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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PJ384

  1. PJ384

    Aug 17, 2011

    First I think you should deal with your depression I think you need to get yourself into therapy with sombody you can tell your darkest thoughts and feelings and find out why you are so self destructive because your not just hungry physically your hungry emotional and the food has just become a way of pushing down all those feelings and thoughts and emotions,You need to save yourself as it does not seem your spouse will be any help. It helps to talk to somebody who will just listen and not judge you and will help you understand why you feel the way you do and give you some tools to help you help yourself. Give yourself a break we all deserve to be happy its not that you love food because when you love something you take your time with it you spend time on it you totally enjoy it, you don't just scarf it down in the dark and you know you were not put on this earth to lose the same 20 pounds a thousand times over be better to yourself and love yourself more than you love the food and don't even think about anybody else right now this is all about you and you need to take care of yourself right now.
  2. PJ384

    Day 5 on my journey - Your body is your forum

    I have not heard of a doctor filing the band when they put it in because of the swelling you have from having it put on I will not get my first fill for about 2 months after Iam banded thats why they tell you to do just the liquids and cold thing that first week cold fliuds and popscicles to help reduce the swelling I think this guy should be picking up the tab for your ER stay as this was his fault.
  3. PJ384

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    YAY congrats and Kudos to you on doing so well with your pre op Iam just started (3 days in) but doing o.k. so far you are ahead of me by 6 days I get banded the 31st and Iam so looking forward to getting on with my life as a thinner and more healthy person I have already lost 20 pounds since my 8 week dietary instruction and starting my pre op so Iam excited I will be watching your progress and wishing you well all along the way !!!
  4. PJ384

    Preferred Protien?!

    I have been using Body Fortress that I buy at WalMart it cost 16.00 a container and is about a two week supply with the recipe I use and I get 52 grams of protein per Shake a day and drink two shakes a day and have one low fat 500 calorie meal as Iam on the pre op diet right now I use 2 scoops and 1 cup of skim milk once it is blended I add 4 ice cubes to give it a creamy milkshake consistancy I like the Chocolate one of course and the Vanilla one is good also but I find the Vanilla one a little to sweet it more like vanilla frosting flavored but when mix with fruit its much better and little to no after taste
  5. PJ384

    Weight Tickers

    Thanks that worked fine thanks for your help it was driving me nuts I could not figure this out :-)
  6. I got a weight ticker from the obesity help website and it said to show this ticker elsewhere copy and paste this URL into your site and I did that but all it sgows is the URL not weight ticker and I would like to have it show all pretty and nice like they do on everyone else's signatures I don't have a android or smart phone so I can't get the app from the ticker factory does anyone know how to make this work or where I can get one that will work here ?
  7. Day 3 of my pre op diet and Iam doing well at least Iam not sick of the shakes yet and I have a piece of fruit between my shake and my lunch then another piece of fruit or a sugar free jello or pudding before my evening shake to keep from feeling hungry and drink as much water as I can manage up to 1 liter so far but would like to do 2 liters one in the morning and one in the afternoon but I have been so busy I haven't really had time to pause long enough to drink as much as I want but I...

  8. PJ384

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    LOL Iam even squeakier than you are my date is August 31st
  9. My pre op diet is two Protein Shakes a day and one 500 calorie meal a day so Iam not sure if your cheating or not because for my meal they suggest 4 ounces of broiled meat fish or chicken and 1 cup of steamed vegetables Or a lean cuisine or weight watchers frozen dinner and a cup of garden salad or even 1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese or yogurt with 1 cup of fresh vegetables or 1/2 cup of fresh fruit. I don't advocate freelancing on your doctors directions but I don't think a phone call to get an o.k. would be out of order just tell them how your feeling and ask if its o.k. as long as you don't go crazy with it every doctor is different but then so is every patient so I would call and talk to him.
  10. PJ384

    Today is my day!!!

    Wishing you all the best hope it goes smoothly and your feeling awesome when you are done
  11. Thats awesome so glad your working the band so well good for you and keep it up your just getting more awesome everyday!

