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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheryl2586

  1. I never did. Its up to each doctor what they want you to do.
  2. cheryl2586

    Breakfast ideas ...

    I eat greek yogurt with cereal in it, eggs, oatmeal, protein bars,
  3. Every week (thanks to my wonderful husband) I go get a massage. It helps my stress, helps me unwind and believe it or not has helped with water weight loss. So you're thinking it's only water weight, well yes it is only water weight but weight is weight. The first day I ever got a massage, I seriously think I peed a river and that is no lie. The next morning I was 5lbs less. I thought maybe this was just something crazy I was imagining but the next time I got a massage the same thing happened. I started researching about massage and weight loss and asked my massage therapist and doctor the same thing "how does massage help with weight loss"? Metabolism is the furnace that keeps your engine running. After a certain age your metabolism can slow down. This sometimes results in weight gain. Regular massage sessions can boost your metabolic rate–jolting it to burn fat faster and help utilize your food intake turning it to energy rather than fat. If you are young, then massage can maintain your fast moving metabolism before it gets sluggish. This does not mean that you do not have to watch your diet but that a combination of healthy food, daily exercise and a weekly massage can be an excellent recipe for losing weight. So now not only is my massage helping me to feel better but its helping me with my weight loss journey also. I got a membership at massage envy which only cost me 39 a week to get a massage so I am helping myself and it helps me to feel great. Most of my pain is gone and I feel wonderful. You owe it to yourself to be your best and to feel your best. Do what makes you happy. But definitely massage has been a wonderful adventure for me.
  4. It is cherry season and this girl is happy

  5. Its the high protein causing constipation. Try some peri colace it will soften the stool plus help you go. Mirlax is also good but expensive. Or you can do what we old nurses used was a cocktail of prune juice and milk of magnesia called a black and white. Also prune juice does help if its warm.
  6. cheryl2586

    So now my pity party is over

    A month ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and really had a hard time because I have been in so much pain. I needed comfort and what did I do? Go back to food to make me feel better. Every day I was not working I was going to Sonic and getting a reeces peanut butter blast. I tried to convince myself it was okay because I only got a small one but heck a small one is 600 calories. I just could not except the fact that over the last four months I have become so dibilitated that I cant even lift my arms over my head and work is killing me. My new medications help some but not as much as I thought. Until they find an answer, do research, find better medications those of us that have this will have to learn to live with it. So now that the scale has went up ten pounds which is not totally aweful, its time to stop feeling sorry for myself and get back to my diet. My husband has been totally a doll for paying every week for me to get a massage and possible looking in to a cleaning lady because I just have trouble doing a whole lot. I am not letting this beat me. Im gonna rest as much as I can, look for a less stressful job, and do what I have to so that I wont aggravate my condition any worse then it is. No more using food to make me feel better, no more feeling sorry for myself because I have to live with it. I am better then that to let anything get me down. Although I was really enjoying those sonic blast lol I worked hard to get this weight off and I am not going to let this crap take me back to where I started. No way no how. So now I am off my soap box and getting myself back where I need to be. This time of year the produce is so good so I am filling myself with fruit and veggies. I will not let this beat me. I can say the pain at times is aweful but with the help of my doctor I am hoping we can get that under control as well. For those that have it I surely feel your pain.
  7. It is pressure on the phrenic nerve. It may be your signal that you are full. After a week you should no longer have gas. Watch it when you eat and see if it hurts more if so then that will be your signal that you are full. Mine lasted a year or so before it stopped.
  8. cheryl2586


    I have had an MRI since being banded and no issues. Its total silicone so there is nothing in it that would prevent you from having one done.
  9. When people fall in love they are head over heels with each other. They can't get enough of each other and decide we are in this for the long haul. As time goes on life changes and that in love feeling changes to a new love. People have to work at it because if it goes stale then the only thing that happens is either divorce or break up. People don't stay married for 50 or 60 years because it was always easy. Work, children, stress and everything in between come in to play and if you give up then you are giving in. When you choose to have weight loss surgery you are entering in a new relationship. In the beginning you are all gung ho over the band, bypass, or sleeve because you are getting results. Then your weight loss starts to deminish, it goes slow and that feeling of giving up plagues many. That in love feeling with your band becomes stale and sometimes obsolete. To keep your love alive with your band you must make an effort to have a healthy relationship with it, not give in because the going gets rough or you're not losing as fast as you want too. You have to change up your diet and not give in to eating the same old boring foods day in and day out. If you don't work with it or for it, it won't work for you. We had a good relationship with food before the surgery so you now have to have a good relationship with food now that you have the band. The only way that you are going to let this make you or break you, is your determination that your relationship with the band is going to be ever lasting. We don't give up on our children because they don't behave well, we don't give up on our jobs because they stress us, we don't give up on our loved ones because they are ill and we can't give up on our bands just because at the moment the scale won't move or we are having a hard time in life, stressed, dealing with things that we don't want too that would make us eat before. Our relationship now is different. It will in time give you life, health and happiness if you are willing to stay married to it for the long haul. If you want the band to work, then develop a loving healthy relationship with it. Don't let it get stale. Keep your momentum alive and think about why you did this. It is only up to you and you alone to make this relationship work. If you don't then you will be right back where you started. It's not always easy to have a new relationship but it's not impossible to have a healthy relationship with food. Love yourself enough to make this work because the benefits are priceless. If you ever doubt that you can't or won't succeed then its up to you to know that you are worth more then that.
  10. This seems to be a topic that comes up often so I will try to explain all of them and how they happen. Over eating causes your 2-4 ounce pouch to stretch and force food up into your esophagus causing it to dilate. Just because people think that food does not stay in the pouch long that is not true as you get tighter. The food takes longer to go down and eating fast or over eating causes pouch stretching. Band erosion is also caused from over eating. Imagine your band around your stomach and every time you over eat you are forcing your band into the stomach wall. Over a period of time your stomach tissue will wear away and your band will erode into your stomach causing your stomach contents to go into your abdominal cavity which is poison to your system. If you feel like food is backing up into your throat then you are over eating. I know some people eat a cup of food but if you look at most pictures of the band and ask your doctor how much food will my pouch hold not how big is my band, I am sure they will tell you 4 ounces which is a half cup of food. Now the cup to half cup can be debated all day long but the fact is if you over eat which ever that means for you, you are risking your pouch to stretch, dilate your esophagus (which will cause problems pushing the food down) and band erosion. Take your time to eat, don't over eat and take care of your band and yourself so that it can last a long time. Also being too tight can add to much pressure to the band and cause it to erode also. So make wise choices when eating and getting fills.
  11. cheryl2586

