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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by hittpants11

  1. I'm not looking for a quick fix, I'm looking to prolong my glorious life. Being the gestapo I am, I googled the crap out of bariatric, and after getting the green light from my husband - I made my decision. Called Tricare (I have Tricare Prime) and they told me what I need to do to get it approved. Can I tell you how crazy excited I was to find that not only do they cover bariatric surgery, there is a good chance that I will pay NOTHING. Wait....WHAT....like zero dollars??.. ..is this real life!??!?!???! About a month later, we went home to Austin (hubby was stationed at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii at the time) for Thanksgiving vacay. I was going to call and schedule Dr appointments and get the ball rolling after the new year (2012). BUT the universe had other plans. On Jan 11th 2012 (our 1 year wedding anniversary , we found out I was pregnant. So here I am now in SE Georgia, husband is deployed, with a six month old. Had gestational diabetes during my last trimester and was on a diabetic diet until my son was born. I gained about 35 pounds during my pregnancy and was able to shed 15. I know I probably was smaller than that a few weeks after but I have been steadily gaining now hovering anywhere in between 259 -264. Aside from the day I gave birth, this is the largest I have ever been. Of course I like the idea of not being plus size and lookin all thin and stuff but my health is the now the driving force behind me deciding to actually do this. I am so scared of getting full blown diabetes. Because I had gestational, I have like a million percent chance of getting full-blown diabetes if I don't lose the weight. My most recent weight loss venture has been weight watchers. I could see how a person could have success with it but it's just not working for me. Oh yeah, did I mention my sister is a licensed personal trainer/nutritionist/crossfit instructor? And a ex-boxer? She is almost 100% lean muscle and is in NO WAY supportive of this. I told her last time back before I got pregnant that I was considering it and she flipped out. Told me that I don't need that and that it's a lazy person's answer to a life long problem. Whatever skinny butt! Go off now and eat your paleo crap burgers. That being said, I love my sister dearly and appreciate her concerns but it's my life and my decision. I've always been the type of chick who threw caution to the wind and just went with it. Some would call me brave. I don't think I'm as brave as I used to be. Funny how a husband and kid change things like that. I think twice now before I do or say anything. Especially, since my hubbers is in the Navy. Can't let my mouth go and get me in trouble. I had my very first appointment on Monday 2/25/2013 with my PCM to get a referral to a bariatric surgeon in the SE Georgia or Jacksonville area. She is having me go and get my blood sugar tested (since I haven't after having my son), then I will meet back with her in a week. Got an email today from Tricare telling me that my referral to the surgeon has been approved. I know that after meeting with him he will be able to help me make the decision right for me. I am still breastfeeding and really want to continue breastfeeding as long as possible up to 1 year old. However, it looks like I will have to switch to formula before I have any surgery. Duh. I seriously can't imagine picking up my son and hoisting him up to nurse after surgery. YIKES!
  2. hittpants11

    Where are you From ?

    Saint Marys, Georgia (hour north of Jacksonville, FL)
  3. So I'm almost to the halfway point of my 6 month supervised diet and exercise plan. I have not lost any weight. I'm watching my portions and eating very clean - almost paleo. Walking everyday. I'll lose a pound or two just to see it tacked back on in a day or so. It's the most FRUSTRATING thing ever. I'm not a blubbery crying type, but when I step on that scale - after logging food and walking everyday - and nothing has changed, it makes me want to bust out in tears! My PCP thinks that I'm having hormone issues because of having a baby. But who knows without testing it - and that's not something I want to do. I mean honestly, If I had no problems losing 20 lbs on my own I wouldn't be needing to have surgery. I guess I'm just fearful that my surgeon is gonna be like "Well that sucks you couldn't lose 20 lbs! Guess I can't give you surgery! Good luck fatty!" or just as bad "let do another 6 month supervised diet and exercise program." Maybe I should just do the liquid diet a few times before I go see him in August. What do y'all think?
  4. I'm going to try this next week. I need to go grocery shopping. Thanks for the idea!
  5. Thanks for the advice! I'm workin on the carbs. Replaced tortillas with romaine leaves and pasta with spaghetti squash. So far so good.
  6. Congrats! Welcome! You will find TONS of support and friendly advice here. Good luck on your surgery!
  7. hittpants11

    Body image

    No you look fantastic! BUT I do understand the need for personal satisfaction with yourself. If you feel you need the plastic surgery, go for it! You will still look amazing.
  8. hittpants11