  12. O.K. I decided to just go ahead and get started on my liquid diet there is nothing good to eat in the house right now anyway so I think that will help a lot had my shake for breakfast will have a salad for lunch and another shake for supper tonight and will cross off one more day

  13. Hey Goodmorning just wanted to stop by and see how your doing and how things are going for you take a minute and let us know whats going on with you and where you are in your Journey hope to hear from you soon

  14. PJ384

    Hi have not heard from you in a while and wanted to touch base with you and see how your doing where you are on your pre op stuff let us hear from you

  15. Hope your doing well keep us posted on your progress and how your feeling Iam looking forward to getting mine done I have two weeks to go and I just started my pre op liquid diet today YAY!!

  16. Thanks for adding me hope things are going well for youI started my liquid diet today and so far its o.k. Iam sure by the time 2 weeks have gone by I will be really sick of it but this is something I really want so Iam going to have to work for it.

  17. Hi stopped by to see if you had posted anything about how your doing since you got banded I realize it was yesterday but thought maybe you might have stopped by to let us know how your doing hope all went well and your home resting hope to hear how your doing soon take care and don't forget to walk as much as you can

  18. hoping to be band buddies with you since we have our banding the same day

  19. PJ384

    New Here Surgery Date August 31 2011

    Congrats to you Iam also scheduled for banding on August 31st here in Arizona wishing you all the best and looking forward to making this journey with you this site has been a huge help to me I really feel informed and aware of all the options and what works for all the problems that can arise post op I will be walking and sipping like crazy as soon as I possibly can after banding. I have my pre Op blood work and EKG on the 26th and barring any problems with that I will have the surgery at 7am August 31st I was nervous and so anxious about this but as it gets closer and the more I read here the more comfortable and confident I feel about it. PJ384
  20. Hi Kristenaz Iam in Willcox and getting banded on the 31st of Aug so not to far behind you and I see your getting it done tomorrow so I wanted to stop by and wish you all the best hope things go wonderfully for you

  21. PJ384

    September Bandsters

    My surgery date is August 31st so far barring any problems with my pre op blood work and EKG on Aug 26th I begin my pre op liquid diet on wednesday I think I will have more in common with the September Bandsters than I will with the August Bandsters but will keep an eye on both forums I would love to know how to get one of those weight tickers on my signature to us here if anybody can help with that please let me know Thank You. Peggy
  22. I begin my liquid diet for the 14 day count down to my surgery on August 31st and Iam so looking forward to getting this done and getting on with my life Iam so ready lets do this have my pre op blood work and ekg on August 26th hoping all goes well and there is no reason to post pone this and surgery goes on as planned

  23. PJ384

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    Its time to let go of the shame and the guilt and look forward to how your going to live your life from today on, the past is just that the past leave it there and let it die do not drag it into your present or your future and there is no reason to be embaressed that you had surgery your committing to a lifestyle that will make your slimmer and healthier and maybe help you avoid a heartattack and diabeties in the furture and by becoming slimmer and more active you will be a far more effective person than you have ever been in the past . Iam not telling anybody but my family because first its really none of thier business and I don't want to deal with the negative comments of how if I had just tried harder and just had more disapline or whatever.My family loves me either way and they are rooting for me and thats all I need as for my time off from work I put it down as a minor out patient corrective surgery requiring a day or two of rest and recouperation and I will be back to work on tuesday I scheduled my surgery to fall just before a 4 day holiday so I will have 6 days total to recoup before returning to work I wish you the best of luck and hope you find the joy in your new life :-)
  24. PJ384

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    Good Luck to you then my surgery date is also Aug 31 as I work at a school and that will be a 4 day holiday for me and Iam taking wednesday and thursday off as well so will be 6 days all together to rest and recoup before I have to get back to work Iam finally at peace with my decision and ready to get on with it
  25. Glad to find you I have surgery the day before you do I start my pre op diet on wednesday and go for my pre op blood work and ekg on the 26th I have finally come to terms with this and Iam ready to get started on a new and hopefully much lighter life

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