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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheryl2586

  1. First of all let me say this. If you stay with him after that, you are crazy. I wish my husband for one minute would ever say anything like that to me over 9lbs. Really and you love him why? Let him go and tell him I am the same person I was 9lbs ago. Yes me the person you supposedly fell in love with not what I looked like. He would be history and fast and in an email too that would go something like this: Dear Senseless, Since it is apparent that you only like/love me when I am 170lbs and this 9 pounds I gained is a turn off to you then guess what I am telling you to do? Well let's see, when I met you I was much larger then I am now. You still wanted to be with me. We were awesome together and well today I don't find you awesome any longer, so please do me a favor and travel the world barefoot until you meet the girl of your dreams because this girl is moving on without YOU. Get to packing
  2. cheryl2586

    Issue With Meat

    Don't do meat anymore I have become a vegan. I was sick of getting stuck. I have learned to love tofu as whatever you cook it with takes on the flavor. I also love black Beans. There are many Protein packed foods you can eat besides meat.
  3. cheryl2586

    Diagnosed Today After A Long Battle

    So sorry Donna. I know you have been through a lot. Hope you get some sunshine and happiness in the days ahead. Sending prayers and hugs to you.
  4. cheryl2586

    New Forum Is (Not) So Sad!

    Thanks Arlene and happy holidays to you as well. The pool is closed for the winter now because its cold here in Jacksonville
  5. cheryl2586

    New Forum Is (Not) So Sad!

    Well these are my feelings. I only come here now and then because it is mostly redundant questions when they can be found in the forum a million times. Now don't get me wrong everyone needs help and I am all for helping them but most of the time it ends in people arguing that you don't even know and a bunch of bs that you have to put up with from other people because they don't like what you said. Words are misconceived many times here and its not right. People say your mean when they don't even know you. I can say three words a million times and all three words will be taken different ways by a million people. That is why I don't come here much and me and a lot of the other veterans that felt the same way meet up on facebook and it saves us from having to put up with the riff raff that goes on here most of the time. I come here when I feel like it and if I don't like what people post I leave. I actually think this new website design is very nice with the exception of not being able to see the blogs on the right hand side. I also think if you block someone from seeing their post you should not have to see anything from them at all. It says you chose to block this person but view it anyway. Now you know the very person that blocked you is going to read what you wrote so they can comment if they don't like what you said because it has happened to me more then once by certain people then I get attacked like I am a criminal. These are the reason I/we veterans don't come here anymore. Its not that we don't want to help newly banded people but we feel like its not a friendly place to call home anymore. Just my thoughts and opinions.
  6. cheryl2586


    I wait for 15 minutes then drink some really cold water because if it is gone you will be able to feel the cold water empty in to your stomach I would much rather throw up cold water then any kind of juice or hot stuff.
  7. cheryl2586

    Dont No How To Feel At This Point

    and succeed you will. Take each day and claim it. This is what it is all about.
  8. cheryl2586

    Dont No How To Feel At This Point

    I do not think and this only my opinion that aggressive fills are necessarily the right thing to do. Many people get aggressive fills then end up back at the doctors office begging for Fluid to be taken out so that they can eat something. Going slower gives your body time to adjust to the pressure the band is causing on your stomach. So what happens when you keep getting fills and there is nothing left to fill. The band only does 10% of the work we do the other 90. I know what most will say I didn't go through this to have to work but that is a fact. I am coming up on four years and have 3 cc's in my band and have plenty of restriction. Hunger is not always taken away because of the band. Some will always be hungry. Just my opinion.
  9. cheryl2586

    Alcoholic Beverages

    Why can't you have the party without drinking? If it is that close to your surgery I would have some non alcoholic beverage. You don't know how long it thins your blood and that will put you at risk for a bleed or could possibly even cause a serious issue during surgery. I would say no because we all know that once you start drinking its hard to only have one.
  10. cheryl2586

    Not Feeling Hungry

    Eat when your hungry and drink a lot.
  11. cheryl2586

    No Weight Loss And Depression

    First of all let me say I am sorry for your depression because it is an awful thing. I think 1 your are too tight because you are getting stuck frequently and you are not eating meat. 2 if you don't eat enough Protein you are not going to lose weight. 3 I think everyone has that fear of eating meat in case you get stuck but you have to get past that. I think you really need to evaluate your eating of only soft foods because you keep getting stuck and get an unfill so that you can get in some good nutritious food. If you don't start eating what is recommended you are not going to lose weight. Maybe you not losing weight has added to your anxiety. Please call your doctor and talk to him about your issues and if you have a nutritionist consult with them also. You deserve to be healthy with your band and you are not doing it now.
  12. cheryl2586

