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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheryl2586

  1. cheryl2586

    Flu Shots

    Well the problem is they are giving you last years strain and not what is going around this year so you can still get the flu even with the flu shot. I don't want it but am being forced to take it. I had a bad reaction to the last one I got a few years ago. Our employee health nurse said I could take the nasal one that is a live virus and not work for two weeks until the exposure is a threat to anyone. Now why the heck would I do something like that.
  2. Your arms really do not look that bad. I am sure that they were way worse. Be happy that you had the money to do any of it. Many of us will have to live with saggy skin well for now. Im saving for a tummy tuck but that may be a while.
  3. cheryl2586

    Flu Shots

    We don't have a choice at the hospital if you don't get one you do not get the 650 dollar discount on our insurance and have to wear a mask from Oct 1 until March 30. Seems to me it's forcing me to take something I don't want. My immune system is totally good, I have never had the flu and was taking care of patients last year that had it. It's all about hand washing to keep from getting sick
  4. cheryl2586

    Keeping it real

    I am still seeing post about what you should be eating, how much you should be eating, why am I not losing weight, why does this hurt and why does that hurt. One thing that should be clear when you leave your doctors office either pre op or post op, you should have a list of foods you may eat. You should have been told exactly what to expect after your surgery and during the pre op phase. If you are not sure of these things then you need to schedule an appointment to see your doctor. I can not believe so many would have this kind of surgery and still be asking what you should be eating and what you should not be eating. In the pre op stage if your doctor or nutritionist has not gone over these things with you then you should ask or find another doctor. When I left my meeting right before my surgery in my hand (which was also gone over with us by the dietician) was a list of foods to eat and at what stage. A prescription for pain medications and nausea medication. I had times when I could start exercising and how much I was to eat in a day. The only way that they lap band is going to work for you is to have every piece of information from your doctor available at your finger tips. Every doctor is different in what they want you to eat so asking us if you can eat something is like asking can you remove your sutures. If you are afraid to ask your doctor questions then why have your insurance pay him or if you are self pay why hand over 16,000 dollars or more. He is getting paid to give you what you need to be successful in this journey. Not everyone loses weight the same and if you want or expect to drop 100 pounds in a few months that is unrealistic. Yes others have lost more then you but it does not mean you are doing anything wrong. It just means your body is not going to lose it fast. If someone weighs 400lbs and you weigh 250 they will lose faster then you. If you are having any kind of pain call your doctor it could be something serious. I think if you are unsure of what you are doing then your doctor should be the one guiding you .
  5. cheryl2586

    fluid loss without a leak???

    Even if the band is a closed system it would be no different then a closed jar of water. If it sits long enough it will evaporate.
  6. cheryl2586

    fluid loss without a leak???

    If you sat in 98 degrees and you were water you would evaporate. Same with band fluid. It will evaporate eventually. As to what extent I cant tell you that.
  7. cheryl2586

    Problem-Need Advice ASAP

    I agree vomiting is never normal with the band. Some people think its a part of everyday life but its not. Some people refuse to educate themselves about their bands or for some reason do not want to talk to their doctors. I have yet to see what the fear of talking to your doctor is.
  8. cheryl2586

    How are you decorating your house

    I look at my band like the frame work of a house and it is up to me to do the interior decorating. I make the final decision how much to eat, what to eat and if it is good or not good for me. You want your real home to look good and spend time and money to fix it up, paint and buy new things when needed so why would you not take the same amount of time, money and energy to make your band work for you. I am a sugar addict and can not control myself when I eat even a minute amount it causes me to binge like crazy, leaves me with guilt and unforgiveness of my self. Since I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia those old feelings of eating sweets have come back ten fold for self pity. Ice cream has always been my worst nightmare and seriously I could eat a half gallon in two days. I am serious. I found that Breyers makes many light flavors now and no added sugar that are really good and I had to have something. I guess its better then eating 10 pounds of chocolate which I used to do also. Choose your band decorations well. Once you start eating good healthy food you will feel 100 percent better. Some say its expensive to eat healthy but it really isn't. Take advantage of road side produce stands or produce markets for fresh vegetables and fruit. People do not believe when I tell them that you will lose more weight eating beef but it is true because beef out of all meat takes the longest to digest. Some of you have issues with certain meats but I can pretty much eat anything it depends on how I eat it if its going to get stuck or not. You always must put the fork down in between bites and make sure it goes down before attempting more food. Get your band house together and decorate it with love and good food.
  9. cheryl2586

    Problem-Need Advice ASAP

    I would say get a second opinion however if she has been vomiting a lot it will cause her stoma to swell a lot and therefore she will not be able to swallow.
  10. I have always been a fan of EAS ready made. The chocolate is so creamy. They are about 4.99 at walmart for a 4 pack. I don't drink shakes too much anymore because I don't want liquid calories. Its okay for you now and after surgery but I personally do not rely on shakes anymore.
  11. Enjoying life completely

  12. cheryl2586

    I'm so confused!!

    the only reason I chose the band is because its reversible. A lot of people with the by pass end up gaining most if not all and more of their weight back. The by pass also does not allow you to take in nutrients from the food you are eating because they disconnect the large intestine. A lot of people become vitamin deficient and end up with eating issues. I would definitely research all your options but the band has less issues then the other two surgeries.
  13. Today was surely a crappy eating day. We all have those from time to time

  14. cheryl2586

    It's not a UTI????

