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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheryl2586

  1. I think the problem here is you are trying to feel full. Its not about feeling full anymore with the band, its about being satisfied and staying satisfied for 3 to 4 hours after you eat. The band no matter how tight you have it is not going to keep you from eating as much as you want. You have to do that part by measuring your food and only eating 4 ounces at a time of good lean Protein. I tend to think that people get restriction wrong. Its not about keeping you from eating, its about being able to go 3 to4 hours without being hungry. You do 90 percent of the work and the band does 10. You have to have some constraint and not eat as much as you did preband because if you do you are defeating the whole purpose of the band.
  2. cheryl2586

    Feeling So Discouraged!... And Hungry!

    Even though you are eating little bits of soda, beer, bread, rice, Pasta, these are all things that I am sure are not on your list of foods that you can eat. Soda and beer especially. No carbonation should even be in your mind right now. Your testing your band and I would say you need to follow the diet your doctor gave you for these weeks after surgery. Just because you can eat them doesn't mean you should. If you consume enough Protein and I don't mean shakes you should still be full enough that you don't need to pick at other things.
  3. If nothing is going down then you either have food stuck or your swollen from having food stuck. I wouldn't try to eat anything else and call your doctor tomorrow.
  4. cheryl2586

    Dumping After Erosion And Removal

    Well I hope whatever it is that it stops and you can live a normal life. So are you opting for a different WLS or are you just going to forget about it. If my band ever has to come out I don't know but I would probably get the sleeve done. Hopefully I will never know though. Hope you get better soon.
  5. cheryl2586

    Been Plateaued Forever...

    You don't always need the scale to move. Me getting in to smaller clothes is better then a number.
  6. FloridaDays I have missed you. Glad you are doing well. Nice to hear from other people sometimes instead of the same people posting constantly.
  7. cheryl2586

    Band Pain/pressure Is Much Too Low?

    Have you ever thought it might be your appendix
  8. cheryl2586

    Dumping After Erosion And Removal

    Did you by any chance have your gallbladder removed at some point after your original lap band surgery because if so the diarrhea might be coming from that. Dumping usually happens to by pass patients that have their large intestines rerouted and can not absorb nutrients. Other then that it might just be your body getting used to food again.
  9. It's hard to believe that a new year is almost upon us. This has been a very stressful year for me to say the least. I would just like to say that no matter what do not give in to temptations. It is so easy to go back to the bad ways. One cookie can be the deal breaker to sabotage your diet if you love sweets. Love your families and don't consume your life with negative people or situations. What we do today will set the tone for the rest of the week. I hope everyone enjoys their holidays not because of the food but because you are with people you love. I just wanted to throw that out there.
  10. cheryl2586

    Justice For Steve The Pit Bull

    http://authorcheryl.hubpages.com/hub/Justice-for-Steve-the-Pitbull Sometimes I go off the subject of weight loss from time to time just because. So today I am blogging about a pit bull named Steve. I am a huge animal activist that will stop at nothing until animal abuse comes to an end. His story can be found on the above link. No animal deserves this but many pit bulls are treated like him. Today I am Steve's voice. Please share his story so that people can see the true abuse that these animals take.
  11. If you want to heal you need to eat Protein. You are setting yourself up for a nice infection if you don't put nourishment in your body. Eat it wont hurt you.
  12. cheryl2586

    Can I Get Some Advice Please

    Almonds are a better choice in nuts if you want to eat them. Mix a little dark chocolate chips with the almonds because not only is it good for you but it's a nice treat.
  13. cheryl2586

    Can I Get Some Advice Please

    I would say you are not getting in enough calories. I don't think that even adds up to 800 calories. If you had surgery in March try to eat food instead of drinking Protein shakes. I would rather much eat calories then drink them. If you have issues in the morning eating, make a shake with fruit, yogurt and other things many cant eat Breakfast but if you can eat breakfast I would recommend replacing those shakes with food instead.
  14. If every weight loss surgery were a science guess what? We would all be skinny and happy, but since it isn't everyone has to figure out what works for them. Everyone is not going to lose weight at the same rate of speed. Everyone is not going to be able to tolerate some foods that others will. It's easy for everyone to put themselves in others shoes but all your doing is making yourself upset because you are not like them. I don't want to be like everyone else. I want my own identity. I don't care if someone else loses all their weight in six months and it took me three years. Each of us are individuals that have a different make up. Some will eat the same blessed thing everyday, while others experiment with other things. Nothing in weight loss surgery is written in stone, however if you do what you are supposed to do and follow the plan YOUR doctor put in place for you then you will be successful. What works for me is not going to work for everyone else but at the end of the day the only one thing we have in common is that we had weight loss surgery. After the surgery was done and we went to the post op area that is when we all divided and became ourselves and not anyone else. We all falter, some of us fail, we gain, we lose, but at the end of the day no one can make YOU happy but YOU. In 9 days I will be 4 years banded and this last year has not been good for me one bit, but you know what? It will get better. Don't be down on yourself because you are not losing like everyone else or you cant eat this or that. Just do you, be you and in the end YOU will be successful.
  15. Well....................... I think its funny but we in healthcare have that crazy kind of humor
  16. cheryl2586

    Anastasia Wishes

    She is definitely. Our rescued iguana. We have her who will be three in January and a baby that is 8 months old. She is a Diva princess for sure.
  17. cheryl2586

    Anastasia Wishes

  18. cheryl2586

    Pbing And Sliming.

    Well when it happens to me I drink ice cold Water. Because it's disgusting in the first place and with cold water you will know when it moves because you will feel the water go down in to your stomach. Also what they left out is when you get stuck the pain can be unbearable also. But you will get to that road when you cross it. lol
  19. cheryl2586

    Need Support Badly

    First and foremost you can not get discouraged because you are not losing as fast as you would like. Everyone here is different. What took my three years to lose will take someone else a year. A loss is a loss whether it be pounds, ounces or inches. Increase your Protein and skip the carbs and fruit. Stick to that for a week and you will see results. Are you drinking enough Water? There is no exact science to the band. Are you sleeping 8 full hours every single night, are you moving your bowels regularly, are you stressed? These are all important things for good weight loss. Are you exercising at all. Even a five minute walk is better then nothing.
  20. cheryl2586

    New To This!

    Congrats on your decision to change your life. It's by no means easy as people think. You will do great.
  21. cheryl2586

    Liquid Egg Whites

    I would still be leery of salmonella no matter if they are pasteurized or not
  22. cheryl2586

    Thanks A Lot Obamacare!

    food can not be stuck for days because the band is still around your stomach that still digest food. You are probably feeling swelling not food. I would call you insurance company because a lot of people's insurance that got canceled were reinstated until a year from now.
  23. cheryl2586

    Panera Bread......

    B-52 I don't see how your not being able to eat is healthy. I am not being smart either. But there is no way I would want my band that tight that I have no appetite and do not want to eat and only have a Protein drink in the morning and nothing until dinner. That is not how skinny people eat. I know you like your band tight but I don't think its healthy. Just my thoughts.
  24. cheryl2586

    Tighter Am And Pm?

    Weather and barometric pressure has a lot to do with your band. If it's raining mine gets super tight.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
