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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheryl2586

  1. Did you mean 2 to 4lbs each week? Sometimes weight loss doesnt happen for weeks, months. You have to hang in there. It's not considered a stall until its been 6 to 8 weeks.
  2. cheryl2586

    Sugar Free and Fat Free?

    I do neither and that is because your body needs a certain amount of good fats to work properly.
  3. I read this article this morning and this is why you need to stop weighing yourself every day. I copied and pasted it so that those who have phones as their source of internet can read it with no issues. Break up with your scale its hurting you more then you think. 5 Reasons to Break Up With Your Scale 1. Scale weight fluctuates wildly.It’s good to measure things to track progress – and if you weighed yourself monthly, that might help you spot a trend in your body weight (gaining, losing or maintaining). But over the course of a day (or a few hours!) your weight can fluctuate by as many as five pounds – sometimes more. food and beverage intake, time of day, dietary choices and activity levels all factor into that number on the dial. (And we won’t even mention clothes, because we’re pretty sure most of you are obsessive enough to weigh yourself naked.) You can lose two pounds just by going to the bathroom – and gain it right back by eating a big meal. Those fluctuations are not representative of body fat lost or gained. But seeing a number jump up by four pounds sure does a mental number on you, doesn’t it? Weighing yourself daily tells you nothing about your big-picture trend, and only serves to reinforce the next four points. 2. Scale weight says nothing of health.That number on a scale says nothing about whether you’re moving in the right direction with your health. You want to get skinny? We can make you skinny. Cut your daily calories in half and spend two hours a day doing low-intensity cardio. That’ll make you skinny… for about a month. Until your willpower runs out (as those behaviors aren’t at all sustainable), and your messed-up metabolism fights back. At which point, you gain all the weight back and then some. But hey, for a few weeks, you were skinny! Is gaining or losing five pounds moving you in the direction of better health? It’s impossible to say, because that number tells you very little about what’s going on with your relationship with food, hormones, digestive health or inflammatory status. And those are the factors that impact your health far more directly than body weight. 3. The scale blinds you to real results.By focusing so much of your attention on that number in the scale, you effectively miss out on observing the other, more significant, results of your efforts. You’re sleeping better, have more energy, are less moody or depressed. Your cravings have dissipated, you recover faster from exercise, your symptoms or medical condition have greatly improved. And yet, your program is a “failure,” because the number on the scale hasn’t moved enough for your liking? Re-read point #2, and tell us which factors speak more to your health – the scale weight, or everything else?Those results could be motivating you to continue with your new eating habits – but until you get your head out of the scale, you’ll never be able to see the health progress you’ve actually been making. 4. The scale keeps you stuck on on food.You associate that number on the scale with one major factor – food. Maybe exercise factors in too – after all, if you ate less (or differently) and exercised more (or differently), that number would start to move. Wouldn’t it? Not so fast. There are other health factors at play here – sleep, recovery from activity, psychological stress and health history – all of which play a major role in body composition. But no one looks at the scale and thinks, “Darn it – I need to get more sleep.” Now would be a good time to revisit the Whole9 Health Equation. If you didn’t experience the Whole30 results you were hoping to see, perhaps it’s time to look at some other factors. All of our Health Equation variables factor into weight loss and body composition – but none of them are reflected in the number on the scale. 5. The scale maintains control of your self-esteem.This is perhaps the most important reason of all to break up with your scale. It’s psychologically unhealthy to allow a number – any number – to determine your worth, your value or your self-image. And yet, that’s exactly what happens to people who are overly invested in their scale. It’s tragic that your daily weigh-in determines whether you have a good day or bad day, or whether or not you feel good about yourself. The scale results can take you from confident to self-loathing in under 5 seconds, but what the scale is telling you is not real. If this is your scenario, ditching the scale is the only way to get back to a healthy sense of self-worth. Let your actions, your intentions, your efforts and your grace influence how you feel about yourself. A $20 hunk of plastic from Target should not be the determining factor in your self-esteem. Dear Scale, It’s Not Me, It’s You.If you’ve got an unhealthy relationship with the scale, the only way to get back to a good place is to ditch it altogether. Donate it to Goodwill, recycle it or take it out back and give it a proper beat-down, Office Space-style. Because the sooner you ditch the idea that the scale is your ultimate measure of success, the healthier and happier you’ll be. Need some inspiration from someone who is using the Whole30 to become wholly healthy?
  4. Call your doctor. It may or may not be gas pains. So many things can happen after surgery. It could be a pulmonary embolism but you need to call your doctor and let him know. This not the place for those kinds of questions. Any time you are having abnormal pain or symptoms call your doctor. I may or may not be serious but that should be his decision.
  5. I use sparkpeople.com it has more to offer then myfitnesspal. I have used that program for a long time
  6. cheryl2586