    Slow Progress & In Need Of Support & Ideas

    I don't see a lot of Protein in those food choices. Eat eggs and some other meat for breakfast. Skip the salad at lunch and make chicken salad and dinner eat some decent meat not ham because it will cause you to retain Fluid and a vegetable. Don't snack on bananas but have the cottage cheese then or a protein shake. I know that nothing is off limits but I think you are not eating enough protein through out the day. Snack on turkey breast lunch meat or something other then that. Have oatmeal in the morning made with almond milk and stir in egg whites just as it gets done and it will be creamy. During your weight loss phase you want to try to stay away from a lot of carbs and fruit. Fruit turns to sugar which turns to fat and you want to burn fat. The only way you are going to kick start your weight is eat more protein. You are at a desk job so you have to move. If you don't move you wont lose. It's up to you to decorate the house you already have the frame.
  13. It's called dehiscing and I doubt you did it just changing the oil in your car. I am sure it was infected and opened up. That is what happens when wounds are infected they open up and that is what is causing the tunneling. No one's incision should just break open like that from changing oil.
  14. cheryl2586

    Protein Intake And Bs From Surgeon.

    Well I can tell you that being in the medical field such extreme high levels of Protein over a long period of time can cause severe kidney damage and even shut it down. 250 grams of protein is not necessary no matter how much you work out. Has he been tested for various things like HIV, Hep C, or any other immune deficiency test there is. There is no reason to eat that much protein. He needs a balanced diet of protein, good carbs and healthy fats. I don't care how long you have been teaching nutrition but something is either medically wrong with him or his organs are shutting down because of the excess of protein. No body can tolerate high amounts of protein for long periods of time. You should know that. Optimal protein should be between 70 and 90 grams and that is it. You can go as far as 125 but not for long periods of time.
  15. cheryl2586

    First Fill.. Feeling Discouraged

    It's not going to happen over night and if you are discouraged this early in the game that's a shame. You didn't gain weight over night and it's not magically going to come off over night. This is work and hard work and sometimes you wont always see the scale move.
  16. I hate when people say that weight loss surgery is their last chance. Nothing in this world is the last chance unless you give in to that. Yes we all may have tried different diets and most of us did succeed in losing the weight but we gave in and gained it back. The same thing can happen with any weight loss surgery. If you don't stick to it you will in fact gain the weight back. So weight loss surgery is not your last chance because no one should give up that easily.
  17. cheryl2586

    Do I Need another Fill?

    You should be getting 70 to 90 grams of Protein in every day. If you need to drink Protein shakes then do so but I would rather eat my calories then drink them. Just my opinion. You would be surprised things that are high in protein besides meat.
  18. cheryl2586

    Experience Since 4Th Fill...not Good

    The number of fills that it takes to get to the green zone varies between people. I have only 3cc's in my band and that is all I have for four years now. Anymore then that I can not eat. The question is who wants to live like this in the name of losing weight and if you keep throwing up you are going to dislodge your band then you will be having surgery to have it removed and will not have a band. So my suggestion to you is 1. Wait it out you might be swollen and drink only liquids and not eat food. 2. Call your doctor and get an unfill because throwing up is a sure way to have your band slip. It's your choice. In all reality after fills if you throw up two consecutive meals then you are too tight. Why wait three weeks and try to eat when the end result is your head in the toilet. Go get unfilled.
  19. cheryl2586

    Help Needed! Im So Uncomfortable

    Peri Colace and take more then one. Are you still on liquids that would be the problem if you are not eating real food yet.
  20. cheryl2586

    First Week achieved :-)

    It is the pressure on the vegus nerve that causes that pain in your shoulder. It can last until a fill or forever. No one can really say when it will go. I had it for a year until I got my first fill, others have had their band removed to get rid of the pain. It is your signal now to stop eating but you don't want to get that far to deal with that pain.
  21. cheryl2586

    Drink Help

    Water is the best drink you can give your body. Find something to put in your water like MIO that is calorie free. Crystal light still has calories and I would rather eat my calories then drink them.
  22. I would think you could find a better Protein then PB. Have you tried eating more protein at dinner? I know Peanut Butter has protein in it but the fat content is too much. I would say make a Protein shake without the PB and have that instead or buy Protein Bars for night time.
  23. cheryl2586


    Well I would think that anyone needing WLS unless it was from a medical condition are all food addicts. I mean we didn't get obese because we hated food. I'm a sugar addict and a food addict. I did not get to 300lbs by eating salad lol
  24. cheryl2586

    Weird? Normal? Just Me?

    There are a few possibilities but I am sure your surgeon will figure it out. I hope your port has not flipped. It is not a big deal you would just have to get it fixed surgically but maybe it is just crooked. I wouldn't worry about it until you see your surgeon.
  25. cheryl2586

    Listen To Your Band When Stressed

    So sorry about your mom. This has to be hard for you. Sending thoughts and prayers your way.

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