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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by hittpants11

  1. hittpants11

    OMG sunburn

    From the album: Life before surgery

    Summer 2011 - The worst sunburn I have EVER had! When we lived in Oahu, Hawaii. My hubby thought that I was showing too much boob lol
  2. hittpants11

    Winter 2011

    From the album: Life before surgery

    Winter 2011
  3. hittpants11

    Fall 2011

    From the album: Life before surgery

    Fall 2011
  4. hittpants11

    Fall 2011

    From the album: Life before surgery

    Fall 2011
  5. hittpants11

    Summer 2011

    From the album: Life before surgery

    Summer 2011
  6. I feel ya. But honestly, this surgery is going to change you so much, you might not even want him after the fact. The whole world is gonna be your oyster to shuck.
  7. hittpants11

    NOT Happy!

    I'd say if you are unsatisfied in any way with your doctor, or their crew, switch now. Your insurance should follow you wherever you go. This is supposed to be a fresh start into a wonderful new life for you. Don't let anyone spoil it.
  8. From the album: Hittpants11's Before and After Pics

    My son Adam and I - Christmas 2012
  9. hittpants11

    Tricare standard requirements

    When my husband and i got married and he did all the paperwork on base, i automatically was put on Tricare Standard. I swtiched myself fom standard to prime when i started researching bariatric surgery. I just had my first appointment to get a referral to a surgeon. So I guess I will find out just how smooth Tricare Prime is.
  10. hittpants11

    Hi this is me after 7 months

    Dannnnnnnnnnnnng!!!! Very inspiring!!
  11. hittpants11

    Hi! I'm new! Lets be friends :D

    Well thank you. It is very rough being away from your husband, especially because of our six month old. He's missing important milestones. Thank God for video recorders. I'm honestly not concerned about what my sister thinks. I'm doing this for my family and, above all, myself.
  12. I joined this forum back over a year and a half ago because I was seriously considering getting banded. Did my research, googled the crap out of it, and after getting the green light from my husband - I made my decision. Called Tricare (I have Tricare Prime) and they told me what I need to do to get it approved. Can I tell you how crazy excited I was to find that not only do they cover LapBand surgery, there is a good chance that I will pay NOTHING. Wait....WHAT....like zero dollars??.. ..is this real life!??!?!???! About a month later, we went home to Austin (hubby was stationed at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii at the time) for Thanksgiving vacay. I was going to call and schedule Dr appointments and get the ball rolling after the new year (2012). BUT the universe had other plans. On Jan 11th 2012 (our 1 year wedding anniversary , we found out I was pregnant. :D So here I am now in SE Georgia, husband is deployed, with a six month old. Had gestational diabetes during my last trimester and was on a diabetic diet until my son was born. I gained about 35 pounds during my pregnancy and was able to shed 15. I know I probably was smaller than that a few weeks after but I have been steadily gaining now hovering anywhere in between 259 -264. Aside from the day I gave birth, this is the largest I have ever been. Of course I like the idea of not being plus size and lookin all thin and stuff but my health is the now the driving force behind me deciding to actually do this. I am so scared of getting full blown diabetes. Because I had gestational I have like a million percent chance of getting it if I don't lose the weight. My most recent weight loss venture has been weight watchers. I could see how a person could have success with it but it's just not working for me. Oh yeah, did I mention my sister is a licensed personal trainer/nutritionist/crossfit instructor? And a ex-boxer? She is almost 100% lean muscle and is in NO WAY supportive of this. I told her last time back before I got pregnant that I was considering it and she flipped out. Told me that I don't need that and that it's a lazy person's answer to a life long problem. Whatever skinny butt! Go off now and eat your paleo crap burgers. That being said, I love my sister dearly and appreciate her concerns but it's my life and my decision. I've always been the type of chick who threw caution to the wind and just went with it. Some would call me brave. I don't think I'm as brave as I used to be. Funny how a husband and kid change things like that. I think twice now before I do or say anything. Especially, since my hubbers is in the Navy. Can't let my mouth go an get me in trouble. I have my very first appointment on Monday with my PCM to get a referral to a bariatric surgeon in the SE Georgia or Jacksonville area. I am still breastfeeding and really want to continue breastfeeding as long as possible up to 1 year old. But I can't imagine picking up my son and hoisting him up to nurse after surgery. YIKES!
  13. Ha! Don't worry I drive my husband bananas singing that song to him every time he says "submarine". Good times.
  14. He's Navy - a submariner ♡♡♡
  15. Hi!! Congratulations in getting the ball rolling! Plesse keep me updated on your progress! We're actually in Saint Marys. About 2 hours south of Savannah and an hour north of Jacksonville.
  16. hittpants11

    Hittpants11's Before and After Pics

    My before pictures
  17. I really want this surgery. I have not been to a doctor in almost 4 years because I USED TO have a phobia about it. Pretty sure I have got over that. So I am about 105 lbs overweight. It makes everything harder. I don't know if I have any pre-existing conditions (high blood pressure/high cholesterol). I have not called to make an appointment yet - I just upgraded from TriCare standard to Prime. I am very nervous about getting approved. From what I have read on these forums - some sort of "medical paper trail" is necessary. I don't have that. Does anyone out there have a experience with this?
  18. hittpants11


    I was just wondering how long it takes to get everything done...from first doctors appointment until the actual surgery. I have my first appointment on Sept 1st and have Tricare Prime. Is it possible it get all of it completed in 2 months?
  19. My name is Tina and today is the day I put plans into motion to get Lap Band surgery. I am super STOKED!!!
  20. hittpants11


    Yeah I have been noticing that most people complete the process anywhere from 1&1/2 to 4 months. Hopefully that will be what happens in my case. My husband and I are scheduled to go on leave on November 3rd back to Texas to see our families for a month. I really wanted to have it done before I go. Is it crazy to do that?
  21. From what I understand, drinking wine every now and again is okay. It the carbonated drinks (beer, mixers, ect) they want you to stay away from.
  22. Do you HAVE to quit smoking once you get a LapBand?
  23. hittpants11

    Tri Care Standard Ins.

    When I called Tricare customer service I talked to a really nice lady named Alisha. She laid it all out for me. Tricare Standard does not cover nutrition/psych counseling and you will be responsible for 15 to 20 percent of the surgery. That is not what I wanted to hear. She went on to tell me that if I enrolled in Tricare Prime, everything is paid for. The surgery and the fills after surgery. It does not cost anything to upgrade. All you have to do is go down to the on base clinic and get a Prime application and a PCM change form. Fill it out and turn it back in. I just turned mine in yesterday to upgrade to Prime. It will take effect on September 1st. Im calling tomorrow to make my first doctors appointment in almost 4 years. YIKES!
  24. hittpants11

    TriCare/TriWest - chance of approval

    Wow! Thanks for this info. I really appreciate it! Way to go on the weight loss!
  25. hittpants11

    May 2011

    From the album: Hittpants11's Before and After Pics

    I was sucking it in.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
