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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheryl2586

  1. cheryl2586

    These words say it all

    If I compared myself to anyone else I would not be happy. Be happy with your results even if they are slow. Keep it going.
  2. cheryl2586

    New clothes?

    I think I pretty much lost about 40lbs before I noticed enough difference to buy clothes. But I did not buy a lot. Just a few in each size. When I got out of them I sold them on EBay and made a good amount of money because they were hardly used.
  3. Just keep saying its not worth it. Read a book, play some games online to take your mind off of it. You can do it.
  4. cheryl2586

    Random Thoughts, Ramblings and Questions

    Well let me put my almost 4 years input. If you are eating over a cup of food you will stretch your esophagus. That is the reason why you are given the amount to eat. Time after time when most people have erosion it is because they over ate and forced the band in to the stomach wall causing it to erode over time. I have 3 cc's in my band and I am in the green zone. It does not stop my hunger. Some people never get relief from hunger. Getting stuck is not a way of telling if you are in the green zone or not because I was getting stuck on things with nothing in my band. It all depends on what you will be able to eat. Everyone is different. You have to have some constraint as to how much you eat. You should be measuring your food at every meal and only eat that amount of food. Just because you can eat over a cup of food don't do it. If your esophagus gets dilated and it is not able to go back on its own then you can kiss your band good bye. Some doctors will just let it rest by keeping you on liquids for a few months to see if it will go back or they will take your band out. Sometimes you just have to stick it out.
  5. cheryl2586

    No two doctors are the same

    In my 30 + years of working in healthcare, I have rarely run across any two doctors that have the same way of practicing medicine. This is also and more so true with bariatric surgeons. What my doctor said is okay to eat pre op will not be the next doctors choice. What my doctor has me eat post op no other doctor may agree with. All this banter going on to other members of this forum to not listen to your doctor or nurses because they are wrong is not in any way something anyone should say to another person in this forum. Just because I was on clear liquids post op, does not mean every doctor makes their patients take in clear liquids. Some go right to full liquids and then on to regular food. It all depends on what that doctor chooses for his/her patients. If someone is eating yogurt the day after surgery and their doctor said they could then they can. If your post op and on clear liquids but want a glass of milk I would say call your doctor but I highly doubt that a glass of milk would hurt anyone. No two surgeons of weight loss surgery will give the same pre op or post op diet so if one doctor says its okay to eat food after a fill and another doesn't then neither is wrong its just what they prefer. Do any parents raise their kids identically? No they don't. Do all nurse give the same care? No they don't. Is every college student going to get straight A's? No they are not. So no one can say your surgeon is wrong because that is farther from the truth. Follow your doctors advice and his/her plan for your surgery and yours alone. They have invested their time to be bariatric surgeons and it all depends on what they were taught. Even though it makes it hard to have a community of people who have had the same surgery try to come together, no ones doctor is wrong unless he is being brought up charges of medical mal practice and since no one has said theirs has, then please follow your doctors orders and not what we are doing.
  6. cheryl2586

    Discouraged but trying

    This isn't a race. You are not running to see who finishes first. The slower the loss the easier to keep it off.
  7. cheryl2586

    Recovery of gallbladder surgery...

    that is good to hear
  8. cheryl2586

    Recovery of gallbladder surgery...

    Glad you did and hope everything comes out ok
  9. cheryl2586


    That is not true. My gastro doctor did an endoscopy on me and he showed me the pictures of my stomach. There is no pouch shown. He said the only way they could tell I have a band is by seeing it in an xray. The stoma has to be pretty tight in order for you to see that there is a pouch there.
  10. Your kidneys do not appreciate so much protein at one time. It's better to space it through out the day.
  11. cheryl2586


    You can not see the band from a endoscopy. That only shows the inside of your stomach and the band is on the outside of your stomach. You would have to have an xray or cat scan to see your band.
  12. cheryl2586

    Recovery of gallbladder surgery...

    You need to go to the ER you could possibly have blood clots do not delay go now.
  13. cheryl2586


    I would consult your surgeon because this could be the sign of a slipped band. Anytime you are moving along with no problems and start having issues like that, you need to call your doctor because something is not right for sure.
  14. cheryl2586


    The problem with newly banded people is that we spent so much time eating now you have nothing to do. Get a good book or go for a walk just know that your life is going to be great now. No one ever died from being hungry. We all have been there, questioned our selves but the whole point is you will see a light at the end of the tunnel. For now embrace that hungry feeling because you probably have not been hungry in years. It wont last forever. But it is what has to be for now until you get to eat real food.
  15. cheryl2586

    I think I need an "un" fill

    Some people have excessive swelling with fills also and that does not mean you are too tight. It may take a week or two or three for the swelling to go down to see if you really are too tight. I have gone up to three weeks after a fill and had severe swelling and was not too tight. If you are scared to eat then how will you manage to know when you are in the green zone. You can't live the band life of what ifs. The only way to find out is to eat. No one likes getting stuck or vomiting but you can not possible get to goal by being scared to eat. Take your time and eat slowly. Putting the fork down in between bites. Not everyone is too tight because they are scared to eat. I also do not see any symptoms that would point to her being too tight. Maybe just swollen. Its basically your decision what to do and not ours but I would wait and try to eat before you decide you are too tight.
  16. cheryl2586


    Unfortunately hunger is something we all had to go through. Its only a small portion of your life. You will definitely survive the hunger games.
  17. cheryl2586

    paperwork question

    You should not have to be submitting anything. Its between your primary and your surgeon to get all the paper work submitted for your surgery.
  18. cheryl2586


    The blood has no place else to go so it pools under your skin. Perfectly normal after any surgery.
  19. First and foremost you have got to stop saying you are going to fail. Failure only occurs when you let it. If you go into this surgery thinking that you are going to fail then your right you probably will. Your success of your band is only what you (not any of us) make it. You can choose to do the right thing or the wrong thing but in the end whatever you decide is your outcome. We all know what we have/had to do in order to be successful and thinking you wont be should not even be a thought in your mind. The greatest achiever's at anything did not win by thinking that they would fail, not win, not finish.
  20. First of all everyone loses at a different pace. You are not going to lose like everyone else. 8lbs is a good loss. Count everything you are putting in your mouth then see at the end of the day how many calories you are eating if its over 1000 or no more then 1200 then you need to check yourself as to what you are eating. Stop comparing your weight loss to everyone else.
  21. cheryl2586


    I prefer stevia. I can get it for a buck and family dollar. I have not tried the other but its probably a lot more then the other sweeteners.
  22. cheryl2586


    your hair is falling out because you have lost weight fast and had surgery. Up your protein and take a multi vitamin
  23. Every doctor does not give the same diet and some are allowed to have full liquids after surgery and not just clear liquids. Follow what your nurse and doctor told you. It is their decision not ours what you should be eating. If they told you that you could eat yogurt then eat it. Not one doctor gives the same post op diet. So no one can tell you what to eat because that is what they had to eat.
  24. Its gas. It may feel like that but I am sure its gas. Try walking around more and call your doctor.

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