GONE!

    Congrats on such a fantastic job. You have done awesome and you look fabulous.
  3. cheryl2586

    How many cups of food ? Confused :(

    I agree with the other posters. One cup rule. If you need to eat more frequently but I would not test your band to go beyond that. Over eating is just not what the band is about. Even though we use it, it does not always make us full but full was then satisfied is now. If you are hungry before 4 hours then you probably need a fill. If you are eating just to eat then you probably dont.
  4. Time to follow through with a subpeona to find someone. Done done and done

  5. Making some good money. Love my life.

  6. cheryl2586

    Gallbladder attack?

    I would say go to the ER also and let them do an ultra sound or ct scan. If it is your gallbladder you need to get it out. You can always go on a cruise. How would you even be able to enjoy eating on a cruise with a bad gallbladder. I had mine out in December and after living off of soy shakes for about a month I was more then happy to get it out and was up and around the next day with no issues. Take care of it. It's more important then a cruise.
  7. You have to eat better then that. I am sure that your doctor did not prescribe that diet alone as none would. You need fats, good carbs (fruit and vegetables), dairy, whole grains or you are going to just end up being one mess. If you are exercising that much then you need to stop only eating 400 calories a day. Your weight loss will stop with that much exercise and so little food because it will try to hold on to everything it has. You have to have a balance and only eating protein is going to basically do a number on your kidneys because you are not giving your body anything else. I would seriously sit down with your nutritionist and your doctor because this in no way can be your post op diet prescribed by your doctor.
  8. cheryl2586


    I have found nothing about the band easy for one and working in med surg I have only seen 1 or 2 patients in 10 years have their bands removed not because of complications but because they failed the band and did not lose weight. As a matter of fact we have never had a band erosion nor a band slip removed. I work for a large hospital system consisting of 4 hospitals and 16 clinics and we specialize in weight loss surgery. So I would have to say that those people don't have a real clue. I really would ask your doctor how many bands he has removed because of it needing to be changed after 10 years. I would think he would say less then 1% because that is the real number of bands being removed.
  9. cheryl2586


    I think most are successful. The band does not fail people unless there is a medical reason such as a slip or erosion. People fail the band. When you dont follow instructions and doctors plans then you cant be successful.
  10. Hope you feel better soon. UTI's can be aweful. Once the antibiotics kick in you should be feeling tons better. Speedy recovery.
  11. cheryl2586

    Setting Targets

    You are doing great. Thats the way to do it. One thing at a time. By surgery day you will be that much farther ahead. Congrats on your already success.
  12. cheryl2586


    Its not about feeling full, its about being satisfied and not being hungry for 4 hours. Some people's hunger never subsides as I can attest to that but if you eat filling protein packed foods it should help. As far as things getting stuck some things your band just can not tolerate but nothing is off limits as to what you can eat it just depends what your band is willing to accept.
  13. mall walking is also a good thing as long as you just walk and dont stop to shop lol
  14. cheryl2586

    Just need to vent- hard day

    You can do it. Tomorrow dont hang around the house. Go do something to keep busy to make the time pass or sleep in. This part of it is a great accomplishment.
  15. cheryl2586

    Question about Vomitting

    The blood was probably coming from the tube they put down your throat while sleeping. Its normal for wls patients to be nauseated when they wake up from surgery.
  16. cheryl2586

    First Stuck Episode

    You're probably swollen. Food can not stay stuck that long because the acid in your stomach would break it down. If you can drink fluids there is nothing stuck. Just stay on liquids a few days you should be okay.
  17. cheryl2586

    Throw that scale away!!!

    It's all in how you look at the scale. It doesn't have to be your enemy but if you don't weigh yourself you can't stay accountable for your behavior of eating. I do weigh myself twice a day however I don't let the number reflect unhappiness. I use it to keep myself from going back up to 300lbs.
  18. cheryl2586

    Eating disorder

    You went from one extreme to another from being obese to now having and eating disorder. I think professional help is in order. Your not only hurting your ego your hurting everything inside of you whether your band is okay or not. Your ruining your teeth by throwing up so much, your esophagus, your sphincter that controls your food to stay down. Throwing up constantly can have really bad consequences other then slipping your band. I really think (in my opinion) you need to get help very soon before you end up having GI bleeds and other serious complications.
  19. You could have already had an underlying kidney problem and the high amounts of protein just made it rear its ugly head. I hope things work out for you.
  20. cheryl2586

    I thought y'all might enjoy this...

    Too funny
  21. Stress was one factor that always made me eat. Well heck before the band I never needed an excuse to eat. But now some how when I am stressed, I just write. Sometimes people think they can sway your day at work, or in life generally but what they don't realize is that the more they keep stressing you, the better a person you become. It makes you stronger, makes you realize they are just one person in this whole big world trying to rain on your parade and guess what? It won't matter one darn bit in ten years. I will still be who I am, still be successful in my weight loss, still teach my nutrition classes, still fight for animal rights, still have a loving husband and continue to improve my writing skills. You can't always make everyone happy in life, but why let food get in your way. There will always be people who will try to spoil your day, ruin what you have worked hard for because they themselves have failed. I had a client who was miserable to the point the doctor kicked her out of his practice because she wouldn't listen to him and failed at her band. She tried to make the whole group miserable but what she did not realize is the more she tried to make them miserable the more weight they all lost just to prove her wrong so that in turn made her even more miserable because she failed at what she was trying to do. Don't let stress make you eat and miserable because its just one time in your life that you have to take the bull by the horns and know that food won't solve the problem but only add to your problems. Have a blessed day because I will for sure.
  22. Sorry you are having such a hard time. Did your doctor say it was from losing weight too fast?
  23. cheryl2586

    Why yogurt????

    Everyone of us has things we can't eat. Greek yogurt for me fills me up and I can tell the difference between eating that and regular yogurt. That just might be one thing your band is finicky about.

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