    Moms giving me cold feet

    By now, I'm sure you know that every type of weight loss surgery comes with it's pros and cons. I originally wanted the LapBand - 100% gonna get it. I loved the idea of being able to remove it whenever I wanted. Then I went and talked to my doctor about it. She told me that LapBand probably wasn't right for me. Because I have over 100 pounds to lose, a surgeon would recommend RNY. So she referred me to my surgeon. Long story short - after doing extensive research on my own, going to his seminar and having my first initial appointment with him, we both decided that RNY is the way to go. LapBand is usually only professionally recommended when the patient has 50 pounds or less to lose. It takes, on average, about a year or longer to find the "sweet spot" as far as how much saline to fill your band with for the appropriate rate of weight loss. THEN YOU START REALLY LOSING WEIGHT! A year after surgery! For anybody to assume that LapBand is quicker weight loss or easier recovery is totally false. Everybody recovers differently and not everyone follows doctors orders also - which they NEVER admit - and the blame of failure get passed around like a hot potato. If you are morbidly obese (as I am) there is always going to be excess skin after any kind of weight loss. Slow or fast. It's plain science. Our skin is made to stretch and be pliable but not for extensive periods of time. When it is stretched for extensive periods, we end up with excess skin. There are exercises that can work wonders for tightening back up but the only way to completely "pull it all back together", is plastic surgery post op. The closer you get to this surgery becoming a reality the more the people around you are going to second guess your decision and try and talk you out of it. It's only because they are concerned. Remember this - there is a HUGE reason why you're considering having bariatric surgery in the first place - your life! To prolong and ensure that the remaining years you have on this planet are healthy and full.
  9. hittpants11

    first apointment in the morning!

    I had my first appointment yesterday too. I have no health issues (besides being obese, of course!). My surgeon wants 6 months supervised diet and exercise program - monitored by my PCP. Psych eval, nutrition consult and I gotta lose 20 lbs before the 6 months is up. Yay us!
  10. Some clever person started a thread a while ago about all the things they can't wait to do after surgery and start dropping the pounds. How fun, right!? I meant to comment on it but got distracted doing god knows what. Needless to say, I cannot locate the original post. So lets start a new one!! I can't wait to wear shorts and a tank top just because - and feel comfortable in them. I can't wait to fit into a normal sized....well....anything! I can't wait until my outside awesomeness matches my inside awesomeness. I can't wait until painting my toes is not a series of contortionist moves that would rival Cirque Du Soilei routines. I can't wait to be able to hug me knees. I can't wait to weigh less than my husband. I can't wait to share clothes with my sister - she's a size 4 :/ I can't wait to get my whole arm tattooed - not just my forearm because I HATE my upper arm largeness. I can't wait to do a 10K, like for real. I can't until a short haircut does not make me look like Rosie O'Donnell (sorry Rosie) I can't until I am able to be "more adventurous" in the bedroom *wink*
  11. hittpants11

    "I can't wait to/until..."

    I know!! Lane Bryant and their tired-ass clothes! I'm so sick of going there and being disappointed because their style is not on point. Then spending in upwards of $150 for a complete outfit makes me feel like i'm being swindled. Capitalism at it finest.
  12. hittpants11

    "I can't wait to/until..."

    I relate to all these too!
  13. hittpants11

    Weight at 6 months

  14. hittpants11

    "I can't wait to/until..."

    Yeah using a beach towel to wrap me up in is not cute. And the scale thing - totally!
  15. hittpants11

    "I can't wait to/until..."

    That's not silly at all!! That's somethin to be proud of!
  16. hittpants11

    December 2012

    From the album: Life before surgery

    Adam and I. Good Lord he's cute!
  17. hittpants11

    December 2012

    From the album: Life before surgery

    My dad - I am a huge dork
  18. hittpants11

    December 2012

    From the album: Life before surgery

    My son Adam right after a bath
  19. hittpants11

    December 2012

    From the album: Life before surgery

    My sister and I
  20. hittpants11

    January 2013

    From the album: Life before surgery

    my backside :/
  21. hittpants11

    walking out of J.P. - just married!

    From the album: Life before surgery

    lol @ my hubby's face
  22. hittpants11

    My sisters and I

    From the album: Life before surgery

    The day I got married - 1/11/11
  23. hittpants11

    I'm the one in blue

    From the album: Life before surgery

    January 2011 - my wedding day at the J.P. office in downtown Austin, TX (our hometown)
  24. hittpants11

    Winter 2011

    From the album: Life before surgery

    Winter 2011

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