    Maybe you have an over active bladder. Also B vitamins and high protein can cause this. I would go to a urologist though before just making any decision.
  15. oatmeal and blueberries for breakfast one of my favorite things

  16. our house is coming along. Getting ready to close in the garage for a family room. Cant wait to light the fireplace

  17. cheryl2586

    Progress Picture

    you look great
  18. You will do this right this time. I commend you for putting it out there. Now everyone will know what doctors have been saying forever. Do not over eat or you will dilate your esophagus. I think people don't realize that when your pouch is full it has no where to go but back up into your esophagus. I have felt it and stopped right then. I am so glad you are back on board and thank you for sharing this event in your life so that others will know not to do this.
  19. cheryl2586

    Why I love cucumber water

    I have been drinking cucumber water for a while now and I must say it really taste good. There are so many benefits to drinking this drink and aids in getting rid of water weight. The only thing you need to do is have a pitcher of water and sliced cucumber, put It in the fridge and enjoy. If you are carrying around water weight then this is a great help to get rid of it very cheaply. Enjoy! Health Benefits of Cucumbers antioxidant properties anti-inflammatory benefits anti-cancer benefits rich source of vitamin C, beta-carotene & manganese free radical scavenger anti-estrogenic effects helps with hydration helps with blood pressure beneficial for pyorrhea aids in digestion helpful with constipation natural remedy for treating tapeworms high silica content helps brittle nails may relieve gout & arthritis pain beneficial for diabetes may reduce cholesterol levels may help with kidney stonesids in weight loss good source of B vitamins effective hangover cure
  20. The problem that people experience even losing weight on their own is your body gets to a certain point and doesn't matter what you do the weight is hard to get off. I think most people that have the band lose and then gain some and then can not lose the weight they gained. The band in statistics usually accommodates 50% of your total weight. Some have more some less. There just comes a time when your body is happy where it is. It doesn't mean your band is not working and you can get all the fills you want but making changes in your diet are probably going to be the things that will help you. Excessive working out is not going to make you lose weight because now all you are doing is making muscle. I would say just try to go with a thousand calories of more protein and see if that helps.
  21. cheryl2586

    Food Monitors

    When I first had my surgery, everyone at work would come in the lunch room to see what I was eating until one day I had had enough. I told them this is my journey and none of you need to keep monitoring my food. I got up and shut the door in their faces and that was that.
  22. You can't let food be your guide. Take a long hard look at what you are doing to yourself and how hard you worked to get where you were and how simple it is to get back to the beginning. The band is not going to fix our control of food. You have to be willing to commit yourself to binge eating and think about what this will take you too in a year from now if you don't stop. Go back to your doctor and let them help you. You have to take control of yourself because no one else can do it for you. Get in the groove. Go back to basics of liquids and start right back where you began. Its the only way you will succeed.
  23. cheryl2586

    Another "too tight" or "swollen" question.

    I am sure you are just swollen
  24. cheryl2586

    how do I break a stall !!!!

    Two weeks is not a stall. When you have not lost weight for a couple of months then that is a stall. Keep going you will lose.
  25. cheryl2586

    Total blessings

    My husband sent me a text today that said " Anyone can like you for your looks, but it's your personality that makes someone fall in love with you". I stop and think about that now because I was so obsessed with this band and what I needed to do. Who I needed to be but in his eyes I am who I need to be at 300lbs or 0lbs. Yes it gave me my life back to enjoy many more years with him but it's time to move on now and not be so over concerned with a pound here or there. It's time to enjoy my life with my wonderful husband and stop letting that weight demon control my every thought. I enjoyed ice cream today without feeling guilty because in all reality we owe ourselves to enjoy life. Will I get more tomorrow? No. But it doesn't matter if I did or not that is not what life is about anymore for me. We spend every week wishing for Friday and for what to only be a week older and life getting shorter. At 50 I have learned that I missed out on so much being over weight but now I am missing out on so much being obsessed with everything I put in my mouth. I don't want to live in the weight prison anymore. I don't want the scale to rule my life. I am blessed and healthy and this band in my stomach does not define the person I am it only makes me look in the mirror to think "you look good now" Well to my husband I looked good then. I just did not like the way I looked and I have learned loving myself is the freedom I really needed not a band to make me who I am. I wont resort to food anymore for sadness but I am living like a normal person should and enjoying every minute of it. I never cheated on my weight loss trip but it did not make me any better then those that do. It just got me where I wanted to be faster. I guess what I am trying to say is be happy and love yourself and let the band be second nature not your first thought every day. Do what you need to do to get where you need to be but don't let it consume your every hour. There are too many things out there to enjoy a little bit at a time. We all have to do it our own way but you also have to love yourself to do it at all. The band is the house and you have to do the interior decorating. Love to my friends.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