    Popsicles without aspartame or additives

    They do have some with splenda. I dont think any food makers are using stevia yet for food
  12. cheryl2586

    65lbs lost :) - Progress Pics

    You look awesome. Great Job
  13. Nice to get up and not have that horrible pain today from my fibro. Work should be a good day

  14. cheryl2586

    Stretched pouch ?'s

    Constant over eating causes your pouch to stretch because even though you are eating slider foods they dont always slide right down. I really hate that term. If you over eat what your pouch can hold you are risking stretching not only your pouch but your esophagus as well.
  15. cheryl2586

    Gov. Christie gets Lap Band!!!

    So glad he did. Even though on an interview he said he was healthy he was not. I am glad he decided to get healthy.
  16. cheryl2586

    First Stuck Episode

    I wouldnt try to drink anything to make it pass though because the liquids wont pass around it. Just try to relax and yes do liquids for the next couple days. It is horrible and hurts like hell.
  17. cheryl2586

    Regret for the first time

    Hoping you feel better soon
  18. Getting some cleaning done since I feel so much better today

  19. cheryl2586

    What Fibromyalgia did to me

    Over the last four months I became almost unable to walk. I had so much pain in my muscles and weakness I was walking like duck. My old doctor who is now my old doctor would sit in the hallway and write me prescriptions for muscle relaxers and tell me to go home. I was in so much pain that I could not function, could barely get by at work. I had muscle spasms so bad in my lower back I was going weekly for a deep tissue massage. I never believed in Fibromyalgia because I didnt want to be labeled with something they have no explanation for. I was so miserable I had to find a new doctor. I made an appointment two weeks ago, drove myself and almost needed a wheel chair to get inside the building. Two guys were standing outside talking and said mam do you need help? Well what the hell I am 50 years old and needing someone to almost carry me inside. So I said yes if you would be so kind. I met with the doctor and he listened as I explained all my symptoms that started last year in July with no feeling in my leg and how I had MRI's of every part of my spine and head and nothing was wrong. He listened for one hour. Never rushed me so he could move on. After he examined me he told me I have Fibromyalgia. I cringed at those words because how can I live with something I dont believe in. I told him my thoughts and he said it's not a label we put on people when we can't find out what is wrong. It's a real disease with all the symptoms you are having and your nerves are over firing and causing muscle pain and spasming. He put me on Savella, which has been a God send, change my sleeping medication and told me to continue on the muscle relaxers and yes gave me something for pain because he believed I was having excrutiating pain. I gained about 6lbs because of lack of activity but I still tried to maintain my diet. Two weeks later I feel a lot better but still have pain but it is bearable. I am thankful to my new doctor and my husband who sends me weekly to get a massage. I dont know if I still believe in this disease but I know the medication I am taking makes me feel so much better.
  20. cheryl2586

    What Fibromyalgia did to me

    Thanks everyone. This has been a horrible event in my life for sure.
  21. cheryl2586

    What Fibromyalgia did to me

    No I dont use aspartame. I use stevia. Although I have read some things about diet and fibro I found a video a rheumatologist made on youtube that helped me understand about it more. It is dibilitating to say the least. I would not wish it on anyone for the world.
  22. Finally ate chinese food after 3 and a half years. Had a little it was good. Enough left for four more meals.

  23. cheryl2586

    Back and Forth

    I never had any second thoughts at all. I guess everyone is different. You all are making a decision to improve your lives. That far outweights any risks associated with the band. It is a great choice but no always easy. Just know that going in and you will be fine.
  24. cheryl2586

    discomfort when swallowing

    You should call your doctor because having pain when swallowing is not normal unless you have a sore throat.
  25. cheryl2586

    I need a Swift Kick

    Log all your food. Go back to the post op diet and start from there. If you dont make yourself accountable for everything you put in your mouth then you will fall off. None of this is easy and we all struggle day to day because there are so many things out there to tempt us. You have to know that doing this is helping you so much more then the temptations. Just jump back on and go for the ride. The one good thing about the band is that its never too late to start over.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
