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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheryl2586

  1. cheryl2586


    There is nothing wrong with weighing yourself daily as long as you can deal with the fluctuations. As long as you are sticking to your program and not cheating it shouldn't bother you if the number is up a pound or two. We all want to see it go down but you also need to know that it wont always go down.
  2. cheryl2586

    I ordered an exercise bike

    I used the walk away the pounds cd. I have the one, two and five mile one. I got as far as the two mile and it did work. You might want to try some dvd's they have some good exercise for indoors that you will do well with.
  3. cheryl2586

    Port pain

    Port pain can last up to 4 months or longer. After 4 years there are still certain positions that bother it. You may have to find some different exercises to do.
  4. cheryl2586

    Hungry all the time!

    Night time I think is the worst time for a lot of us. I spend a lot of time writing. I write for different websites but you can write for Yahoo voices on any subject you choose and they pay you per article. You probably could write articles about your experience with cancer. Thank goodness you are free of it. My insurance I have wont pay for anything bariatric related unless I chose to convert to the sleeve or bypass which is hell no to me. The doctor wants 500 dollars just to see me for the first time. I don't need a fill I need follow up. I have no issues with my band so do I really want to pay 500 dollars for nothing. If you like to play games pogo has a lot of games you can play while home bound. I know being home alone can be boring. I just changed jobs to a 3-11 shift so my worst times of eating will be tolerable. Good luck on finding something to do.
  5. cheryl2586

    Food Explanations!

    I told everyone at the hospital I used to work at that I had lapband surgery. WTH was I thinking. I had more food monitors and aggravation that one day when they made their daily visit to the lounge to see what I was eating for their approval I told them in a not so nice way that I am effing sick of all of you monitoring my lunch. I have done fine without any of you picking out my food for me and stop asking me how much weight I have lost you can see it can't you. So they all were offended but I told them you shouldn't even feel bad for me telling you. I am just sick of it. How many times do I need you to tell me I am making good choices. People will sometimes make you say things that you really wouldn't have said because they need to mind their own business. When I moved to another city no one knew about my surgery. They just think that I eat weird things. But it's better then explaining every day of my working life why I eat what I do. It doesn't matter why a person chooses to be vegetarian. Religious reasons or not, No one should ever have to feel the need to defend their healthy lifestyle choices. It's kind of like the OP mentioned all of the "junk" food that coworkers were eating. No one ever asks why you're eating chips, pop, pizza, etc. I remember when I first started my 6 month supervised weight loss plan that was required by my insurance before they would approve my surgery. I was taking my lunch to work every day and I was eating lots of vegetables and salads and such. Every day for weeks on end people would ask "Why are you eating THAT?" Ummm, because I like it. And because it's better for me than my usual crappy hospital cafeteria choices. And I want to live a long, healthy life and my old choices just weren't cutting it. Geez. The same can be said of our choice to have WLS. It's a choice that we made and we shouldn't have to defend it to the world. Yet, how often do we end up doing that? I'm fortunate in that most of my family was very supportive but I know a lot of people aren't supportive of WLS at all. My own brother asked me if I was sure it was a good choice and was very concerned about me having it done. His was a genuine concern out of love for his sister(we're very close) but he couldn't understand why I needed surgery. He was terrified of something going wrong in surgery. He asked me if I couldn't "just diet" to lose the weight. He's one who can diet and easily and quickly drop a bunch of weight. I'm not so lucky. Once I explained to him the health problems I was developing as a direct result of my weight and lifestyle(I'm a nurse and tend to take care of everyone else without sharing my own problems with them. I'm very private like that)..anyway, he has been supportive but I think he just needed to be certain I was making the best choice for me. I have noticed though that people always feel the need to offer their opinions on the matter. And my opinion is this: my body, my choice, it doesn't effect anyone else. It's none of their business. Period. Same goes for those who choose a vegetarian diet/lifestyle. It's their choice and none of anyone else's business.
  6. cheryl2586

    Food Explanations!

