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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheryl2586

  1. cheryl2586

    My Story

    Congrats on a beginning well done. You have done wonderful. There is only more where that came from. No question is too dumb to ask if you really don't know.
  2. Congrats on another NSV. We have so many and never tell about things that others don't think is important to us.
  3. If you are just post surgery I would call your doctor. You may have a uti but call to make sure.
  4. cheryl2586

    why me??

    I agree with Lisa. Just breathe. It will work out. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  5. cheryl2586

    Need encouragement :(

    Everyone gets in a rut once in a while. Don't beat yourself up about it. You found the problem and solved it.
  6. cheryl2586

    Having to wait 2 weeks :-/

    This is when your inner self has to help. Hang in there you will be fine.
  7. cheryl2586

    Gained 2 lbs on Mushies

    You will be fine. Just stick to the program and you will lose. It's not a race and it's not going to happen over night. Patience and stay off the scale.
  8. cheryl2586

    Gained 2 lbs on Mushies

    You really need to let your stomach heal because the band is sutured to your stomach and the movement of digestion makes the stomach move that is why you are on the post op diet you were given. Give your band time to adhere to your stomach. Just because you are eating fat free soup it could be loaded with sodium causing you to have water retention. I would not be going to eating solid foods if your doctor said not to. People who don't listen to there doctors either end up in problems or failing. Its not worth the risk.
  9. cheryl2586

    front page of the Boston Globe today

    I suppose him doing open surgery was the problem but really 4 patients in 6000 dying is not really a large number since it is 1 in 300 that die from wls. Everyone knows there is a risk of death from any surgery and some have died having minor surgeries. No death is acceptable but it happens.
  10. cheryl2586

    Curse you period cravings!

    Some dark chocolate and almonds can help. I don't know what to tell you about craving soda you will just have to tough that one out. Get some sugar free hot chocolate. Its delish when you want something hot.
  11. cheryl2586

    do vitamins really help?

    The Vitamin Myth: Why We Think We Need supplements Nutrition experts contend that all we need is what's typically found in a routine diet. Industry representatives, backed by a fascinating history, argue that foods don't contain enough, and we need supplements. Fortunately, many excellent studies have now resolved the issue. On October 10, 2011, researchers from the University of Minnesota found that women who took supplemental Multivitamins died at rates higher than those who didn't. Two days later, researchers from the Cleveland Clinic found that men who took vitamin E had an increased risk of prostate cancer. "It's been a tough week for Vitamins," said Carrie Gann of ABC News. These findings weren't new. Seven previous studies had already shown that vitamins increased the risk of cancer and heart disease and shortened lives. Still, in 2012, more than half of all Americans took some form of vitamin supplements. What few people realize, however, is that their fascination with vitamins can be traced back to one man. A man who was so spectacularly right that he won two Nobel Prizes and so spectacularly wrong that he was arguably the world's greatest quack.
  12. cheryl2586

    do vitamins really help?

    Maybe some of you don't eat enough or the right foods to get enough vitamins but I have never had a vitamin deficiency except for b-12 since being banded in four years. Protein shakes and bars have vitamins in them. So don't let anyone tell you except your doctor that you need them because you are vitamin deficient. You people kill me that you know it all. That vitamins are A MUST because that is not true. If you get blood work done and all your levels are fine YOU DO NOT NEED VITAMINS OR YOU ARE JUST PISSING THEM OUT.
  13. cheryl2586

    do vitamins really help?

    Scientifically if you are not vitamin deficient the only thing your body will do is not use it and you are just spending money on expensive pee. The best thing you should do is have your vitamin levels checked. If you are not vitamin deficient taking supplements is a waste of money. If you are deficient then only take what your deficient in. All of our nutrients are absorbed through the large intestines. People who have the By Pass surgery are more apt to get vitamin deficiency since that part of their intestines is rerouted. Just because you are tired does not mean its from not taking vitamins.
  14. cheryl2586


    My surgeon told me that the only time that eating and drinking is okay is when you eat soup or eat cereal. Other then that you should not eat and drink at the same time.
  15. cheryl2586

    Stuck with am empty band?

    Yes you can because even though you have no fluid in your band it is still something restricted around the top of the fundus or stomach
  16. I understand how some of the newly banded people feel when their weight loss is not fast or as much as someone else's, however no matter what the loss or how it is done is a loss. If you lose inches it is a loss. If you lose 2 ounces it is a loss. The lap band does not come with the promise or guarantee that you will lose weight every day or even every single week. There are a lot of things to think about when losing weight. Are you sleeping at least 8 hours a night?, Are you drinking enough water, are you moving your bowels regularly, are you keeping your salt intake low, are you stressed out. Weight fluctuations are bound to happen between 3 to 9lbs daily. You did not gain 100lbs in a week or maybe even in a year. It took time and so will losing it. Everyone is different and someone weighing 400lbs is going to lose weight faster then someone weighing 250. You can not base your weight loss to everyone else's. It took me three years to take off all of the weight I have lost but it took 10 years to put it on. You are not going to lose weight every week and especially every single day. Just keep doing what you are doing and in the end you will win.
  17. If you are taking pain medication it can give you urinary retention or the inability to urinate or know that you have to urinate. Look up the medication you are taking and see if one of the side affects are urinary retention
  18. First of all if your husband is a veteran of any kind you get Tricare for life. I know of many people who served and have medical coverage the rest of their lives. I also don't get it. You have asthma which you will always have no matter how much you lose weight. You have esophagitis and gerd which is not always taken care of by the band. I don't think people are being rude but I don't want my information or my friends subjected to a page on facebook. I think your friends on facebook who personally know you would be more willing to like this. I learned my lesson following links on facebook with two crashed computers.
  19. cheryl2586

    stuffy head and band tight

    That and rain. Rain always makes my band tight. You will figure out what makes it tight eventually
  20. cheryl2586

    Angry - no weight loss!!!

    There will be times you won't lose for weeks. The band does not guarantee weight loss every day or every week. Just keep doing what your doing and not weigh yourself everyday. Some people can weigh themselves daily and they are alright with the fluctuations and some are not. If you are not then don't weigh yourself but every couple of weeks.
  21. cheryl2586

    How do you deal?

    Dark Chocolate chips are good instead of milk chocolate. I usually eat those with some almonds. I don't know where you are food wise but if you can eat regular food it's just as good as eating a candy bar only good for you.
  22. cheryl2586

    ? about fills/plateau

    If you have that much fluid in your band and not feeling satisfied for 3 to 4 hours on a small amount of food then you will not feel satisfied at 10cc's I think you have the meaning of restriction not right. It will not restrict the amount of food you can eat it will keep you from being hungry for 3 to 4 hours. That is restriction.
  23. cheryl2586

    Facial Flushing?

    It can be from your pain medication because they do tend to make your face flush.
  24. cheryl2586

    night time snacking

    Night snacking was my worst time also after working 12 hours I wanted to eat the whole house. Now when I am working I eat around six and make that my last meal of the day. By the time I get off work at 7, come home and shower its time for bed. I don't think about eating anymore after 6 p.m but if you have to snack I would say eat some lunch meat and cheese or a hard boiled egg. That way you wont be making bad choices. If you need crunchy then buy single servings of things and put the rest in the trunk of your car. You will be less likely to want to walk to your car to get them.
  25. cheryl2586


    I also use Mio but I can just as well drink plain water if necessary

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