    Why should you feel bad for telling him that. He should be supporting you 100% not taking someone else out to eat. That is just wrong. He could have chosen other places to eat but he didnt. If that behavior continued he would get a good talking too. If he wants to go out to eat with someone else then what happens when you lose all your weight? I would not tolerate that crap.
  7. Your body has been so used to carrying a lot of weight it has to go through an adjustment period. I had no feeling between my shoulder blades or my left leg for a long time.
  8. http://greatist.com/health/healthy-crock-pot-recipes Here is a bunch of crock pot meals. You can make many things.
  9. Chile, cottage cheese and fruit, lunch meat and cheese without the bread, Smart ones Entrees, Black bean burgers, Cook a roast and freeze it in portion packs, Fruit and greek yogurt, Saurkraut and Kielbasa, Low fat burritos, Curlys pulled pork or beef, egg salad in half a pita bread, Boca burgers, bean Soup, salad with some grilled chicken, the possibilites are endless you have to get creative. If I ate that every day for lunch I would hate it too. There is so many things out there that you can eat other then tuna and chicken salad.
  10. cheryl2586

    Having trouble

    You are too tight call the office and get him to unfill you and please do not ever wait this long again. The band is not supposed to be for starving yourself.
  11. The first three days are the worst. After surgery you will care less about eating. You will get though it.
  12. cheryl2586

    9 days post op. Still have tremendous shoulder pain.

    It's not gas after 9 days it is the band placing pressure on the frenic nerve. It may or may not go away after a couple of fills. Gas disperses in your stomach after 48 to 72 hours.
  13. cheryl2586

    Scared of saggy skin

    Sagging skin can be hidden very well with clothing. I still wear long shirts to cover my belly area. I dont want a tummy tuck so as long as I look good with clothes on I dont care.
  14. cheryl2586

    Anyone want to be fat again?

    I would never want to be fat again even if I have to hide the skin. It beats not being able to do things cause your too big.
  15. cheryl2586


    coffee is a stomach irritant. I drink coffee but I am 5 years post op but I did not drink regular coffee for almost a year after my lapband. Just follow your doctors orders.
  16. cheryl2586

    Feeling discouraged

    Lap band patients should only expect a 1 to 2lb weight loss per week. It's not a fast process. If you do have a ten cc band and are at 8, once you get to ten you wont be able to get any more fills. I would suggest you speak to your nutritionist and see where in your diet you are. Slow and steady wins the race the slower you lose the longer it will stay off.
  17. There are going to be times that you dont lose weight every day, week or even every month. It just happens that way. Stay off the scale and get weighed at your follow up appointments.
  18. cheryl2586

    WLS has made me a judgemental jerk!

    And for those about losing weight and finding God is a figure of speech not a true meaning. I don't throw religion or politics down peoples throats. This could have ended up being a good thread but its the way you presented it with total utter anger. You can feel it in every word you wrote so my suggestion would be the next time you are feeling like you want to freak out and know why, then think of how your post sounds to others before you hit publish.
  19. cheryl2586

    WLS has made me a judgemental jerk!

    My mirror says I am great because I wasnt judging anyone just repeating what you said. If you think it then you might as well do it. My mirror is fine because I like who I see. Yes I know how mentally ill act but it doesnt give you the right to think bad about people who are trying to help themselves without have their body adjusted. You need to get your medications straightened out because you have some serious issues. If you dont want people to say things you dont like then dont put them out here for the world to see.
  20. cheryl2586

    WLS has made me a judgemental jerk!

    You cant use mental illness to support your undesire and rudeness of fat people now. You were there and probably still are mostly so why take it out on others. There is nothing wrong with confidence but gee wiz that isnt confidence its doing things to people that you dont want done to you. So if you feel the need to judge people in the gym who are trying, why not exercise in your home where you would be more comfortable. Seriously those who have weight loss surgery and then find God or as I say go to jail and find Jesus are probably the most undeserving people to have weight loss surgery. You were right in that position and now you want to judge people. Start off looking in the mirror and learn to love who you see in the mirror.
  21. cheryl2586

    Birth control!

    It is a myth that medication causes weight gain and I know I will get flack from this but I do know what I am talking about. pills have no calories. Your eating habits make you gain weight not birth control. You have to stay in check. It's always easier to blame it on medication. But that one pill can not make you gain weight.
  22. cheryl2586

    Not losing

    Why does everyone take everything literally. I never meant YOU personally were sitting and crying about it. Ever heard of figure of speech. This is one very big reason I do not come here often. Words are always taken the wrong way and people get too defensive.
  23. Nsaids thin your blood but I doubt one would have any affect.
  24. cheryl2586

    Not losing

    Ten years is a big difference. The older you are the harder it is to lose weight even with the band. You are not going to lose every week, every month it just is reality. You can sit and cry about it but that is the truth. People don't get it. You cant lose weight constantly your body has to have time to catch up. Thats the reality with the band.
  25. cheryl2586

    Band affecting work

    If you are throwing up every time you eat, then you are too tight or not chewing your food enough. You have to take a bite, put the fork down and wait for it to pass. If you keep pushing food it will get stuck. Fast and improper eating is usually the result of a stuck episode. On the part of your employer I would be serching for another job.

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