    There is nothing wrong with being a vegan and no one needs to know why. I make my own black bean burgers that are good but also in the vegetarian frozen foods they have many burgers, ribs, chicken patties that are very good. I don't mind being a vegan. meat just doesn't work for me most of the time. I don't miss it. I still eat eggs and dairy but meat no. Once in a while I will eat some salmon but other then that I am a happy vegan. I have learned to appreciate food instead of being a hog and eating a whole pizza. That is past for me. There is nothing better then some Beans seasoned to perfection. My cabinet where most people store canned goods and other things are full of beans.
  7. cheryl2586

    BMI is bulls**t

    It is only a word used in the medical community. They have to write that on any kind of notes, hospital records to justify why you needed weight loss surgery or any other surgery so that insurance companies will pay. It is no different if you are anemic, diabetic, had gallbladder surgery it will always be part of you past medical history. As a matter of fact it will always be one of your diagnosis on all of your paperwork no matter how skinny you get. It's just a word so let it be just that.
  8. cheryl2586

    Gained Some Weight Back...Frustrated! Help!

    This all works fine for you and only you. The band has NEVER controlled my hunger EVER. I can also say that if I want to I CAN eat as much as I want but I don't. The thing you don't understand is the band works differently for everyone and unless your band is totally closed off so that nothing can pass through it then yes you could physically eat as much as you want. It may take you more time then it did preband or now but over the course of some hours yes you could eat a big plate of food. This is what people mean when they say I can out eat my band. Can I eat it all at once? NO but I can. I can eat just like I did preband if it takes me all day that is what you are not understanding. My band is properly adjusted for me. I can't take anymore then what is in it at 3cc's or I would not be able to eat at all but I can eat all I want on any given day even if it takes me all day to do it. But I don't. I measure out what I am supposed to eat and that is all I eat. It never has controlled my hunger from the beginning. What works for you does not always work for everyone else. You base your facts on what it does for you and generalize it what it should be doing for everyone else. I am not trying to argue but the band does not do for everyone what it does for you.
  9. cheryl2586

    Gained Some Weight Back...Frustrated! Help!

    B52 the band does not always work at controlling hunger. There is a certain amount of people that do not get hunger relief from the band no matter how much they have in it. It doesn't work for 100% of the people 100% of the time. You can't say that it will work because that is just not true. It does not ALWAYS control hunger and the amounts of food a person is able to eat.
  10. cheryl2586


    Well I am unable to exercise because of my fibro and I have lost 120lbs with no exercise. Your body will lose if you decrease your calorie intake with out exercise. It may be slower and take you longer but you can lose weight without any exercise.
  11. cheryl2586

    Bad hubbie of the year!

    Maybe he doesn't take stress well. That's no reason for him to be called the bad hubby of the year. Take in to consideration all that he did.
  12. I like mine full of spices too Terry but some don't that is why I posted it like this. I add way more things to mine. Even some hot sausage sometimes. I think everyone has to season to taste. I like mine with a lot of spices in it.
  13. This post stemmed from a young lady who wanted her band out because she can not eat meat. Well life can be lived without meat if your band doesn't like it. I have been a perfectly healthy vegan for 3 out of my four years being banded. If a day arises that I can eat meat then I take advantage of that day, if not then I move on to so many other things that are so good. Sautéed yellow squash seasoned to perfection stir fried and place on a bed of baby salad greens. Tofu and sautéed cabbage to die for. There are many other options out there besides meat. Wonderful well seasoned black beans on a bed of couscous. Both are packed with protein. The problem is that we think we need meat to live and that is farther from the truth. You can happily live without meat and have wonderful great tasting food.
  14. cheryl2586

    Close Call !

    Esophagus spasming is not the same as you saying your esophagus will loosen up if you drink hot liquids. The band is no where near your esophagus, it doesn't move, it doesn't widen (the esophagus) because you drink hot liquids. You and one other person have said on more then one occasion are you letting food sit in your esophagus making it seem like the band is at the base of the esophagus which is not true. The band is many inches from the esophagus, food stays less then a minute in the pouch so why would it sit in the esophagus unless you are over eating. Esophageal dilation comes from over eating point blank not because the band is wrapped around the bottom of the esophagus. It is giving people the wrong idea of exactly where their band is located.
  15. First let me say I am sorry for your loss. You know that once you get to goal that your body tends to put some weight back on because it adjust its self. Many people gain 20lbs back after reaching what they call their goal weight. I wanted 150 but my doctor said that managing 175 is more realistic to maintain. That way I am not feeling guilty for my weight.
  16. cheryl2586

    Started smoking after lapband...

