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Everything posted by skyblew

  1. I am getting better at eating. I don't throw up at every meal most days. My family is very good at telling me not to eat big bites or too quickly. When they think I have eaten enough they tell me to stop. They tell me they don't want me to stretch out my sleeve. I don't eat more than a 1/2 cup of food at any meal. I don't want to stretch out my sleeve. How easy is it to stretch out the stomach after having a sleeve? I worry in 6 months and more I will go back to eating like I did before the sleeve. Thank you for your input.
  2. I am four weeks post-op and fill full after only a couple of bits. I'm only eating around 200 calories/day. I try to drink my water and protein shakes, but I know I'm not drinking enough. When I try to eat, after a couple of bits, I have to go throw up. Do others have this problem and will it stop?
  3. skyblew

    I Just Wanna POOP!

    I am four weeks out and have only pooped twice. The first time was 16 days post op. The doctor didn't seem concerned. I tried Milk of Magnesia (it's nasty) and Miralax (it doesn't taste). I try to drink my water and i don't have constipation. But I will try everyone's suggestions. Thanks for bringing this up.
  4. I think that is great everyone can eat whatever they want and not get sick. I am 4 weeks out and was told I can eat anything now, as long as it is small bits and eat slow. However, no matter how small or how slow I get a pain in my chest and then vomit. The doctor said he would do an upper endoscopy to see if the sleeve is healing correctly and not causing restriction. I feel like I'm never going to be able to eat again.
  5. skyblew

    I need help!

    I am three week post off and I only lost 2 lbs this week too! I have not had a pain in my side.
  6. I am three weeks out from surgery and if I eat anything with form I will throw it up. Soft and mushy foods won't stay down if I eat more than a 1/2 a cup. Is that normal?
  7. What are you eating at 2 month post-op? What kinds of foods and how much? Congratulations on the weight loss!
  8. So what do we do to get the glycogen to leave our muscles and start the process all over again?
  9. skyblew

    Protein and Purees

    Try this power milk recipe: 1 cup skim milk (7 grams protein) and powered milk (7 grams protein) follow the directions on the box. The taste doesn't change, but you get 14 grams of protein in one cup of milk. I'm 2 weeks, 2 days out and I'm still on liquids. I still am not getting 60 grams of protein a day now, so I hope it will be easier when I can eat. I am allowed to have pureed foods now, but I get sick when I try. I'm from Indy too. Good luck!
  10. Did you have a saliva after you eat? If I a little, I'm ok, but if I eat too much , I produce a lot of saliva. Then I have to throw up. I feel better after that. The saliva upsets my stomach. I am only two weeks out. Does this stop later on?
  11. I was sleeved August 4th . I'm doing ok with pain. My question to all of you is, I swallow water or any liquid and then I can't take another drink unless I belch. Is this normal and will it go away?
  12. skyblew

    Stomach Spasms

    I actually went to the ED because of stomach spasms. They rehydrated me, did a CT with contrast, and discovered the contrast still sitting in my esophagus. The gave me Reglan and said the motility (downward movement) in my esophagus had not returned fully. The Nurse Practitioner said it was reflux. I have been taking the Reglan and feel much better. Good luck!
  13. skyblew


    Thank you, You have all given really good advice!
  14. skyblew

    BIG secret... good or bad?

    I'm a sleever from Indy also! My husband, children, and immediate family know. I couple a friends, but no one from work or church. I figure it is my business and not there's. I ask a coworker prior to the procedure about what she thought of surgery to help someone lose weight, boy did I get an ear full, not positive. I decided then to keep it my business. I don't want to be judged! I am a very private person and I have decided to share this journey with only my husband (and those of you reading this!). I am very close to my family and I have wonderful friends but I just don't want to let anyone in on my decision to have this procedure. I feel like a failure for all the times I have started a diet and had high hopes only to lose 10lbs and gain back 20. It has happened more times that I can count. Now here I am getting ready for this (8/18 is the big day) and I am just excited and nervous and sometimes in tears thinking "what am I doing?!"! I know this is the right decision for me. I still plan to let no one know about this procedure after it is done. Just me and my hubby :-) And he is so wonderful and supportive. How many of you out there have kept your surgery a secret? After your procedure did you end up telling people? Thank goodness for this site... I am going to need all of you to lean on! I go in a week from tomorrow. My new chapter can't begin soon enough!
  15. Thank you so much for the advice. I appreciate it !!!!!!
  16. Maybe this group is the one to ask. I am 10 days out and can't drink more than 8 oz a day and can't eat more than 5 bits of anything at a meal. I feel like I need to burp after I drink and have increased saliva after I eat. When were you able to drink and eat "normally" again? When will this uncomfortable feeling go away after I eat or drink? Thanks for your insight and help! Skyblew
  17. I had surgery Aug 4th and I can't drink more than eight ounces. I went back to the hospital Aug 11th to get rehydrated. I want to know when it is going to get better! I am told to try to drink my protein but how do I do that when I can't drink? From day of one of surgery I vomited everyday til day four, then I went home. Now if I drink too much or eat something, I start salivating more than normal, the pressure in my stomach is too much, and now I will vomit a small amount. I feel better afterwards, but when will this stop? I wish there was more info from the doctor. I thank everyone on this website that gives us all information. Good Luck, I hope you feel better soon.
  18. Is recovery going as you had hoped? I was sleeved Aug 4th and I am miserable.

  19. skyblew

    Help! Need input and Advice!

    I had the sleeve on Aug 4th (one week ago). I am regretting my decision already, that is only because I am one week out and miserable. My stomach with the sleeve is so small I can't even drink a few ounces without pain. I am told that will subside. I have lost 16 lbs in one week. I am a nurse and didn't want a malabsorption procedure. I am glad I didn't choose that. With either procedure, you can stretch it out again, so you have to learn to eat differently. Believe me, I have learned that already in a week. I'm probably not the best person to give advice since it has only been a week. But what ever you chose, be ready for the biggest change of your life.
  20. I am 4 days post op and miserable. I can"t swallow more than a sip or two and I have pressure in my stomach. I have to burp to relieve the pressure and feel better. How long will this last?
  21. skyblew


    I can't drink more than two sips and then I get a severe pain where my esophagus meets my stomach. I'm not getting my protein in or fluids in. I worry I will end up back in the hospital for dehydration. I can't take this for longer that 4 weeks- 13 weeks, I thought about asking the doctor for an endogastric tube to release the pressure in my stomach.
  22. skyblew

    14 WEEKS POST OP!!

    I was sleeved August 4th . I'm doing ok with pain. My question to you is "did you have problems once you swallowing at first?" I swallow water or any liquid and then I can't take another drink unless I belch. Is this normal and will it go away? Congrats on your weight loss!
  23. I know how you feel. I'm 3 days post op and I'm just now to eat 1/2 popsicle with out throwing it up. I so want to go home from the hospital. After the popsicle, I am able to walk around the unit and I haven't gotten sick yet. I do sleep a lot. sleeping helps me forget about the nausea and pain. Go luck and I hope you feel better soon. Skyblew

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