    I am an ex smoker but why give up one bad habit to turn to another. Our goals are to get healthy and while you may be enjoy smoking you are just giving your body more issues then needed. I never have given up that urge to smoke and it will always be there but try to quit again its not good for you.
  17. cheryl2586

    Close Call !

    Bread for me is iffey. If I eat the crunchy crust I have no issues with it but the soft part no way. Yes I think for most of us bread is not an option. NaNa I am not being rude when I say this but you can not open up your esophagus with warm liquids. I think that you think your band is at the base of your esophagus and that is farther from the truth it is 3 to 4 inches below the esophagus at the top part of the fundus in the stomach. I have seen other people post also that it is at the base of the esophagus and it isn't. We all would have issues if it was at the base of the esophagus.
  18. cheryl2586

    Interesting Observation

    You did well. This truly what its all about making small changes at a time. Getting in tune with your body and your needs not the needs of others.
  19. Any time you change your eating habits and reduce carbs and sugar you are going to have a headache. It's your bodies way of telling you thanks for getting the crap out of me. It should only last a few days. Try to hang in there you will be very ready by surgery day,
  20. cheryl2586

    Struggling w/ Chronic Diarrhea

    Maybe if you continue on the probiotic faithfully it will help. At this point anything to try won't hurt you. I hope you find out what is causing your issues.
  21. cheryl2586

    Struggling w/ Chronic Diarrhea

    I can imagine this has taken quite a toll on you. I sure wouldn't want it. Ask your surgeon did he remove your gallbladder at the time of your surgery because that could be the very reason and he didn't tell you. If your colonoscopy came back okay and all the other test I would think it might be a food allergy but then again it sounds like you are having some sort of dumping syndrome. Try the brat diet and see if it helps. Do you eat a lot of dairy? Does it come with gas and nausea or does it just come with no other symptoms. You definitely have something going on there but hard to pin point that. We get a lot of patients with uncontrolled diarrhea but they have colitis or crohns disease. They usually give them a colostomy for about three months to let the intestines rest then reverse it. I know that you feel your doctor has a good rep and I had one of those too that diagnosed me with Barretts esophagus which is precancerous tissue in the esophagus well when I moved to north florida I went to a new gastro and he did an endo to check how everything was and he did not find anything but inflammation from acid reflux. So all that time I feared that it would turn to cancer for nothing. There has to be something going on because people do not just have diarrhea for no reason.
  22. cheryl2586

    New Year, new goals!

    I hope you both make your goals. Stay focused. Life stress can sometimes make you almost lose your mind but keep your eye on the prize. Hope you both have a happy and healthy new year and new you.
  23. cheryl2586

    Struggling w/ Chronic Diarrhea

    Have you had your gallbladder removed? There has to be a reason why you are having chronic diarrhea. Maybe you have colitis or it could be many other things. Do you take Imodium to stop the diarrhea? If you could try the brat diet it is bananas, rice, apple sauce and tea to see if this will help. There are many things that cause diarrhea but I don't think it is band related. I would also seek out a second opinion and take all your records to a new gastro doctor. This really could be anything from a food allergy to an infection in your intestines. I hope you get some relief soon but don't wait too long before getting a second opinion I know this must be miserable for you.
  24. cheryl2586

    New Year's advice for the newbie?

    You just have to take one day at a time. I think it's harder to maintain then it was losing. This is the time that you have to be very careful. Just take in all you can and learn to use it for your self. I don't like exercise and I have done none ever. I lost weight I did/do well. Between Fibromyalgia, a torn rotator cuff that I cant get fixed right now and arthritis you can see why I need it to get warm again so I can use my pool. Exercise wont make you or break you. It will help you get fit but if you are eating less calories then you burn you will lose. It might be slower but you will lose.
  25. cheryl2586

    Morning tightness

    It depends for me. Some mornings I can have breakfast after coffee and sometimes I cant but I can at least get in a greek yogurt or oatmeal. I have to eat something in the morning because no shake is going to keep me until lunch time.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
